Yes the Obama's are at their culinary epitome of epicurians in now the equiterian couple has signed off on eating horse meat.
In a sundry little Agriculture bill which Obama signed into law, PETA has grinned and born foal flesh with Obama in allowing the slaughter of American horses again, by funding food inspectors in the states.
This is one of the many government disasters which doo gooders were whining about horses like they do those habitat destroying wild nags and in order to save them, the idiots outlawed horse killing in America, to which the horses were sent to Mexico and Canada, where they were faced with a fate worse than death in being abused.
Mexicans never have been kind to anmals as their "brands" on mules, were literal pack saddle sores worn into the flesh of animals they abused in packing supplies.
There was an old saying that an American would ride a horse until it dropped, a Mexican would find it an whip it to go for another week, and then when it dropped an Indian would whip it to go until it died two weeks later.
Sometimes for old Sparkplug a bullet in the head was much kinder and gentler.
I actually advocated the reintroduction of slaughtering horses, starting with wild horses for the market to literally take the strain off the pet horses being killed. I informed the regime of such things awhile back, and am pleased they came to their limited senses, led by Nebraska Republicans to at least fund inspecting for human consumption.
Sure they tell you this is third world eating, but Europeans have been a big market for pet horses from America for their table for generations.
The problem is there are idiots who breed horses to pay the feed bill by selling the foals who are then killed. This created the main problem of late through inflation, and then when the ban came along, horse prices fell as no one could get rid of the things.
The old animals were left to rot where they fell, and horses do stink and stink quite a long time until the maggots get them rendered into dust.
I wonder about all this Obama stuff though in if Muchelle wanted to eat horse meat prepared by Rick Bayless as that woman will consume anything as she eats like a horse.
Then there is the point of this blog wondering about Barack's safety in all of this if Muchelle was going to eat him..........and well, was this a clever way for Mr. Obama to place Mrs. Ed on the epicurian table, as this horse faced wife certainly could be mistaken with her big butt for something put into harness.
Oh well, that is just for the happy 1600 Pen Avenue couple to work out, as now the Obama's have horse steak on the menu, and some kind of..........well until inspections come along the horses are still abused, and PETA or something is pushing for an export ban, and then we are looking at a market where people won't be able to breed or keep horses, as they are worth nothing, as no one will want piles of dead horses about stinking up the country.
Is not this all such a happy American land of destroying property assets and destroying the animals too, because some people eat horses and some make money out of trying to ban people from eating horses.
It's grease not glue Sparkplug