Saturday, July 23, 2011

The African American

It really is disheartening in having to invest so much time and energy in unfun things on this blog, notably the wasted space on Barack Hussein Obama.
Granted it is done for the love of God's sown America, but just the same it is difficult putting in this much energy and labor in something so unenjoyable.

So I must indulge here in having some fun with you in exposing you to this blog's favorite African American.

He actually is an Oklahoman, and no he is not J.C. Watts, but is instead all the beauty and energy of the American in raw form.

In 1910, after President Roosevelt's safari to Kenya Colony Africa, an Oklahoma pioneer was moved by the excitement, that he set out for Mombasa, Kenya Colony, rode the Lunatic Express into Nairobi, hired two black Africans and set off on foot on his own safari.

His name was Charles Cottar then, and soon enough after a sojourn in Oklahoma exhibiting his trophies and films, he took all he had and moved to British East Africa, as Cottar explained, "I could understand these English there, as they were the ones who settled America.....granted most of them were ending up dead under elephant's feet, but I understood these people".

Cottar had a great deal to move to Africa in Annette May, his wife, Marie, Myrtle, Biddy, Dutchie, Muggy, Baby in his six girls, and three sons, Bud, Mike and Ted.

The English understood this African American giant too and they liked his rugged stuff.

He would soon become Bwana Cottar to all and become all that was the American rugged individual free spirit.

Cottar never had a professional hunter or for that matter any assistance in his films which were very popular in the early 1900's.
He would post his camera, crawl under the hood, invite a charge, and then at the last moment, rise and shoot the dangerous game.

Cottar was the best of all that is African American in he earned his early living there like Karamojo bell in going into the Belgian Congo to poach ivory which had the Belgians executing these enterpeneurs.

On one expedition, he suffered from tick fever, where his porters carried him 400 miles from Uganda while he was in a coma to the shores of Lake Victoria.
Cottar survived and recovered.

Bwana Cottar would join Lord Delemer's scouts on the Anglo German border during World War I, a sort of Kit Carson group of the best big game hunters in the world.
Pity that most of my favorite Africans really are Germans though in Gen. Paul Emil von Letto-Vorbeck was the equal to Sherman or Patton. Never did make sense that Berlin in both those wars never assisted Rommel or Letto-Vorbeck in securing Africa in not enough arms or manpower.

Africa brought out the best in the Americans and European men and women.

Cottar in his life would hammered by an elephant......and survive. Hammered by a cape buffalo.......and survive............but had a bit more problem with leopards in playing with them.

His first encounter was with a kity who had it's head buried in a guinea hen. Cottar shot, and the leopard came right of his which Cottar threw the cat off him.....and the cat died after mauling him.

Number two was a bit more of a problem as Cottar was out making movie, and set about roping a leopard from a horse.
I realize this sounds bizarre, but American cowboys often roped grizzly bears to for fun.....something I do not understand, but Buffalo Bill used to sport with Indians to impress easterners in his care.

So Bwana Cottar ropes this leopard, gets off his horse........yes you think this is when he got mauled, but no, Cottar tied the thing up by it's back legs, and then went off to his wife and son, to get them set up to film the event to come.
The event to come was Cottar on foot walking up to the leopard, at which point hobbled it came for him in great which Cottar fell into a damn pig hole and the cat was all over him.

To explain this leopards when they attack, give you a "hug". By this I explain, they drive their claws into your back by the shoulders, sink their fangs into your neck and then use their hind feet to gut you as they rake with those claws.

Cottar's son Mike, who was 12 ran up to shoot the bit cat, but Cottar commanded him not to, as Mama was rolling film. Cottar at this point threw this cat off of him too and he shot it dead.

Mama being a bit excited for some reason spoiled the film by exposing it...........and Cottar was told at hospital that he would have to have his leg amputated to save his life as he had blood poisoning.

Bwana Cottar stated there were not going to be any amputations and he would survive.

Cottar survived.

He was crippled and this attack would bring on a stroke, but one celebrates the pluck of the Yanks as here was a man with 9 children, a faithful husband, pulled up from Oklahoma for adventure and in time would be conducting hunts to even far off Nepal and using the Marahraja's palace as his hunting headquarters.

Cottar would gain a real following for writing articles in Outdoor Life and Outing being an expert in ballistics, firearms and African game.

This is this blogs favorite African American. I ponder at moments like this if Stanley Ann Dunham was not such a communist whore, that in a moral marriage, she might have met the Oklahoma Kenya Cottar family's standards for a wife, and America might now have a real American in the White House, born to two American parents, and named something Christian normal like Bernard Christian and not Islamic Barack Hussein.

Would that not have been a dream about a father, and a grandfather, in a riveting tale of Oklahoma pioneers going to pioneer Africa, making contacts all through Africa and Asia in friends worldwide, and a real story instead of the Obama fabrication and forgeries.

Bwana Charles Cottar, a John Wayne in real form, a real American, a real African American.

This has been such a nice enjoyable blog about a real Gentleman.
