Saturday, August 13, 2011


One of the first blogs ever posted here was of course an exclusive in it tracked SARS, Bird Flu and other bugs directly into the Chinese communist labs operating in northeast China, in what was a deliberate "leak" by certain western powers to teach the Chicoms a lesson in bio warfare as they were and still are playing in areas they have no business engaging in.

I recall there was at the time a group of Blogger trolls who had appointed themselves, lord god, in what was a blog and what was not. Of course, this blog was not a blog and one of the trolls was a nurse who just kept questioning where my information was coming from.
Apparently like most people she had a college degree, but could not operate a search engine on Google or Yahoo to check out what was being posted.

In any toxic waste or engineered bio warfare, I have a story which just took place which I found fascinating.

Two days ago my Mom was sitting her chair looking like Mom does with something on her mind, and I said, "What's up?"
She replied her ankle felt odd, like it had gone to sleep.

So I do what I do in rubbed it, gave her hell for wearing too tight of socks and worried over her some and figured not too much more about it, as her ankle sort of swelled, but she has had that problem since that damn triple flu shot last year inflamed the weak points in her body..........just like my neighbor who had heart surgery thought he was having a heart attack was inflamed by the same vaccine, and of course we were all told, THE SHOT COULD NOT DO THIS.

Uh huh, I really believed the experts with factual medical conditions on my desk.

Next day, that would be yesterday, I noticed I had a shooting pain in my left ankle.

Hmmm I thought.

Pretty soon that pain disappeared and it reappeared in my other ankle in a bone shooting pain.

I mentioned to Mom this, and she said, "Yes that is what I had".

Hmmm I thought as I was not Mom, this meant two people had an exact experience of the medical kind.

Of course, not available to nurse trolls, this current information reminded me a great deal of a bone condition which is related to consumption of Monsanto poison grains in sugars and various other bio engineered poison.
As this is not a poison issue from Monsanto algae frankenfood, this of course means that "someone" is testing in select markets a new little viral agent.

This is what is most interesting to me as the possibilities of this food or beverage ingested could be airborne, but what does it matter when someone has a trillion dollar black budget to screw little boys in Asia.
In any debauchery, think of the measures of a biological warfare agent which is a bone virus.

Now this might not send off any light bulbs in your heads as none of you are Cherry's of all expertise, but the reality is bone diseases are thee most excruciating pains there are. The only thing worse is a skin burn, but that only feels from the outside, a bone pain shoots inside and radiates outward.

Put this into a battlefield or invasion context in this new viral hybrid, call it frankenviral, in an entire enemy force, depending on who the folks who have this agent consider the enemy, are infected for several days with an entire skeletal virus which disables them in pain.
It would be better than Jacob's sons getting the perverts who raped their sister Dinah to cut off their foreskins, as who want a million foreskins collecting flies, when one can just induce massive bone pain to put a military down.

It would be like the neutron bomb, but instead of neutrons it was bone cells bombing an army.

Well enough of this exclusive, but it is fascinating they were testing this on Americans, and of course have been monitoring how many went to their physicians and the duration. I just posted my condition here and it will save them time going through the PROMIS software Obama has installed on medical files...........
Oh you thought that was about saving costs like Obama told you? Silly girls and boys, that was about keeping track of black op rat tests on you people and you are the rats.........or should I say, "I is the rat" or I was the rat in this one as they even tested me, but that sometimes happens in the operation infects the fringe.

nuff said.

agtG 244

PS: You don't suppose the guys with bio suits were infecting me to protect me and so many others in a pre innoculation do some Eurasian has a hybrid skeletal virus?