Thursday, November 24, 2011

Eclipse Point

This is the most important blog at this point and is exclusive, and as you are being informed you should pay attention.

I will not explain in detail the above chart as it will not make sense to most, but will instead put it into terms found here which you will be able to comprehend the information.

In the spring of 2010, this blog led the way on Obama's sabotage of the Gulf oil Gusher. It was noted that Mark Levin was actually 6 weeks behind in the reporting.
This point of reference is necessary to comprehend in what is time line, as I have told you that for the past years I have been operating years and weeks out from the current time line.

I have been Inspired to notice something as I attempt to keep things ahead of the game in all the other "also rans". For example Ulsterman was four months behind my exclusives, but if yo notice that as of late Ulsterman's Insider is actually being run over by his information too.

There is an acceleration which I have been noting and it is very important to comprehend in projections, and will explain it as this.

As proof, my blog has several weeks of archives of events, and I have noted that even two weeks out, unless it is some blip like bin Laden going corpse up, the main news media were still after I posted in August 3 days behind my posting..........meaning there was a 17 day gap in what this blog already knew, and what I was utilizing due to time and energy constraints, so that my exclusives were being placed just previous before news trends shifted that way. That is God and not me.......nothing special in this relic here.

I started though to notice something "odd" in an acceleration in some stories, I actually was posting were now reaching an eclipse point. The point being I will focus on is 2 weeks ago I posted a story for December 1st concerning Vladamir Putin and the American 2012 elections. I will not go into detail as the information is still vital, but on November 23rd, there were stories about a Russian anchor flipping off Obama and about Medvedev threatening the Bush missile defense.
To explain, those stories should not have in real time of the past time line appeared until December 4th, yet they have accelerated to November 23, which is a 11 day window, which used to project at a 17 day window advantage in the blog for me.

Time events have been accelerating in my observations, and if one takes in 2010 in Levin being 6 weeks off, and then it going to Levin being 17 days off, to this current Putin trend, if it is a trend and not an anomaly, for I believe in the minor evidence it is in fact a trend, this means the Prophetic time window is closing and this is due to a speed up in the time event factor.

Projecting this out means the following, in events will reach as I predicted a tidal wave surge where like Babylon being overrun by the Persians, that events will override each other........meaning if you are worried about something in your life which you now deem Everest, those events will become so small and vanish, as the event flow surges to a pitch that events will come to a point of running on top of each other, and you will not be able to keep up with them.

I believe in November 2011 that an eclipse point was reached, and the clock of Prophecy point is about to unwind like a second hand in which Witness point will become the reality. You will not need Prophets as you will be in the events and the Witnesses who are said to come will be on the stage for the trial of the Tribulation.
I'm still viable in this, but that changes when the 7 year cycle engages which I do not know the year, but the signs appear converging for that as all things are. In that, I make no predictions, but I have been moved to notice something which only I would know by the work being conducted through me and on this blog, and no one else would be aware of as they do not suffer as I do in this.

As days are being gained upon, this will in reality pick up speed as Christ notes if the days were not shortened no one would survive as this reaches Vanishing point. This is a reverse tidal wave which the Obama event set off in tidal wave by false signature using Eurasian demons. The opposite and equal reaction, but in stellar frequency is being amplified in age change.

If this trends as it appears, then things should continue to gain speed, and why you ........NOTICE THIS AS YOU ALREADY HAVE..............and why you have begun to notice that things are sluggish and the leaders are moving slow or in place without luster, as the time line is outpacing their ability as they are being hammered into end time events to carry out Prophecy.

This is though in my estimation the most vital of information which should be considered in exclusivity here.

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