This is all so strange in Barack Obama is the many of many nations and yet doesn't seem to have a father who wants to claim him.
I do wonder though in Attorney Pidgeon of these United States who suffered under Naps Napolitano federal police intimidation has this new research which has someone named
changing their name to
It is all getting more difficult as time passes in the growing list of daddy's for Barry Dunham the bastard. There is Frank Marshall Davis, Barack Hussein Obama I, Lolo Soetoro...and now a Mr. Mounir Ubyad.
A sort of Persian Arab name from the Basra area................and the name change took place in British Columbia, Canada.
I wonder who suggested to dig for Obama there?
Meanwhile back at the sperm donation bank...........
We now have Barack Hussein Obama the illegal from born somewhere in this world like Kenya with an American Passport.
Then there is the Kenya Obama in Barack Hussein Obama without the double goal posts at the end of his name, but a daddy who was either 25 or 27 on his records.
Are we not so all glad that Ann Coulter certified B. Hussein as legitimate?
Then there is Barry Soetoro who ran like a duck and Mama Stan said he liked being called a n*gger in Indonesia as he was used to it.
Then there is Soebarkah who was abandoned back in the USA, who seemed to like to journey to Pakistan where Americans could not travel..........but were not Soviets quite welcome?
In that, was not information floating about that Obama was in a Soviet exchange school program for foreign students when he disappeared from Columbia New York University?
........and finally for the man of many nations who seemed to have tried out them all in his dreams of being president of some nation, we have Canada Obama, who had a great health care system to take advantage of for chics who said they were bred by African colonials, but somehow come up with Mideast Muslim names.
I do have a serious question in this now..........
Is Barack Hussein Obama really black?
Now I know that Obama is 50% White, 38 percent Arab and 12 percent Negroid, but just think about this in how this blog has covered Obama's daily skin change colors........how he is white one day and black the next and somedays he is sort of tan..........just what would have happened if Stan Ann in watching her jungle fever movie didn't actually get bred by some unwitting black man, but got bred by some white guy she met?
For those who wonder at this, you must be a very well read person to comprehend what I'm typing about as there was in True Story..........yes a scandalous odd publication I think was published by a Robert Petersen originally who then put out a fantastic Hunting publication which really sucks now............that there was in the 60's a chic thing in becoming a designer negro.
See these white hippies would wring their little pale hands over the dilemma of the black man.............(odd isn't it how it was never the dilemman of the black woman as they were the one's getting the worst of it).........but some of these strange folks actually started taking pills to turn into black people while black people were bleaching their skin and straightening their hair to pass as white.
Yes in the 60's one could ingest Melanin pills and become a black man.........and even change your eye color apparently.
So in realizing that...........
Is Barack Obama really a blue eyed blonde guy who the blue eyed blonde chics were magnetized too and he to them, because he is really a white guy?
But who would the father be?
Was it Yuri Andropov, KGB head and Soviet Premier who somehow got a sperm deposit in Stan Ann Dunham via his good comrade Frank Davis who was buddies with that Paul Robeson or whatever that commie opera singer's name was who has a black tomatoe named after him?
If you don't like that..........
How about this one in is Bill Ayers the real father of Barack Hussein Obama?
Think back now in how Kansas / Washington commie kook Stan Ann Dunham had a fixation with going to Chicago to attend college.
Recall she was some au pair there or something it was said..........was it the Ayers group she was doing the deed for and was little Bill Ayers infatuated with au pair Stan Ann?
Yes was little Bill Ayers a saintly child back then, with visions of becoming a priest, pictures of Catholic school girls on his walls, and his only radical idea was watching Gunsmoke instead of Father Knows Best?
Did little Bill meet the nasty Dunham girls of Stan Ann and Maddy? Was Maddy his Mrs. Robinson who invited him in for her tea and cupcakes........which little Bill soon found out was a sandwich between Frank Marshall Davis and the Dunham girls?
Was it these naughty knickers which turned Ayers into a radical terrorist?
Was this the reason had a Jewish girl raped, as he first learned from Sex Machine Davis that is what all white women want, no matter if they are 13 year old girls.........no matter if it is Barack Obama sr............in Bill Ayers was just giving a Jewish girl what he had been taught by the Dunhams what they wanted?
Is Bill Ayers the father of Barack Obama and why Obama went to Chicago, went to Ayers, had Ayers write his book for him..............had Ayers mind programmed into Obama's dope head, because Bill Ayers was just doinga favor for his boy?
Yes and it was all hidden away as Stan Ann was feeding melanin pills to Barry or Soebarka or Barak or Barack........or whatever this tan guys name is, and the reason Obama keeps changing colors is he pees on the golf corse leaving black spots as he is depleting his melanin content?
Is the real danger now to America not when Barack Hussein Obama is forced to resign over the work of Jerome Corsi exposing the criminal fraud of the Obama birth abstract in black's rioting, but blacks being furious that white liberals like Chris leg tingler Matthews have indeed foisted upon them a faux black......a black man in Barack Obama who is whiter than the first black President in Bill Clinton?
Does not Barack Obama have the same cute button nose as Bill Ayers? Sure he does!
Would not if you fed Bill Ayers a Rush Limbaugh viagra suitcase full of.........yes melanin, make Bill Ayers the spitting image of B. Hussein Obama?
Of course what of this Ubayd in the name change?
Interestingly the Urban Dictionary provides the definitions..........
come from indian meaning 'sexy hermaphrodite' someone who seeks enjoyment through wearing turbans and whose voice does not break until they are 50
Etymology unknown, but mostly likely derived from latin Ubaydus meaning hairy camel trader. It reamins a popular, yet highly offensive profanity used widely across Europe and the Near East to describe any shifty individual. Recently ubayds have strayed from their nomadic lifestyle to wreck havock on the streets of London where they engange in increasingly chavish behavior.
So just who is this bastard Barack Hussein Obama's real daddy?
Is it a Chicago terrorist made that way by the sexy naughty knickers girls of Dunham?
Is it wife beater Lolo Soetoro?
Is it a hairy Muslim camel trader?
Is it the Bearick manwhore of Kenya?
Is it Frank Marshall Davis?
We just do not know, as we do not have a legal birth certificate, Barack Hussein Obama is a pathological liar who made up stories in his Dreams of my Obama, and Ann Coulter can not distract from all of this as she is no longer young.
This is all like Anthony's Wiener in we know there is a wiener there, but we just don't know who it belongs to and nobody wants to claim it.
and what of this Mounir which sounds a great deal like manure in the Urban Dictionary?
A short kid who looks like a ninja turtle and tries to rap and play basketball. Licks peoples pizza and spontaniously touches David in innapropriate places. Also homophobic and racist.
So in urban street talk, Barack Obama changed his name from being a hairy camel chavish camel trader as a racist homophobe and licks peoples pizza.
I wonder where the part is about Lawrence Sinclair snorting coke off of Obama's thighs?
Who is this bastard?
It would be pleasant if the FBI would do it's job in a criminal investigation of all of this Obamaness in who murdered Donald Young, what about that 300 million in illegal Obama 2008 contributions and what about this birth abstract with smiley faces on it?
I ask again..........who is this bastard?
I do know this messiah is not the Son of God..........at least that is one parent down in 3 billion males.
PS: For those who might consider the Urban Dictionary terms were spoofs.........they come from 2003 and 2006...........that would be BO, Before Obama AD.