Yes while the world was busy worrying about Sheik bin Laden, one can rest assured that Barack Hussein Obama was already plotting to blow the head off the real danger to America and the world.
No pilgrims it was not green house gases. It was not Dr. Zawahiri and it was not fat children. The real threat according to Barack Hussein Obama was dust.
This blog is not kidding you, and as an exclusive of only here, we are proud to feature American Representative Kristi Noem of South Dakota doing her freshman legislative job in protecting America from the real threat of Marxist Barack Hussein Obama.
I repeat, Barack Obama in the EPA has set about to regulate dust.
Dusting out your car just might be a federal offense. Walking on a dusty road just might make you a terrorist. Being a farmer driving your tractor is the next 9 11.......and Obama forbid if those cattle in the pasture paw up some pocket gopher mounds dusting themselves.
Yes this is al Hereford terrorism which B. Hussein Obama is battling inside America...........Barack Obama with all the damned problems he is making worse is busy making dust a crime.
Thankfully Republican Kristi Noem in her first bill, backed by Democrats and Republicans in H.R. 1633, the Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act, is designed to reign in that out of control EPA agency for one year, and stop the dictatorial federal mandates AND PLACE THE SOLUTIONS IN THE HANDS OF LOCAL CITIZENS.
How novel is that in Americans in their own communities being trusted to fix the problem so they do have to breathe dust.
One wonders about Britisher Obama in what he thinks crops are grown in but tilled dirt. What covers America but dirt roads which people travel on....and goodness gardens grow in dirt......and if you happen to notice dirt is what America is made up of.........hell if Obama would dig up his dead Mum he would find her turning back to dirt...........he should have got the message when he incinerated Gram Dunham into ashes and lobbed her into the ocean.
Dust is what the world is and it is normal.......it is not a threat, not terrorism and not a crime.
Thankfully Karl Rove did not defeat Kristi Noem of South Dakota, because with Democrat Stephanie Herseth Sandlin no bill protecting Americans would be pending...........Sandlin would most likely be having Naps Napolitano listing gumbo clay on the FBI's most wanted list.