Friday, November 25, 2011

Bazoomba, InDakota

We all remember Rush Limbaugh's exclusive in revealing that one of Obama's 57 or 60 states was INDAKOTA, and Mark Levin in ranting informed a Minnesotan that the Swede could not here a Fargo station a mile away, because of we know that this fabled Obama state is somewhere on the Red River of the North, and it is Texas sized due to the radio distance, and although INDAKOTA is not on the Big Foot, it is there along with UFO's as Limbaugh, Obama and Levin have hinted to this state.

This blog though would like to deal with a real state though by Indakota, called North Dakota, as due to the Obama Super Depression, that state is literally imploding due to the oil boom there.
Winter is coming on, and they have what the term "MAN CAMPS", meaning housing built for men who are oil workers, and with them come the criminals and carpetbaggers, all for 40 below weather and snow.

The state of North Dakota has now demanded that the oil companies which are Oklahoma based and are pumping Warren Buffett oil on his rail lands to build housing for these migrants, as the state has broke down.
Williston which is on the Canada line is absolutely overrun. The real estate to school people have piles of calls they have to answer every day, as all the refuse from Obama's Super Depression is flowing to the promise of jobs.
There just is not the infrastructure in western North Dakota period. That area is Teddy Roosevelt country. It has a boom 25 years ago and then went oil bust and capped the wells. It is cattle and wheat country of towns so small you blink and miss them.

The Man Camps are supposed to have 10,000 units in the Williston area, but they are not even half complete. That might not sound like much, but consider some of your home cities in if by numbers you had to deal with 100,000 or 500,000 new people coming to your community. That is what North Dakota towns are trying to deal with.
Stores can not keep their shelves stocked and prices are going through the roof for people trying to live there.

Oil companies pay larger salaries, so people go there...........then the people who need workers have to pay more, so hamburgers, groceries, clothes all start spiking regionally in this oil rig inflation.
It is a disaster for roads, bridges, schools.......and when this shifts in time, all that infrastructure will collapse as people move on, that will cause a bust in the region.

So in that, you have C cup North Dakota having all the Obama unemployed trying to stuff Triple G size boobies into that cup.
I'm trying to warn this nation in what a complete buffoon Mark Levin is in his oil sands pipelines too, as these Canadians are stealing American lands from ranchers and farmers for it.

This Great Plains region does not have anything out there. This is not an Illinois of 200 years building infrastructure for millions of people. Most of these states in North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming and yes western Kansas and Oklahoma do not have the ability to deal with masses of people moving around.
Pennsylvania if they would drill and pump natural gas would be perfect as that entire region is built up for a million more people, but when Obama starts dumping those numbers into areas of cows, grass, sheep and wheat..........there is just nothing there to build within 20 bushel to the acre wheat is not 200 bushel Illinois corn.

That is what Mark Levin's idiocy was about in bitching about biofuels and taking wheat out of corn ground production.........the crops are not the same localities and this grass and wheat country just does not have anything like a Kansas City or St. Louis or Oklahoma City to help in dealing with the issues.
The nearest big city is Denver in the west and likewise Kansas City and Chicago are the eastern cities. This is still nomad waste country and it just does not have the ability to deal with any of this.

The reality is Obama knows this, and he knows that when the oil peaks in this area, and when the pipelines are built, that this is going to bust these Republican states severely. No one is speaking of this, and while locals scream, the state legislators scream for oil to build housing, and nothing is done for this cash cow and it is a disaster in the making again.

That is why Sarah Palin drill baby drill was so important in spreading this out, and into Utah with their Salt Lake City and Denver hubs and down into Texas, so the revenue and populations would be spread around from these hubs and the infrastructure would hold up.

This is all Barack Obama, Warren Buffett and George Soros fault. It is as much Limbaugh and Levin's fault as Ed Schultz of North Dakota's responsibilty as none of these talking Mockingbirds have said one word about the disaster in this and who it is being mismanaged.

What good is a boom when it is a bust?

One blog speaking the infinite Truth and being censored for it.
