Sunday, July 24, 2011

Obama Doodle Dandy

For immediate release as an exclusive here, combining known findings of Dr. Jerome Corsi and Attorney Debbie Schlussel, is the Grand Jury indictable proof that Barack Hussein Obama was absolutely involved in the manufacture of the forgery of his Hawaiian Birth Abstract.

A Mr. Douglas Vogt has gone into great detail in correctly asserting the "plausible deniablity" which Mr. Obama went into at the White House when he spoke of his 2008 document on the day he released the current Birth Abstract which Jerome Corsi located the infamous smiley face in the signature of Mr. Onaka.
There is no denying though that two coincidences are coincidences, when instead forms as this blog has noted is a pattern of processed thought.

Ms. Schlussel in her obtaining Barack Hussein Obama's forged Selective Service application in a snide comment noted that Mr. Obama's signature has a PEACE SYMBOL in the O part of his name.

Yes there is a peace protest symbol drawn into Mr. Obama's name, and this is in Mr. Obama's own hand, as he was required to sign this registration under the penalty of law that all the information was correct.

Jerome Corsi also located the smiley face drawn once again in the "O" of the signatories name.

This is a pattern and as Mr. Onaka was not involved in Mr. Obama's Selective Service registration, the common denominator then falls to thee only person in common and that is Barack Hussein Obama.

What this means as stated is two artistic additions are undertaken, in both the "O" of a signatories name.
In Mr. Obama's name, it is his signature, so there is no doubt in whatever year this forgery was manufactured that he indeed was the culprit behind it.

Moving ahead to 2011, the artwork again appears in an "O" which already points to Mr. Obama drawing the first graffiti. This is a pattern in he revisited the seen of a crime in not being unable to not "flip his protesting finger to the world".

Whoever created both of these forgeries, appear to be the same person or persons, and they intensely appear to have a problem with either hating America as they desire these glaring frauds to be found out and cause discord in America or this person or persons did this to cause Mr. Obama's fraud to be exposed.

"They" wanted these documents examined closely, and they appear to have intimate knowledge that Barack Obama can not resist marking up documents, especially the SIGNATURE in the letter "O".

What the facts are now legally is a pattern of two documents absolutely tied to Mr. Obama, and both are proven as forgeries, and both contain artwork in the letter "O". The first is absolutely the work of Mr. Obama, and as the second crossed Mr. Obama's desk also, this is confirmed that the smiley face in Mr. Corsi's exclusive revelation was created by someone who is left handed, as a right handed individual would have drawn the nose, eyes and smile on the right side as that is what people do my instinct in not crossing the line of sight with their drawing hand.

What this blog is exclusively stating is, "The Birthers have Mr. Obama legally to multiple frauds by his audacity in absolutely having to "protest" like the juvenile Marxist revolutionary he still is".
Mr. Obama and the FBI, US Attorneys and the Courts can not deny the pattern as he drew this peace sign and he drew the same smiley face protest sign in another document.

There is now no doubt about any of this. Barack Obama was directly involved in forging these documents and had to put his graffiti of approval on the final forgery.

Obama can not resist this from thumping his chest that he killed Osama bin Laden when he had no part, as he needs validation, and as these two documents prove, Mr. Obama like a child just had to put his finishing touches on others work to claim these forgeries as his own.

That is a forty year federal prison sentence with no denying involvement as Barack Hussein Obama made these forgeries his own as this is a criminal conspiracy in Mr. Obama knows who created these documents as he at least on two different occasions accessed the same forger who is so well connected they have broken into Selective Service and the Hawaiian Birther Registry.

The Revenge of 1960's Stanley Ann Dunham brought down by a peace sign and a smiley face.

How utterly appropriate it is 10 year old sociopath Barry Obama giving the evidence.
