Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Without Law

Has anyone asked with the proof of the Obama abstract now proving beyond doubt that Barack Hussein Obama jr. is a British child, and under the 1948 British Nationality Act, what are the consequences of charges concerning the murder of Osama bin Laden and others in Pakistan by Seal Team 6, when they carried out these multiple homicides with no legal authority.

Team 6 might as well of gotten orders from a Nigerian spammer claiming to have inherited 6 billion dollars and the US Presidency for all the legality of what Mr. Obama ordered these men to carry out.

I'm not speaking of the obvious in the United Nations conducting inquisitional hearings over this murder, nor the World Court hearing the bin Laden family's case, but what I speak of is the reality of what happens to these cheering American so special forces when Barack Hussein Obama jr. cuts a deal to save hisself and testify against these military folks?

Ah now we have not thought about this now have we, now have we?

Do you think for a second that Barack Obama is going to be some Serbian dragged out of his hiding to be grilled and humiliated by Europeans, or will this same European cartel which installed Obama, cut Obama a veddy veddy British deal as a subject and put forth this Jarrett saving scenario...........

a weeping Obama speaks with teleprompter..........

Your lord and ladyships, I was out playing golf when that evil Robert Gates demanded I return to the White House. I tried as you all know to dither away in 2009 from murdering Muslims........did I not give a Cairo speech, hold my hand out to Iran in giving them a nuclear arsenal, and did I not set Egypt, Libya and Tunisia free......and did I not put American Soldiers into that death trap of Afghanistan so Muslims could even the score in murdering them..........did I not protect Nidal Hasan from being called a Muslim terrorist for that Fort Hood evening of the score...............yes I was playing golf when Robert Gates dragged me back to the White House and pressured me with David Patraeus, two Americans who murdered more Muslims than the Crusaders under that evil George W. Bush...........when they forced me to send in the SEALS...............I wanted to arrest Mr. Osama.........I wanted to give him a fair trial, American rights, American accommodations as my guest at the White House, but I was horrified when I found out that someone who was of these Americans called for the murder of all these Muslims.

There I sat in that staged picture so the world would know my horror, in sitting there slumped and dejected as I learned my Muslim brothers were murdered by these Americans.

Yes I even protested that staged photo, but saw my opportunity in showing my grief, and allowed it when Leon Panetta and Jay Carney demanded I pose for it.

I was then forced to give that speech...........forced to call that reprehensible George W. Bush to which he said, "Good call", but all I could think of was my dead Islamic brothers in pools of blood and if any of their wive needed some comfort as my harem is a bit thick in the butt and I would be most willing to marry them for the dowry of the bin Laden fortune..........and yes your lordship I will get back to my testimony...........

All of this was not my fault as a British subject and adopted Indonesian Muslim son. I vacationed in Pakistan and would never have ordered murder on Pakistani soil.

It was all of these Americans, starting with Team 6. I have given you the photos I took of them celebrating and confessing of their crimes when I went and gathered evidence in Kentucky while visiting them..............

Who has more evidence on Americans, than Mr. Obama to save hisself in cutting a deal and serving up Team 6 on a platter, along with the rest of the military.

Without law there is nothing. No loyalty. No order. Nothing which provides the boundaries of safety for societies.

So what happens when Obama turns on Americans for his globalist cronies to save hisself in the utter humiliation of America?

What happens without law and a world lawlessness convicting all Americans.
