Friday, August 26, 2011

Barbarian Hussein Obama

I was pondering Aaron Klein's post on WND for a few moments in which Obama through NATO had through Turkey told Bashir Assad the native born dictator, heir apparent of Syria that he had 24 hours to get out of Dodge..........well no it was not 24 hours, but more like a year and if Assad does not behave, he will get bombed like Khadaffi in this "re institute the Roman Empire by Caligula Nero Obama".

It is all rather bizarre as the Spaniards have invoked Bashir over for early retirment. Honestly Spain is a great place.........was better when the old man was running it in Franco, but then you couldn't shoot the big Ibex as El Papa only got to shoot the big mountain goats, but Spanish women are hot, the men are mellow, the wine is good, the bird shooting spectacular, the horses great and their cheap firearms are fun to play with on a hunt............I digress, but no I do not, as big Ibex or not, look at what awaits Assad in the Mubarak cage trial which is going to come, or some one is going to show up in Bashir's bed some night and blew his brains out and his family's too.

You can see being a retired tyrant has no medical plan worth keeping one alive, so these dictators are going to keep in power.........and in that there is the rub in it all, as this is one of thee most Amazing Obama Things in the world in which this blog warned of long ago, in Obama promises every rapist the same virgin and when the Eurasians all show up.........well there is only one girl and half a dozen nuclear armed penises trying to take possession of the underground silo.

That kind of stuff breeds world wars, as is intended, but what makes this blog really ponder is why in this satanic Obama world are these tyrants all standing around looking to get picked off the mound like a prairie dog from long distance?

For being cold blooded murderers of Islam, they sure just sit around and wait for the Obama crew to murder their kids and sick a missile up their sinus cavities. One would think sooner or later some bozo without earring and makeup would figure out, "Hey, Ahmed, we are going dates up here next year, and if we leave we are going dates up earlier, so why not give that big dog in the front yard some fleas to scratch so he leaves us the hell alone".

Translation, is it not logical being Assad has been given an operational window for his death, to do what Iran does in TWA Flight 800 murder, but instead something on a province size scale with those WMD's Saddam left in Syria's care?
Would not Assad be sitting around thinking, "Fricking Putin screwed me over after I let his navy into my ports. Obama is pissing on me. The Iranians want to make me a scapegoat for some war. The Europeans want my why don't I just send some WMD and terrorists loose and start a war between the big boys in some flashpoint Obama has created and then they will leave me the hell alone".

This group of feudal lords is sooner than later going to find some Assad who is not going to take this treatment and go down fighting or a victory in giving this Obama bunch a festering sore to be more concerned about.

Replacing Assad with another Obama communist clique is going to do for Syria what Brzezinski and MI6 did for the Iranians in that nuclear cesspool by design. People in Sudan, North Korea to Syria deserve better than to have their rather stable dictators replaced with lunatic communists who murder piles more of the people.

This is all reprehensible as Obama is offering up Taiwan as toast to the Chicoms in not selling them F 16's as Obama Inc. pulls down old dictators for new ones.

I would just appreciate for 5 minutes if the Obama trolls who run around on Facebook and other areas harassing people in thinking this is a game they can vent their sadism on to just consider the people manipulated and murdered in these Obama operations. If the Obots do not give a damn about the dead, then can they not care about themselves as this kind of upheaval will sooner or later visit their American cities where they exist in ways that death would be welcome.

Yes the Obots are a perfect reflection of Obama in how he jams a geezer human who is terminally ill into a cage for a public trial in Mubarak.
Goodness people, A CAGED OLD MAN.............that is fricking worse than Abu Gharib and no one is saying a word about how barbaric the world has become in a few short Obama years.

There is a God. There is a destroyer. The balances in what comes around goes around. This barbarian Obama policy is going to visit on Americans, and it is going to visit on the Obama supporters first as they initiated all of this.........and satan always demands payment and God does not have mercy on those who have shown none.

The world ignored Noah as he shut the door to the ark, and when the rains came, then it was too late. This reign of terror which Barack Hussein Obama has unleashed on the world is going to rain terror on the American people, as a matter of the spiritual or Spiritual or a matter of the law of averages for the atheist mind to can not keep torturing dictators with billions of dollars, terror ties and piles of WMD's sold to them by the Europeans, before one of them figures it out and reacts.........and then a half dozen more will follow that lead as the world becomes a coughing up lungs, flesh falling off bones and watching your child crap out blood clots from radiation poisoning.

I do not know why people with sense can not see this and warn the people without sense this is a lethal scenario which is going to play out.

Obama is fixated on satisfying his benefactors and fixated on 2012...........well there are despots around the world watching this, who are thinking about their own 2012 survival and satisfying their own benefactors.

This is not the abyss being spoken of. This is the world in a grave.
