Consider that America has had absolutely no pro American leadership since George W. Bush left office.
Mr. Obama has been most effective in promoting globalism, the New Roman Empire in Europe on American might and money, but on these shores he has been nothing but a destructive force, like a meandering tornado ripping small towns to shreds in Ohio at vacationing whim.
The fact is America in 2010 did what this blog stated would take place three years ago in the mass body is moving on to a different direction and Mr. Obama can be a tyrant in mandates all he desires, but the nation has stopped listening to his impediment of teleprompter speech and those who remain are the recovering addicts still blitzed and too stoned to find their way home from this debauchery.
The reality is America, is that B. Hussein Obama is a foreign disease and the body of USA is in the process of fighting off this contagion. It recognizes the unhealthy nature of Mr. Obama in America, and does not want to admit this nation contracted it in sinful orgy of jungle fever, but the painful process has started in just what to do with this pandemic before it kills everyone in debt of nuclear bombs.
America is leaderless, and that is not the secure state to be when a nation is moving one way and an Obama is still plunging deeper into the abyss. The world is a dangerous place and America has been made more vulnerable by this Kenyan child of the Rothschild bloodlines, and it has been all by design.
You found a changeling in the garden or your fruited plain Americans, and it has grown up to be the monster letting the bears and dragons in your front door, as that is Mr. Obama's Marxist home.
Yes Mr. Obama is a shadow, and nothing more. A precursor event as I was Inspired to warn all. He is not the anti Christ but the forerunner shadow of that darkness.
He now though looms larger in greater darknesses as the most effective Vladamir Putin. Putin is the flesh and blood fighter and Obama is the shadow being boxed.
There is not going to be an easy resolution in this. One just does not contract a DD breast and say, "Oh I think I will take them out today." The silicon of Obama is leaking out and poisoning America, and he has been allowed this toxicity to waste away America. The remedy is a surgery but it should have taken place years ago after this Marxist leakage in the Birther issue. Now is the case that radical election surgery is the only way the cowards will leave, and America will have it's entire chest removed in trying to get this poison out.
That brings the issue in a wounded America is no match for the fights ahead which are all from Obama's disarmament, over use of force and plundering of America.
As was stated here, President Palin would inherit a nation of bits and pieces to try and save.... you are no longer a viable nation USA, you instead are nuclear armed invalid who is going to have to burn your own house down to try and save yourself.
America, you have no leader, you have no morality, you have no God. That is your reality, and the scope is now that most other nations do have leaders, have a judicial morality in that leader is not trying to reshape their nation and their Marxist and cartel demonic deities are more than willing to use their devilishness to triumph their cause.
Over 300 million people, 40 million Mexicans and 3rd world parasites, and the entire mass knows there is nothing at 1600 Penn, but a shadow man with not even and empty suit to give a semblance of meaning.
If you require proof, you see Europe now in meltdown and a silent Obama. An Obama who could not illegally dump in enough American trillions to Rothschild coffers before 2011, but now when it comes to saving Europe from tyranny of the anti Christ, there instead arises a silent affirmation from Obama that he too wills Europe destroyed for the greater order.
Yes it is all so complete in this shadow in the White House. Rome at least had Nero fiddling as he sat fires to the empire, but where is Obama but a hollow note as the entire world burns down to his flame.
The worst of times in history with greater tribulation in store, and America installed a 3rd world despot, who is fading not to Michael Jackson white, but to the spectre of pale nothingness.
The leaderless America.