Friday, September 23, 2011

The Obama heroes

The last time David Letterman tried to get a military person on his program, he ended up calling the Pilot a "bug eater" as the Pilot from the Clinton Kosovo War refused to go on that program.

Such was not the case with Dakota Meyer...........

I have numerous concerns about Dakota Meyer as Mr. Obama places him on the pedestal of which his weight will not bear up on several emotional and heroic fronts on the Obama toothpick of support.

I disliked Saving Private Ryan and can not fathom why anyone would like that liberal sadistic mind game in Steven Spielberg showed Americans as murderous cowards, and left the impression that the military would ever expend resources on one Soldier to "save" him, in costing numerous lives, to pull him out of a he could return to America knowing forever a pile of people died so you could not fight.

I see in Dakota Meyer a horrid thing in his psyche brewing as he is put on this hero status and I have concerns.

The reality is Dakota Meyer is the product of Vice President Dick Cheney's assessment that Barack Hussein Obama was dithering on Afghanistan, and as those who have read here of the military assessment of Afnamistan, Obama was with these political officers placing Americans into kill zones, fire pits, to be slaughtered.
Those are the events which led up to the Dakota Meyer events, in there never would have been this event if Soldiers had the right to protect themselves.

Meyer disobeyed direct orders in leaving his position from Capt. Adelmo Fabio who ordered no one to come to their position which was under attack. In military terms, all sorts of bad things happen to Soldiers who come into fire zones without orders as friendlies start firing at them and killing them, which afterwards makes the survivors quite guilt ridden, and families upset in their loved ones KIA from confederates and the enemy likes nothing better than gut shooting some "hero" and leaving him scream, because some Soldiers will go John Wayne from their secure position to save the screamer and the enemy than has a body count in picking off the rescuers.

About this time you, should start seeing something Obama in this, in how allah awful this all is and why Obama has his big prints all over it.

What if I were to tell you that Dakota Meyer was singled out for political reasons, and his being ramped up in the media and on Letterman is a damned Obama, Jarrett, Plouffe, Axelrod mind game on Americans to get the white Hillary Clinton redneck vote?

Why whatever would you mean by that you are asking?

Dakota Meyer is a political operative, willing political operative who as I have noted in observation has some issues in this he is not dealing with very well, as he plays hero on the Obama stage.

What if I were to point out that dark skinned Soldiers in Capt. Adelmo Fabio and Sgt. Juan Rodriguez-Chavez did not receive Medal of Honors, but instead got the number two medal of the Navy Cross...........for the same action.

What if I were to point out that, Army Captain William Swenson who was part of the search, and part of the action, had his Medal of Honor papers lost for two years, because he was raising hell about the Obama rules of engagement, and only after Obama decided for political reasons to award a living Marine who disobeyed orders, and the spotlight started showing on the disaster of what happened there in Obama policy..............all of a sudden the Pentagon found the missing papers and started speaking in CYA from Maj. T. G. Taylor in " who knows what anyone will do in a situation".

It seems only Barack Hussein Obama can find a way to interject racism into awarding honors, find a disaster in his own policy in no one obeying orders, people bitching about Obama protecting terrorists and not getting medals, and find a way to do it on a national stage for 2012, all in a person who is not equipped to handle the national spotlight any more than Cindy Sheehan was when liberals rode her for political victories.

I ask readers to remember the National Guard spots featured here, in how the Obama regime with their agency wonks were advocating having Soldiers driving blind down roads in storms, and not stopping. This blog exclusively pointed out the disaster this was in the making as a commander can not have Soldiers going commando running over Civilians nor disobeying orders to carry out orders.
Dakota Meyer is the poster child for this Obama military out of control...........

I put you into the uniform of Capt, Adelmo Fabio, under fire, ordering Soldiers to not enter the zone, but they do it any way against your orders, but this time as in normal warfare the Hummer rescuers get WIA and KIA.
Meyer is gut shot, so Soldiers go out and try to save him, as the other Soldier Rodriguez-Chavez, is pelvis shot and the terrorists are picking at him blowing off pieces of foot and hands to make him the end, there sits Capt. Fabio, writing condolence letters to half his unit, and his commander has decided this officer can't command his own troops and the Pentagon is frowning about that kill count as it makes Obama in the end several good officers in their careers are wiped out, because some kid wouldn't STAY IN SUPPORT POSITION ON RADIO.

I make this point in conclusion in SUPPORT POSITION is that, and it has a radio and Hummer for a reason in SUPPORT, in the event something really goes bad in a firefight and THOSE SOLDIERS IN THE FIGHT need SUPPORT as in radio or perhaps to drive off the terrorists until the posse arrives to pick over the dead.

When the Washington Post is already making comment about this Obama heralding of bravery, you know that liberals have a problem with this and like the dead Navy SEALS no one in the military in the know, is being fooled by this.

Dakota Meyer should have been dressed down by his CO in the exact language above explaining how he let the team down, and making him consider how he would feel if piles of people got killed, when he gave an order, and some hero came in and really loused things up.

Obama's terrorists were bad shots, shooting short range 7.62 x 39's and rpg's at long range. That is the only reason Dakota Meyer was not a condolence letter to his family.

This Obama hero is going to require some psychological assistance when the reality of what he did wears in, in comments from other Soldiers and when the glamour of Obama is gone as B. Hussein kicks him to the curb for a new toy in his political structure.

When Pat Tillman got friendly fire for being an ass, the military tried to hide it, but the family would not leave it alone..........that is what the military does in trying to protect their Soldiers and the families............that is all gone under Barack Obama as the military is murdering Sheik bin Laden's corpse as Obama pounds his chest and goes off to blow up Khadaffi grandchildren..........offing Team Six, and now in all this break down of command, we have Mr. Obama awarding America's highest honor for someone disobeying direct orders and calling it the dark skinned Soldiers get the also ran medals, and the Soldier questioning why he is a fish in a barrel gets his medal work "lost".

Another historical Obama milestone.

This ain't no way to run a military.

agtG 337Y

The Obama heroes