Saturday, July 9, 2011

Mockingbird Guano

This Mockingbird is a most interesting operation in while it does not exist, it is amazing the things which have erupted around me after exposing the links of this 1950's operation as it relates today to installing Obama to the assaults on Sarah Palin.

Last evening was especially interesting, and still is, as I was minding my own business here in the outback, in typing up something castigating Mark Levin..............when my power went out.

Checking with the neighbors their power was out too. No big deal as that does happen, but then I noticed after my power company truck checked things, there was a little truck looking like the power company which I had not noted before, probing about in my junction box...........they have been really interested in that box now for a number of weeks............but as the mosquitoes biting, I decided that I was not that interested even if this truck kept driving off, coming back, driving off, coming back, and driving off again.

I would not have paid that great deal of attention to it, until I came in and decided to finish the Levin saga..............and I will let this information slip.
For this blog, I run a dinosaur modem land line hook up. I do this as I can readily keep more tabs on the company which is keeping track of me from the regime and the people who run operations like Mockingbird.
When you have high speed internet, you need electronics to keep track of who is eavesdropping on your writings, but in modems, you get to know the conversation of your modem, the sounds it makes and the time it takes to load things.
The human time clock is remarkable in it will notice things when things slow down by instinct, as fast as any electronic checks.

For example, I know something is up today, because I keep getting time out messages. That means the surveillance is heavier than usual, and as Mockingbird, has been in the forefront in what it has to do with the Birther issue, I really have some talented people dating me.

In that, the Brown Recluse in the White House, should have just gone pale white in what I just wrote, as the people who rule this planet are dating me, and they are watching all of her illegal crimes following this blog, just as they are tracking all of the Obamatrons impersonating this blog. The Management should really scare those trons, as Management plays rough.
Put it this way, I would not be doing this without God's direction as fishing is a great deal more pleasant than knowing one is entertaining the people who bring down Presidents and are still filleting away on George Custer.

For those who think, this is all not much evidence..........that is coming. As when I sat down with no dial tone, I went and checked my phone and it was making thee most odd engine type sound.
Not thinking, I presumed it was some appliance in a brown out mode and upon checking, that was not the effect.
I thought perhaps something in my phone lines were bug as in insect so started checking as I had never come across anything like this sound before, as I would at times even hear that recording about hanging up and dialing again.

What did not make sense was when I plugged the phone into the main junction box, it was clear dial tone and all was like it was before the power cut out.

Thank God for the Holy Ghost as midnight is not something I care to be doing in tearing out phone lines as I installed them all, as the Holy Ghost said, go back to the computer and do some testing there.
I immediately thought, well maybe it is the surge protector..........but it was not. What is was, was the modem.................the modem with the computer off, was literally immediately opening the line and transmitting data on a scope which did not show in the byte transfer, but was grinding away.

That is fascinating in it is not just through power lines the cartel can pull information, and on phone lines, but they have the ability to open modems, any modem, and crop information in any one's computer.

Nothing has to dial out. The modem does not have to engage. The computer does not have to be on. There is no virus infection. There is the reality that this modem without any action was literally connected immediately to the matrix, and it was blowing my phones out.

This is an impossibility and I have never heard of anyone describe this..........yes I have heard of people having their computers turn on, and I know the protocols, but this was a literal snoop of this computer which I caught them at by accident.

This is not Jewish contractors. This is not Chicom or Russian hackers for Obama. This is beyond the Brown Recluse humping off the NSA. This is a strange venue in this group could have just run the files on the NSA archives which everyone has, but something in the Mockingbird saga has them doing a first hand thorough examination, as Robert Morton said once, "No one can figure what the hell you are talking about".

That was what this blog meant in telling Uncle David Rockefeller in 2008, that Obama stealing the White House is going to lead all of this back to the power elite. The sign of this depth of probing taking place means that a conversation has taken place and things have been noted, and the conversation's first part was surmising who is off the reservation.

Any of the lords should know that Mr. Obama is really not worth the trouble in this. He has destroyed America, provided trillions to the cartel, set up the Roman Empire and his worth now is akin to a dog having just eaten the rotten neighbor's know if you keep him outside he is going to puke that cat up and the neighbors will call the police and if you let him inside, he is going to puke up that cat and everyone is going to be wonder what that stench is.

Keeping this blog under surveillance is not going to change any of that, nor is wasting the effort in trying to figure out the enigma of the miracle what shakes the world from here by God's Grace.
5 network time outs in trying to grab and upload that photo.............busy, busy, busy.

The fact is now, the longer the Management keeps B. Hussein about the kennel, that the more exposed they become. Focusing upon the packs and saddles only inflates the problem as much as the clean up crews mucked up the JFK sanction.
The best scenario is arrest Obama on being a foreigner, smear him and Biden up good. Biden will keep his mouth shut, and put olde Barry into Albania in exile. Tell the Americans that is a sound thing to do, and they will settle for that, as you already are working on the Sarah Palin election in managing her as you attempted with Ronald Reagan.

Oh well enough of this, as I have to go play with a modem.

Life is so interesting for the enigma...........

agtG 248