Sunday, September 4, 2011

Girls and Obama fun

The forced landing of Marine One is an interesting logistics protocol, as it was shrewd and well planned, in the even that a spotter had to be involved in the District to alert the operatives the bird was in the air.

Once this was engaged, the operatives then engaged in a business of tripping the sensors around Camp David's probable 3 rings of defense, in the outer perimeter controlled by Naval MP's, the inner band by reactionary Special Forces, and the inner perimeter being a combination of Secret Service and the black uniformed ops one sees lurking about the White House roof.

It was vital though that the sensors tripped did not produce an over response by the security, as the irony of the operation in pointing to Special Forces, was that as Afghanistan was the mountainous operation of the Team Six sacrifice it appears that someone was sending a message that "as they were put into jeopardy, so shall you be put into jeopardy".

In that, this was a very American operation of the highest levels inside the regime as it was very professional, and about thee most professional of operations in the entire Obama tenure, and odd that it was conducted with purpose to salute B. Hussein..........who one ponders in taking his child with him on Marine One, if he was using the girl as a human shield.

It is not projected out that Mr. Obama was indeed in any danger, as this was a reminderr of Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois in Mr. Obama hiding in Air Force One and afraid to rid his buses around the countryside for what was lurking there.

What is focused upon though is Dr. Jerome Corsi has been stating for the past months that Mr. Obama would resign, which knowing the cartel's investment was very unlikely in their allowing the usurper to cut and run.
Something in this Marine One operation though is of proof of Dr. Corsi's exclusives in the same day Rush Limbaugh who is a Mockingbird intelligence entertainer whose programs are produced from above, made a mention of the coming Obama speech in his resigning......of course in jest.
Or was it, in Limbaugh sowing the typical feed he has gotten in inside Karl Rove listening devices in something is indeed in the works, so once again Limbaugh will break into, "I told you people..........."

No someone in intelligence told Rush Limbaugh information, just like they told Limbaugh about the Birther issue and he sat on it, and just like all things Limbaugh, he plays at this propaganda game. He has no original thought, but only that which is handed to him like all the benchers, and in that, this dovetails into an increased leverage that Limbaugh was unknowingly.........because if he knew this Marine One attack was coming, he would now be arrested and facing the death penalty for endangering beloved leader.........was setting the stage for a Marine One push on September 2.

This all points to Mr. Obama is hiding quite firm and things have graduated. To explain, Obama got wind something was taking place piggyback on his dry run in Minnesota, and the Secret Service clamped down....and the boy child obeyed.
Yet no resignation came.
Now this has been notched up to Special Forces in a very clever operation in what happened to our comrades just was experienced by beloved leader to highlight just what has always been stated in no one is safe in this world with a determined trained foe, and the Americans are certainly determined and trained when on focus.

The levels of this in itenerary, observation, coordination, operation, exact knowledge of just how many surveillance devices to trip to force Marine One to an alternate LZ, the ability to keep the press in the White House so no eye witnesses would blubber it out, and the White House to promote a cover story of "weather" when Marine One can operate in a hurricane, and yet Obama still used his motorcade to travel to Camp David, means the security actually knew this was a message being sent and who was sending it.

There are apparently no democrats like there were Republicans man enough to tell Richard Nixon to leave.........and there is no cover from the cartels as in Bill Clinton for him to hang on without operational "messages" left for him, but in this case we now have a pattern developed as this blog exclusively has only covered.
The Wes Clarke leaking in 2009 of Marine One's protocols. The British press printing up Obama's Cad One plans in how to defeat the defenses. The Minnesota hide out in Air Force One. The Limbaugh blovenous blathering about Obama's resignation, followed up by the diverting of Marine One........all now pattern in someone is sending messages to beloved leader, and the insider information Limbaugh is paid millions to plant is that Obama is in the resignation process.

All of that is most fascinating and most Obama, as if these attempts were BATF operations like Jared Loughner or Muslim Brotherhood, Obama would have had the press there to smear the Tea Party and Sarah Palin.........instead this is coming from inside America, in the very elite themselves conducting operations from the Directorate.
The disappearing Dave Patreaus is suspect as well as Panetta taking a powder. It is better to not be seen and not be blamed as dying of natural causes like Jeremy Bourda is the alternative.

It is not often that one is able to see two 100 pound tuskers tussling above you as you keep your head down in a pig hole.

This is though the enjoyment in making a fuss in the bush, drawing in big boys and girls, getting them worked up, and letting them go at it, as that is what this is all about.
It must have been jolly good fun like trick or treat sending a tripwire message for these boys to the most special duck runner on the planet.

Some girls just have all the fun.

Oh let's sing.........

agtG 289

I come home in the morning light
My mother says when you gonna live your life right
Oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones
And girls they want to have fun

Oh girls just want to have fun

Barry says, "Come cuddle me please".
Muchelle replies, "Not with Reg between your knees!"
Oh mama snort a line cause we're almost done
Cuz us girls we just wanna have fun
Oh girls just wann have fun