My friend was giving aid and comfort to a cousin up there who was really upset when an oil man told her: “when we’re finished with you up here [on the Bakken]; it’s gonna look like [what we did in] Oklahoma.”
For all the neophytes, who have no comprehension of North Dakota or Indakota as Rush Limbaugh calls that buffalo grass country, here are a few quotes from real people who live there.........specifically people who are residents and have no access to raising their prices to make up for the oil boom prices.
Quote: The oil man wasn’t kidding. I had been up through McKenzie, Williams, Burke, and Mountrail Counties last April and June, and it was a mess then. North of Stanley on St. Highway 8, parts of the road were more fit for a dune buggy than a standard size car. The big Bakken trucks just roared right over them, of course, and woe to any local or tourist car that might be using highways that were deemed safe on the maps they were carrying, or their GPS indicated to them.
Quote Carol Gress: Oh you are so right on what you say.. i am a 70 year old senior who was forced to move out of Williston because of high rent and bought a home cheaply, i must say in Alamo…I refuse to drive to Williston my self.. The almost close calls with those big trucks are blood curling.. And a 65 mph speed zone is unheard of with these truckers…I just want my old Williston back.. Send these oil people back south…
They are going to do to North Dakota what they did to Oklahoma in tearing it to pieces and then leaving the local poor to pick up those pieces.
For those who do not comprehend this blogs warnings of the American oil bust, they have no idea what the Great Plains are. There is no 200 bushel corn land there like Illinois to create backbone to a Chicago and there is no gold to give platform to a Denver.
There is a place which is grass, brown dirt, little rain, no vast quantity of minerals, and no reserves to build an infrastructure for people in a community.
If one examines Minnesota in iron ore, rich farmlands, forests, quarries etc... one sees why the Mayo Clinic, professional sports and large numbers of people are there, because there is foundational growth for that type of population due to water.
250 miles west of the Twin Cities of Minnesota, a scant 100 miles from Kansas City west, and one starts to find the Great American Desert, which has not bloomed and will never bloom, as it is dry and one dimensional. Oil is but like a freak wet cycle on these plains in a 500 year drought. Oil gushed in North Dakota 30 years ago, and when prices thankfully fell, the oil companies all capped their wells and went on to new plunder.
For those who have no comprehension of this economic disaster, it was the Dirty 30's in that region as jobs dried up, economies stagnated and that entire region never recovered, and has only become this dirty boomtown bonanza again due to crippling high Obama oil prices.
I have a friend I was speaking with in the region, and he literally is taking in clients now from North Dakota as things are so backlogged there, equipment can not be serviced. It is days for the jobs and those kinds of costs can not be accepted when you need to pay your own bills.
A cafe has to raise prices on meals, because oil wages are running 50,000 dollars, because all businesses have to inflate prices just to get someone to work.
There is an entire population shift really as those "southerners" come into North Dakota, and then North Dakota regular businesses are trying to hire quality people to keep up, and that drain comes from Montana to South Dakota, who then are advertising for people to come and fill their voids.
As I have stated, you put a hundred thousand people into Missouri, and it can absorb that number as the population is high there, but you put that number of people into North Dakota and there is no housing nor food to fill that population boom.
The oil industry is not helping in the least, as it will not build housing which is adequate and it's drivers are a menace to not only roads, but to people.
Literally, the ranchers in that region will not allow oil workers to hunt or recreate on their lands any more. The locals hate these oil patch dregs with a passion.
In Bismark, there is no action for the oil region. Bismark simply is inflating their budgets and becoming liberal in their spending. That gumbo crap soil which is like glue ...........oh for the neophytes who have never experienced gumbo, it is a clay when it is wet which sticks to tires and feet by the ton like glue, and will never come off. When it dries it turns to concrete, and God help any of you who ever are stupid enough to drive off across the erodible lands of ranchers and farmers as this stuff will blow and cut gullies if it loses it's cover.
That is how all those pretty breaks along rivers took place........that land is fragile and without cover it is a nightmare.
Western North Dakota is become scorched earth. The locals do not like this destruction from the millions of gallons of water being pumped into the earth in fracturing the oil shale, forever polluting that water and the substructure to the reckless endangerment of oil riggers part of a Warren Buffett group drilling oil on his rail lands while locals have no rigs and the oil under their lands stolen.
This is a oil scam for the monopoly elite. The state are whores in this taking that money and not setting that royalty wealth aside for the next 100 years for future generations.
Quote: The sweet crude which characterizes the petroleum of the Bakken/Three Forks, is the finest in the world, with the fewest impurities to add costs to refining. It is far superior to Tar Sands oil of Canada, or even Saudi Arabian crude, and it will be around a long time if properly developed. Halliburton, for example, has set up a complex in Williston, with housing from the Vancouver Winter Olympics of 2010.
.........and as this blog only exclusively reported, that American crude is being trucked into Canada to be mixed with their sour crude, and you know that oil is then being sold back to Americans at inflated prices.
You neophytes just keep on cheering all of this, as it is each of you being robbed in the long run. The North Dakota originals have seen this crap 30 years ago and do not like it any more now than they did then. They know the bust is coming when this oil production starts tapering off in a decade and the new oil wells stop being drilled in that finite region.
This should be managed for all Americans, but is is more Obama and Buffett nation rape.
Oil Genie and Fossil Toad