I honestly am so tired now from all I have been doing, that I do not know if the Front Bencher crew like Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin are stupid, ignorant or in the tank with the barons in why none of these folks explain to people why Obama is running up the debt just like George W. Bush did, only on a massive scale which seems insane.
If people could comprehend this is simple political policy, then it would not mystify the masses and they could deal with it.
Only this blog explained why George W. Bush and Karl puffy lips Rove ran up the national debt to the extreme or what normal minds deemed extreme. It was done to spend all the money so Democrats would not have any more funds to buy votes as they have done for the past 70 years in the welfare state.
While I understood the policy and agreed with it, the normal mind would have never dreamed that these NeoProgs, and that is what they are in Obama, Pelosi and Reid, are New Progressions or Marxists would take the Bush gambit to the Robert Mugabe extreme.
This is where the reality of this needs explanation, because it is beyond Limbaugh saying that Obama wants to destroy the country.
There are protocols in leftist seizures of power, and Barack Obama did seize power as certainly as Joe Stalin burning down a Rothschild building in Russia seized power in the chaos.
Obama had staged for him this Super Depression in 2008 to install this foreigner so he would in return for that validation plunder the US economy and Treasury by rewarding GM to unions, Buffett got the railroads etc.... and the Europeans with the American internationalist bankers got the Treasury money in the multiple trillions.
The bail out was as this blog broke the story before anyone else figured it out, that it was simple money dry cleaning in Obama paid his cronies for projects and that money would flow back into Democratic NeoProg party donations in a quid pro quo.
There is method to the Obama madness and it is certain. Obama has taken all the money, and put it into his clack group. They then will have the money which means the power in America, while the rest of Americans will be cut off and loose their independence and become dependent as this group fights it out with the Mexican border busters Obama is importing, once again for another sound political reason if you are Nazi, and a Nazi is a National Soclialist of the left, NOT THE RIGHT as the blog educated the masses on long ago.
The protocols are established from Cuba, Rhodesia, Iran and Venezuela for recent examples in when the communists take control of a nation, the first things they do is what Obama has done is plunder the Treasury for their own people to have the power, make it increasingly difficult to survive in that nation as Hutatree and Gabrielle Giffords events escalate, so in turn the people with the means of escape, meaning money, flee to other nations, and leave the huddled masses in poverty being rationed life as the constriction of the regime tightens ever more in strangulation.
Mr. Obama has set this up, and many of the socialists in America like Snowe to Graham actually like this Bill Buckley big brother dictatorship as the poor remain poor and docile in their benevolent form, and the rich get richer who donate to them and provide retirement jobs for their egos, this is the baron side of this slave labor market which the Bush family quite enjoys as patricians.
Obama though is more draconian in his thugocracy is like Chicago, in his stooges gain the patrician favors, the patricians live in luxury and the slave class is meant to be at war in Mexican vs. the American black, Asian and white, so as to keep them too busy trying to survive than to burn down the ivory towers.
If you recall as Obama was taking power, that Robert Mugabe came under pressure from the European cartel. You see he survived in he handed over everything to the Obama benefactors. Khadaffi though did not hand things over when the cartels came to take things away from him, and he is being murdered for it.
This is how the Kremlin, Peking, Hanoi, Pyongyang, Tehran and Obama DC usurp power, implement legal theft of the people's savings.......those who can resist flee, and what is left is what Obama has in Bill Ayers engineering in a mass controlled by unions who owe all to the state, and on command march in Islamocommunist Gaza or in fedual Mexico as Barack Hussein Obama is the messiah raising from the dead, the global feudal state of the Roman Empire, Persian Empire and Babylon.
That is why Barack Obama is running up debt, as debt is a tool to break the masses and make them slaves of the government as they do not have the money or power to provide for themselves as life just crushes them in taxes, regulations, debt, inflation and the cost of living.
Barack Obama is making life in America an existence. There is purpose in it as this Marxist is implementing the National Socialist control of America from George W. Bush's democratic socialists, with thee complete intent for complete community organized control or communism of America in the next cycle.
Why a complete explanation of this has not been undertaken by the millionaire boys and girls club I'm just too tired to care about now..........it has though been established exclusively here first.
This is Obama policy.