I have pointed out enough that while I know President Sarah is beautiful, I just do not have an attraction for her in those leftist perverted ways of seeing her as a sex object to use, because all the pretty girls in high school laughed at you.......lesbian or not.
So I look at her with interest and objectivity and wonder how centerfolds and movie stars need tons of airbrush and make up, but there is Sarah on vacation looking better than Jackie O ever did and she is posed better than any pinup naturally.
Todd Palin must be one fortunate male to have a wife who looks this good, as you know Sarah Palin would still be gorgeous after PMS, stomach flu, drool and not having slept.
She just has that Audrey Hepburn quality of elegance which does not abate, because women like this generate from the inside in goodness and strength, the real source of beauty.
The President has disappointed me greatly, but it is the age of disappointments why should anyone else be different in even Sarah Palin.
It is odd though that in all of this in human hands could not improve on the original in looks.
She is a natural with the reality of her being once in a five hundred year event.
The should have respected her, but blind they could not see.