Wednesday, June 29, 2011


There lies in British broadcasting a trilogy of a British politician, Francis Urquhart, who was based upon Shakespeare's Richard III, in his incessant stepping out and speaking to the audience in condescending tones.
Of course, he was designed to smear Conservatives in Margaret Thatcher, by the liberals, but in reality the Ian Richarson portrayal of political evil is the essence of Barack Obama.

Look at the series in Urquhart played a back bencher with no hope, but by smears, intrigue, ruining others, playing to a most willing press, this MP rose to PM. (Member of Parliament to Prime Minister)
Along the way he took a lover from and would later throw her off the top of a building to cover his crimes.

At this point one can see an exact pattern of the Obama rise to power in intrigue and the murdered Donald Young.

The final series though had FU as he was called and posted on the British Press for he literal F*ck You to Britain, was a phase Mr. Obama has entered into in being hounded by his crimes, and refusing to leave was facing prison.

This is where this blog for Britisher Obama explores in protecting the beloved leader from his own folk, as in the concluding moments of FU, an assassin has been sent by FU to perform a wag the dog deflection so Francis Urquhart would survive politically...........instead when the sniper fires, he blows a hole into FU's chest.
At that moment, his Jackie Kennedy wife reveals that she and the head of MI5 planned this to "maintain the legacy and the honor of FU".

The Lady MacBeth meets Richard III.

What must be explored now are these facts.

Barack Obama and Timothy Geithner have stolen literally trillions of American dollars from investors. This money has gone directly to the super banks, the European cartel and to the communist Chinese.

Added to this, Mr. Obama has been stealing entire half continents in eastern Europe he turned over to Putin and Africa he is turning over to the Islamcommunists to satrap for the new Roman Empire.

Slavery of Mexicans for his North American Union............Castro on his can..............Osama bin Laden murdered...........and that immense new terror pipeline of drugs with al Qaeda running it's own fleet of Boeings in Africa...........all the crimes of Obama.

At home, Mr. Obama has turned a Bush recovery of January 2009 into the Obama Super Depression.
Mr. Obama's forged birther abstract, and his being undocumented, terrorists donating to his campaign.........and one assesses that the gloom of the shadow of the one term wonder or the grey bar hotel looms upon the horizon like the soot from a coming volcanic eruption.

With all of these immense crimes, with all of these immensely powerful people who control the murderous security apparatuses, military, finance and ever facet of media power...........what do you conclude they would do when Mr. Obama's crimes start leading directly back to them?

Will they protect their trillions? Will they protect their world domination or will it be a matter of turning themselves in and taking their hangman's noose for this worldwide predatory terror they have unleashed at the hands of Mr. Obama.

There is danger in this for Americans, because what if Michelle Obama auditions for the roll of Lady MacBeth, in bed with the same power elite who have all to lose, and the solution is a final FU one, in which the messiah finds hisself on a cross to horrify the population and exactly as John Kennedy's policies went insane and were cemented in place..........would the regime deem Obama the scapegoat to ensure those trillions do not end up in Rothschild and Rockefeller prison time and all of these criminals garnering trillions from inflated oil, food and those death panels.......would they deem the crucifixion of their fraud the final solution to all their problems?

The cartels would protect themselves and keep in place all of the unConstitutional Obama dictates, all in trade for one Obama.

The problem in this though is, as Obama speaks of 'one term' does Muchelle have competition for Lady MacBeth?

Ask yourself in Obama being a narcissistic, sociopathic programmed 10 year old, would he be conditioned by his own people to fall on his own sword to go down as Dr. Martin Obama Rex jr?

A person who puts halos on his head, calls hisself a messiah and allows others to term him a god? This is a person already missing reality in his dreams of hisself.

Would Bearick Obama contract for his own virgin to the volcano as he believes in death he would rise from the ashes to become the greater phoenix?

Every person of this planet has reached the point now of Obama critical mass. By making these questions public, this blog seeks to protect beloved leader, as it has stated from day one, that we desire a very secure, healthy and living Mr. Obama to answer for his crimes.
If the price is a convicted Mr. Obama, assisted by the cartels who give up the trillions they stole from Americans, and leave themselves in power in a hands off America where they can have their pissy little Great Eurasian War without Americans........that is something which can be allowed, as one does need nefarious financiers to do the heinous work before they all end up in hell.

The question is though is BO auditioning for the roll of FU? That is one scenario this blog will strive against ASAP to prevent a DOA.
