Monday, March 7, 2011

We once shared the same girl in tandem

FOX television's The Chicago Code arrested a Bill Ayers terrorist from the 1960's......interesting.

Meanwhile a most interesting Judicial Watch access to FBI files concerning Barack Hussein Obama's dead crown Kennedy regent in Tedly the First, reveals events of 1961 in which Edward Kennedy as an Assistant District Attorney of Suffolk County was rampaging about latino lands meeting with "the angry young men" of Mexico, after of course renting a whorehouse in Chile for the night and inviting his Chilean driver to partake of the latino pussy.

Is it not interesting that J. Edgar Hoover's FBI knew the intimate details of all of this Teddy Kennedy treason against America and whoring. Not as interesting as in December 1961, the young Kennedy, whose brother had just stolen the Presidency from Richard Nixon, whose other brother was Eric Holder crime boss as Attorney General, just happened to be reaching out to communists.
This operation was coming directly from John Kennedy and Teddy was given White House carte blanche to carry out this mission, as JFK was trying to assassinate Fidel communist Castro of Cuba.

Recall the history in this in the Kennedy's were full bore involved with the Marxist revolution in Latin America. The same Marxists who would be teaching the black liberation movement in America later in the decade and the same Marxists who would be teaching Bill Ayers the ins and outs of how to murder 12 million Americans who refused to become community organized activists after the "revolution" took place in America.........according to actual FBI files.

Let us though return to pre 1970 when Obama was abandoned illegally in America by his mama Stan Ann. Let us return to Mexico where Teddy was in December, where within a very short time, one Lee Harvey Oswald would be venturing to meet with Kremlin KGB agents.
Is it not a strange twist in Teddy Kennedy was making contacts with the very communists whose Kremlin communists would be teaching Obama's mentors all about reorganizing America?

Interesting in Teddy Kennedy was in the haven of Lee Harvey Oswald in December 1961 and by November 1963, John Kennedy's brains would be sprayed out in Dallas and Bobby Kennedy's blood would be shed by his protectors in California.........and in modern age, John John would find flying a bomb had just as 9 11 effects on him as the Muslim terrorists whose benefactors donated 300 million in counterfeit funds to Obama's 2012 campaign.

This Kennedy operation was close to the family vest in Teddy was sent on a mission. The Obama regime did all it could to keep this information from being made public in hiding it.

This entire spider's web of Obama does not start just with his seizing the White House. Teddy Kennedy was searching for angry communists in 1961, and he found one in 2007 in B. Hussein Obama bent on the same revolution........the same agenda for the Democratic party while it was stated that John Kennedy was being hard on communists.

Almost blowing up the world with nuclear weapons over Cuba and John Kennedy's head blown off, and Teddy was in the mix, and chose B. Hussein Obama to disarm America of nuclear defense, undo Ronald Reagan and blow the Statue of Liberty's head off.

There are no degrees of separation in this. There is only Obama.

Perhaps we will find out someday that a latino Lawrence Sinclair was snorting coke off of Teddy's knee while smoking his cigar in that ...........well do not make the conclusion that the Chilean whorehouse was ladies only.

The Ageless Obama continues............


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What do you really think Ruby Ridge to Hutatree was really about?

Why do you think B. Hussein Obama was threatening bankers with the pitchfork mob?

Where was it but middle America Wisconsin which was chosen by the thugocracy as their battle ground against Americans?

It is all the game of using the laws of these United States by those supplanters against the very people of these United States to gain control and criminalize Americans.

Secular Islamist B. Hussein Obama is no different than the globalist who is no different than that Muslim Brotherhood. They are all pinko fellow travelers in perpetual liberation, which translates to the feudal lords and the peasant state. Ask Khadaffi and Mubarak how that hopey changey thing is working out for them.

I will surprise you in stating that I relish shariah law. I relish an Obama dictatorship with the gloves off, because from this international Marxism I will for the first time in my life then be able to take life easy.
I will not have to warn the dolts any longer, as they will be getting an education in death from their Obama. See in tyranny real Americans will be able to become Americans for the first time in their bridled life.
Americans are buisson la homme in the French. They are the Brush Rangers, the Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, George Custer, George Patton and Kit Carson's of the world. They love traveling light with packs, parched corn and their weapons. They love wrapping their blanket over themselves in the winter huddled over a small fire they smile listening to the camp of the enemy in content thinking they are safe in their numbers.

There is nothing more American than war, for Americans are a warrior breed. It is why the globalists have been trying to turn the American Eagle toward olive branches and not the arrows like that idiotic Harry Obama Truman did as he handed China over to communists.

I will tell you that there are few things more satisfying than playing the game and winning. To be on operation and weave your way through the enemy's defenses, shutting down your aura so they never know you are there, going Comanche as their dogs do not even notice you, to stand in the shadows of the balcony as some despot sips his cognac, smoking his cigars, not aware that you were in that very spot minutes before, and before that you took a slug of his cognac from his bottle as you stood in his study, and now that cigar is your pocket will be enjoyed by someone who smokes.

That is what Americans do. It is why they are called death ghosts in battle, as they have an art to warfare in they just love the game of it.

That is why when Fred Grandy or Gopher from the Love Boat being booted off the air by Brzezinski's brotherhood of militant Islam is a good thing. It means the breaking point is closer than most realize in Americans are being shut up and intimidated in violation of their Constitutional Rights. It is always as the abyss deepens that the cries come from the children of Israel for deliverance and God does indeed raise up a Moses, Gideon, Deborah or Esther.

I have mentioned previously that Americans are born to this melay. It is their entire history across the Middle East, Asia, Europe and America. satan has been trying genocide on Americans for thousands of years, and the American breed just keeps getting more refined.

The only problem with these Israelites in the 13 tribes is they do not do well in luxury as it bores them and they start whoring with the world in trying to commit Spiritual suicide as the soft beds, full stomachs and wealth, just does not appeal to any of them.
You are the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as much as Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel.

Do you know what these people were? They were all ranchers. They were armed warriors. They were Gentlemen and Ladies in a world of despots who controlled their own tents even in marriage as they could manage their own lives and the lives of others under them.
It is in American genetics to love the thorns of the brier patch and to relish being pricked by those thorns.

I just would appreciate it if these cowards using American Law against Americans would just throw down and install their regimes fully, instead of being like Janet Reno and Janet Napolitano so phobic about those Americans out there rising up that they need to slaughter innocents to sway the masses.
Understand that is why liberals are always putting Americans on terror watch lists, as they know what real Americans are even if real Americans have forgotten the George Washington kindred.

Valley Forge. Americans sick and leaving trails of blood in the snow from their bleeding feet, and they stuck it out with Washington, because they would not have it any other way. Certainly there are those wide eyed Michael Moores who would sell their children to never take part in this as it scares them, but for real Americans this has appeal and that is what the Clintonites and Obamites know is out there and is why they have been desperate to keep it from unleashing.

So I would welcome my vacation in not having to post things here, not having to have all the answers from God's Inspiration and having them stolen so others can look bright, and to just sleep instead of being aware 24 hours a day.
I have not had a vacation in years. My work load is still 7 times what normal people undertake, and in reality it is a thousand times worse as developing a Spiritual nature one expends far more energy than just being an orb in a body.

I honestly hope that God will raise up a Gideon or Deborah, as long as God is with them and their sword is sharp to clean out the enemies of the Republic, it makes things all simple in God sorting things out and it all works out quite well as Ronald Reagan shone so well as that beacon on the shining city on the hill.

This easy life is not so easy, but it is preparation for the light packs. If all that is left for God in this is but a remnant, a remnant is what he founded America and the British Commonwealth with. That worked out quite well for the world.

So I do not worry about liberals, as the very folks they are helping to overthrow America, will be the first one's ordering liberals to put on a rope necklace. The disease feeds on their own first.

When they take the ivory towers, then they become pinned and exposed instead of operating in the shadows now taking out Americans like Fred Grandy. That is the time that every America should desire as then it will be vacation time and they will be liberated to become what they are genetically born to do.


Pretty Love Song

I would like to have a dream
That would dream a tune of life for me

The only thing is there is no dream

Which could match my reality

Pretty love song
Goes on so sweetly

Forever long

Pretty love song

Sings of you discreetly

To you I once belong

When I go to tomorrow

I find it already singing there for me
When I visit my past

There it was always there for me

I find you in a love song
For that is the anthem of you
Even lost in melody I have found

That the music is always true

It sings in the morning

It is the song of the dawn

It sings in the evening

It is song of twilight
It is the song of me

It is the song of you

Love is a song it seems

I breathed with my first breath

I know in you love is a life
Love will grow beyond even death

It is a life which surrounds me

Holding me in perfect sphere

The orb of a theme

Encompassing me always here

It sings in my waking

It is the song of my day

It sings in my dreams

It is the song of my sleep

It is the song of you

It is the song of me

I know that sound will be there

No matter where I will go

It is a comfort of you always near
The song I will always know

Even in the silence

Love is what I hear call

Even to the depths of hell

Love would break my fall

Pretty love song

It is there before me

It is there following along

Pretty love song
All that there can ever be

Sung in a love song
