Monday, August 15, 2011

The impotent Obama

With Banana Republic Obama now having destroyed America, Americans have to comprehend something which they really have never experienced in their lives.

This anti Reagan who is Barry Soebarkah, now is the "barry who cried wolf", the grasshopper who fiddled summer away, the leaky Noonan rubber doll gone limp, the Impotent Obama.

You must understand this, in Barack Obama has bribed with multi trillions, has made promises to all, and has bombed way to Nobel Prize stardom in a premature ejaculation of expectation.

I know you do not know this, in what this blog is driving at, but it lies in the Taliban slaughtering the Obama SEALS. The manipulated the CIA as they have for all the Obama years, KNEW the fly route from inside information and laid a perfect trap to mass murder Americans...........KNOWING OBAMA COULD DO NOTHING MORE TO RETALIATE.

Does this now resonate with you in America's enemies, America's bribed factions and America's Obots can not be murdered, bought off nor appeased as there is nothing more Obama can do to impress hisself upon these folks.
Obama is an over masturbated penis, numb to the touch, insenstive of presence and incapable of purpose.

I saved this quote from Vladamir Putin which resonates now from January 2009 as it appeared on Breitbart and it says it all:

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Saturday he had noted "positive signals" about US president-elect Barack Obama but cautioned against "big expectations."

"We have watched an election campaign with great attention and we have heard and seen the positive signals which have been directed at us," Putin told German newspaper editors and journalists in Dresden, Germany.

He singled out Obama's stance on the US missile defence plan in Europe and US apparent readiness to wait on a NATO membership for countries like Georgia and Ukraine, which Russia considers its sphere of influence.

"We have heard and are fully in agreement that we have a lot in common when it comes to the solution of problems related to limiting the arms race," he said.

"We have a lot of common problems that we can really only jointly solve. The same goes for the problems in the Middle East, with Iran, the problems of non-proliferation in general."

But he also warned of the danger of raising expectations too high.

"I am deeply convinced that the biggest disappointments are born out of big expectations," he added.

He refrained from making any promises or predictions, saying Russia would be waiting for the pledges Obama had made during his campaign to be be realized.

"One needs to see what will happen in practice," Putin said. "We will see when we get there," he said.

Putin knew, as he knew from his FSB, exactly the stooge Obama was of the central European cartle who could be rolled, but would be incapable of delivering beyond the debauchery, bribes and bombs.

I state again so this important, vital, verily, verily, impregnates your minds...........

Barack Obama can not scare any enemy, because he has so over stroked murder. Barry Soetoro can not bribed his benefactors enough as they are drunk from the orgy of rapine he has engaged in in robbing America. B. Hussein can not seduce his followers as he is now the husband who has been caught screwing his wife in her sleep too often.

You can not impress the lesser world when the giant in the room is too familiar. Too many dead bodies makes murder not paid attention too. Too many trillions make graft of no value. Too many promises of the good life leaving Obots in charge who then have the drudgery of being blamed for all Obama does.

War, bribes and payoffs are how governments and effective leaders operate in intimidation and reward with the children of the world. Ronald Reagan comprehended this, but Barack Hussein Obama in trying to be all he could be more than George W. Bush in every venture, is so familiar now that he has no presence or purpose.

That is beyond ineffective. It is an absolute danger to America and the world.

Barack Obama could drop nuclear weapons on Muslim cities, and the response would be a yawn followed by more fury. Fear has absolutely disappated under Obama as much as pleasure.

No one wants Barack Obama's weiner in their bun. No matter the spicey sauce, the condiments nor the size................for everyone has already seen it, experienced it and had too many.

This is the impotent Obama.
