Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Unconventional Weapon

In the archives here, is posted an analysis exclusive to the type of nuclear attack which would destroy New York City. It was based upon a reading from the Catholic oracles, and involved what I termed, an nuclear slap, as the original was explained as MERV, a multiple warhead, in two cones separating and the basic principle is when one does not have mountains as at Hiroshima for the rapid heat wave concussion slap to bounce off of to destroy a city, that it is possible in using two nuclear warheads to actually clap against each other for destruction.

All public analysis of nuclear detonation and warfare is absolutely bogus as it never takes into context the dynamics of a nuclear blast and what is required for effect.
There is a reason detonation takes place above ground, not for radioactive fall out alone, but because the earth would absorb a great deal of the energy and the device would lose it's effectiveness.
Many factors, including storm fronts can bugger the hell even out of thermonuclear devices of the massive sort. Nuclear weapons are not the doomsday devices the hysteria would have the masses believe. One has to deploy them expertly for effect or they lose effect.

That is why in checking archives again, I was puzzled in a change of the story line not as it was covered here, in the destruction of New York. I will utilize the Farmer of Krems recording as something caught my eye.

I saw details that one could never perceive with the eye due to the quickness of the event. It was revealed to me in proper sequence, but in slow motion. I saw this city in all of its detail. There a dark object fell in its course, continually crooking upon itself. I stared intently as this body fell, until it almost crashed to the ground.

First it shredded into pieces, dissolving itself as it did this. In this moment I did not yet comprehend what had happened. The first explosive device exploded some buildings a distance behind a larger building standing with a wide entrance facing the ocean's shore. From the perspective of the Atlantic Ocean, these buildings seemed to be located somewhat to the south behind this larger building.

The buildings did not fall over or implode upon themselves, but rather they became, save for a few, part of the explosion's epicenter (ground zero). They then became pulverized from the ground up. From a distance, they had the appearance of sinking, as if swallowed up by the ground beneath them.

Do you recall that Russian test caught by the Scandinavians in a missile corkscrewing at launch? This appears to be what the Farmer saw before that Russian event.

What is recorded above speaks again of more than one device, but in this recording of events, this device was almost on the ground, and that points to something non nuclear.

The key in this is the buildings did not fall over or implode, but instead are observed as pulverized from the ground up.

A nuclear blast is one which strikes in dual concussion waves in the first expansion of the blast strikes buildings as a straight line wind, and in the buildings usually withstand the detonation force, but the second in the super heated wind is the force which demolishes structures as it is expanding rapidly from the fireball.

This Farmer is not speaking of any fireballs, but is now speaking of something which is capable of releasing a massive amount of energy at ground zero, but the destruction is not horizontal wind sheer, but a vertical destruction in a reverse 9 11 from the ground up.

In reality, this is something that is unconventional and mimics the effect of a dog shaking water from it's back, and in this case the quake is the dog and the water is the buildings.

What the Farmer appears observing is a mobile form of Nicola Tesla's electromagnetic "machine" or as it is come to be known in various hyperbole as the Scalar Weapon, which as Sec. of Defense William Cohen for some odd reason blurted this out in magnetic weapons some were using to set off earthquakes and volcanoes.

I have explained the limitations of such a weapon in there must be fault lines or volcanoes. Can an energy wave be produced on ground with effect? Most certainly, but it would blast out a crater as all things expand in force in viscous appearance when agitated.
The signature would leave an crater which would require a response from any nation using nuclear weapons.

The weapon in New York is possible utilizing a Tesla coil to generate a massive energy release of electrical current to magnetize the earth in a shock wave. This can be manifested in the disruption of the earth mantle for an earthquake at ground zero of 10 magnitude, in the rock would become as liquid akin to the massive energy transfer in high powered rifles into wet substances like the human body, or, a magnetic warp could pull with such force from the bottom up, to pull buildings down as what is being described.

While no plasma ball was evident, or an electrical discharge of energy as sometimes takes place with earthquakes, it is actually a probability, that one could set off a Tesla coil, and by using the earth's electrical fields, actually get the planet to feed the weapon's structure. In the Tesla principles, the entire purpose of Tesla was amplification of source for greater discharge of energy.

What this blog is exclusively revealing is, if this Farmer's description is accurate, this is not nuclear in scope, but a Tesla type electrical weapon which disrupts the continuity or structure in energy release.

The good news is, no immense radioactive signature to poison the area for long term results, the bad news is without that signature evil people would have no reason to not use this weapon, as it will kill the same numbers of people as nuclear weapons would.
I have warned that nuclear weapons are good weapons as they are poisonous. It keeps people from using them due to the poison and they keep Scalar or other weapons from being used, because in retaliation that nuclear poison is rained down on those initiating attacks.
Mr. Obama has been filleting US stockpiles in thee most lethal exposure of America and her allies.

I may have to study this or at least ponder it a bit more, as this is fascinating in the dynamics at work in the Farmer saw this, and the reality is I know this weapon, and one can charge the sky to get it to lift buildings up in a quake from the ground up.

Probably will not have to ponder this any more.

Nuff said.

Secy of Defence Cohen"Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations... It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counter terrorism] efforts."

Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counter terrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn.

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