There is a reality in Newt Gingrich as the patricians have finally found by elimination a way to stick one of their own into the race, as all the other Rovian shills have fallen by the way, and no one wants that Mitt Romney, no more than a cadaver in your closet...........
......and it is that this Pelosi commercial appendage, Hillary liker, and GOP Minneapolis Convention yawner, that the olde Newt brings something no one else has, and that is an ability to fight like a parliamentarian.
For those who do not comprehend this, they have forgotten that Newt got his start in this world playing to an empty House, literally.
See Newt figured out on C SPAN that after hours, there was no one in the chamber, and Gingrich would go down into the darkness with his white hair, and literally become Margaret Thatcher in hauling ass on Democrats with no one there to make a sound.
It looked like Newt was on stage to a packed house, and he was the only soul there.
Gingrich literally was the force in Congress to unseat Texas powerhouse Speaker Jim Wright in his corruption, and from that launched his Contract with America, as Reagan's best President.
Gingrich was so successful that he literally got Clinton to be a Republican to save his legacy, and passed all the Gingrich bills into law with a Bill signature.
Newt made mistakes in shutting down the Government, or being blame for it, and adultery, but he did a great deal of good, before he became fat and lazy and started being seen with skanky liberal chics named Nancy and Hillary.
I'm not a fan of Gingrich's later years, but what he would bring to 2012 is a smart mouth in rough politics that would fillet pulpit pounder Obama. Obama is a fixed teleprompter idiot who can deliver lines, but he can not act out of the scene. You witnessed this when John McCain had Obama red faced and sweating in 2008.
Obama might be programmed for a few one liners, but Gingrich could fillet Obama in a three shot jab and then follow up with historical perspective to leave Obama a pile of bones.
If Gingrich does that one time in 3 debates, Obama will be exposed for what he has always been. If Gingrich does this 3 times in 3 debates, Barack Obama will not win 20% of the vote, and what will take place will be of such epic proportions that it will make the Carter and Mondale losses to Reagan look like solid performances.
Literally if Gingrich lays leather on Obama, it will be Obama garnering perhaps 12 million votes. He might even be in a 3rd party challenge by Rahm the 4th choice as the other lesser parties might even overtake him.
The last place Barack Obama should ever be is on stage with Newt Gingrich, as Gingrich has presence, the mental capacity and thought process to lecture to people in an intelligent way which will make Obama look the bigger buffoon.
Obama is an empty suit and Gingrich's is filled.
That is the reality of Gingrich, and what no Mormon Romney could do on stage.
I do realize that America might not get a Michelle Malkin, and it may be a Michele Bachmann from Minnesota if this continues to trend toward Gingrich who is imploding Romney to scorched earth, but the reality, Newt Gingrich for all his flaws, has past titanic strengths and putting Gingrich on stage with Obama will suck the entire political life out of B. Hussein like a sponge.
Am I still upset about President Palin fleeing the scene, you betcha this blog is, but as I would not ever vote for Romney, period, and dislike Gingrich, at least that old warhorse is something better than McCain, and if he attaches to a real Conservative as Vice President in a Lady, then Newt can take the hits, bully Boehner in legislation and the Veep could work the Reagan agenda.
Not a perfect world, but I do believe at least for what is coming to America, Newt Gingrich can pull the atomic triggers often, put Americans back to work and pick up the pieces of this destroyed nation.
It would have been better with Sarah, but sometimes an old war horse on a wagon knowing how to pull the thing back to camp on bad roads will work too.