Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tehranasaurus Rex

Acts of terror, whether carried out by Barack Obama in Egypt, Syria or Libya are the same acts of terror carried out by bin Laden, Khadaffi and yes the Israeli state, as much as the Berliner boys sponsoring al Qaeda, as much as Russia sponsoring Dr. Zawahiri.

Whenever a nation engages in covert operations as their first line of policy, that is a policy of terrorism.

The Islamocommunists of Iran were installed by Brzezinski and MI6 in the late 1970's for Marxist reasons, which have been the absolute disaster to the Middle East and the western world. Instead of removing this cancer, there has been nothing but an enabling of it and a protecting of it, as the New York Times was fed stories in treachery in the Bush Administration's efforts to topple that regime.

There have been now numerous murders of Iranian communists. The latest as Joseph Farah reported involved massive explosions which took out a top Iranian and might have been aimed at sanctioning the big turban head himself, in Khamenei.

The Islamocommunists are blaming the Jews, who probably have been about this, but they would not have been about this if Obama and Brzezinski had not been coddling their Marxist friends.
Farah states now openly that the Iranians have two operational Dr. Khan warheads and will have them mounted on rockets within 30 days.
I have always stated that the Iranians have dozens of "heavies" like the early American bombs, but no delivery system except ships, and they have more operational cones than the two, but what little difference does this make now in the reality that they have bombs a decade ago or today as this muddled policy of love thy Marxist Muslim now has a nuclear eyesore involved.

The Persians are notorious for revenge. TWA Flight 800 being one of their trademarks in America and the Jewish landscape is littered with their proxy rockets to Hezbollah.

So Iran garners intelligence outing CIA agents, and then follows massive terror strikes in Iran, and now Iran is threatening again something big, along with explosions in the Jewish state.

What one has to comprehend in this is the realty that just as the Saudi leader was targeted by Iranians, and Iranians have been murdering the members of the Shah's family as recently as this past year, it is not a problem of for an Iranian diplomat to strap on a bomb and get near enough to anyone in this world's leadership to do a decapitation.
It does not take Putin murdering the entire Polish Government in a staged crash. It can be an Iranian heavy nuclear bomb can indeed be loaded on any transport plane chartered for the purpose and flown anywhere in the world, for mass detonations at the same appointed time.

What the point is, it is not that difficult to find "like minded Marxist Muslim regimes" to fly "aid into" those nations and drop in a half dozen bombs, charter flights under "American allied names" and then send them off to the appointed destiny at some aeroport.

If you don't like that, then there is always the C 4 exploding busts or any other means to do the damage as this world is in the ushering stages of World War IV.

Yes this is those meandering times of the Flying Tigers in China and the Panzers of Hitler rolling about the country as internal terrorism meets with external terrorism, as the world under Obama has been taught to act out in these terms.

This blog deplores this type of terror policy as it is absolute weakness and if one notices it keeps thee entire nuclear armed Persian communist regime in power to retaliate with nuclear weapons at their time and choosing, which gets hundreds of thousands if not millions of people dead, and costs trillions of dollars.

That is a most expensive policy. John Kennedy murdering the Vietnamese leader ended up costing America her fortune and over 50,000 dead Americans. The French lost 10 million people and one hundred years for the execution of their Royals installed by Joan of Arc.
Russia has never recovered from their internal terror in murdering the Czars.

The point in all of this is, all this intrigue only breeds worse things as bodies pile up and lies are espoused in, "Why this is not war, this is just accidents".

The terrible Obama is king over all of this, and this is his monarchy of terrorism.

Observe in this the reality of one Persian nuclear bomb in the Israeli state wipes out 1/20th of their population. The rest are gophers and refugees. The entire structure collapses and there will follow decades of lingering radioactive deaths.

Iran being a much larger nation could absorb a full strike by the Jews, and the regime would survive in retched state, but it would win in that.

This is why this blog has stated a massive strike not only wiping out the Iranian leadership, the Iranian infrastructure and the dividing of Iran in taking the oil revenues from the Persians is thee only long term solution for a managed fix to this Brzezinski Obama horrid policy.
Other than that, it is only a matter of time before major events ensue.

..........and do not forget children there is a treaty Iran has with Russia, and even in decapitation, Putin might just roll his military in to occupy Iran to secure her, and install his own leadership.

So this policy of terrorism has two basic outcomes in nuclear terrorism and Russia installing it's won chosen Marxist Muslim, and both are terror events for America and the west for the next generation.

Great policy is this not eh?
