Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Michelle Obama takes this blogs advice.........late

There is some weird omen being worked out as Michelle Obama has been repeatedly assaulted by the winds of Europe, in day one she had this wind blown Mohawk thing wild upon her head, and at day two this thing appeared with the Queen.

Just look at this thing which liberals said was beautiful and the next Jackie Kennedy.

Once gain poured into jacket made for a child, we have this upholstery blanket thing on Mrs. Ed once again gross as hell.
I do not know what the hell this creature has on under her dress as it looks like a saddle blanket, but it was not stout enough to keep the dress from blowing up and revealing those awful legs which come from her cotton patch breeding.
The paunch gut, the no tits, and that massive horse mouth, cantaloupe size head, once again topped with that 1960's Supremes hair now ghastly electrified in being straightened of their natural curl, all provide the scene with something of a horror movie status.........once again.

If you desire a testimony of how ugly this woman is. Get a load of this wide scan photo.

Yes we have the Queen handling once again everything from wind storm omens to the Obama's with perfect grace looking in control again and not ghastly.

Next we have four males, who are telling in even the guard is so putrefied at seeing what is under Muchelle's dress are all turning away.

Do you realize it is programmed genetics of nature for men to look at all women no matter what, and yet even Obama is checking out the Queen in trying not to ghetto green vomit over what his wife is showing off.

Ok, granted this blog several years ago told Grosshelle to do just this. For her to pretend she was in the wind, and to flip up her skirt and get a beaver shot of her in dark hose, garters and lacey thing hiding her thing.
Once again the Obama's though have taken this blog's advice half assed and just exposed Muchelle's big ass.

I mean who wears a horse blanket under their grandma dress? I mean who wears afro nude hose when lifting their skirt so even the Prince won't take a peek as you know gentlemen prefer GARTERS with little roses on them.
I know the Obama's only throw roses at dead folks, but geez louise, how damn hard is it to screw up simple instructions of pretending your dress floofed up and gave the world a peep show to sex things up and take their minds off this ugly regime?

There is not mouse, gel or hair spray in the million dollar Obama expense account, so when she flips up her dress all people are looking at is that bug eating toothiness of Muchelle and that horror show hair.

Think of Marilyn Monroe in that vent blowing up her skirt........it was perfect and so was her hair. There was that Kelly McGillis or something in The Woman in Red with Gene Wilder......once again perfect hair.........but here is Muchelle in a wind, which I have never seen a wind BLOWING TO THE STRATOSPHERE as the Queen's wind is blowing left to right, but somehow Muchelle's wind is blowing up.............
How does this happen really?

Windgate I suppose, but the reality is all these staged sexy events, which this blog in trying to help the Obama's before they went into tank city in the polls, all worked, but Muchelle somehow finds a way to look even more ugly and becomes Grosshelle again.

I honestly am about puking at the sight of her thighs and the visions of what is there waiting to blind all.............the men in the photo all have this instinctive reaction.

I don't know how a Muchelle with 4 inch hair suddenly becomes Muchelle with 10 inch long locks........but there she is in all her ugliness.

I'm honestly considering not helping the Obama's any more as they screw up everything I tell them and make it a disaster.


Obama now threatens the CIA

Mark Levin has been beefing, stewing and perplexed as to why on earth the Obama regime was leaking out security details concerning the murder of Sheik bin Laden.

Mr. Levin got it wrong though in it was not the Obama regime doing the leaking, as the press reports were leaked that Director Leon Panetta was threatening the CIA agents with criminal prosecution if they did not shut up about bin Laden's murder.........the regime is literally again at war with the CIA..........and this is where Mark Levin should have been pondering for answers as that is the key in this.

There are strange things going on in this as the CIA is leaking information which should not be coming out as it is so detailed it compromises American security if one knows what to decipher from it.
In the British press, the CIA related in these same agents, that they had been watching the Sheik for a very long time. They intimately knew who this man was, and were OBSERVING HIM IN REAL TIME in his courtyard and had nicknamed him the PACER as this tall man in the court of his home was seen often pacing back and forth.

This kind of affinity in a story such as this, shows that the CIA had a symbiotic relationship with the Sheik. He was viewed as their pet and their project. They were territorial and obviously protective of him.......protective for security reasons, and they were fond of him by what the British press statement revealed.

In the press though, it reveals that the American satellites are so adept now that they can show people from hundreds of miles up, in live motion, clearly, and this is something which should not have been revealed, and yet the CIA felt so betrayed by Obama, that it did indeed leak highly classified information.

This blog believes that the CIA wanted Sheik bin Laden, as in wanted him captured as their trophy, so they could deprogram him, and do what Putin's FSB did to Dr. Zawahiri in turning the Sheik into an agent of America again.
The CIA has known the Sheik for years, knows he was manipulated by communists to attack America, knows it was Saudi intel who humiliated bin Laden so he struck out at America, and fully realized what an immense asset the Sheik would be if captured and used to the CIA's advantage.

As only this blog has revealed, the CIA was backtracking from the bin Laden home, all the Muslims fanning out from there, and were killing them.
Part of this, as has never been revealed before was to keep bin Laden in his courtyard, so as not to go on journey, so he could be captured at the Agency's leisure.

I do not believe for a second that the CIA lower eschelon who had developed this report and were formulating an entire intelligence operational structure based upon the capture of Sheik bin Laden were privy to Obama murdering him.
This is what has set off the back channel leaks. The CIA has been chafing over the DOD mocking them rightly in Afghanistan as their "Muslim operatives" were all al Qaeda stooges who were feeding them false information. In what has been taking place, the CIA proper was not informed that Sheik bin Laden was going to be murdered. Obama kept the CIA in the dark on this deliberately as it is concluded that these are Bush Cheney people, and what is considered an affront to the CIA agents is the DOD did not inform them through back channels what Obama was up to.

In short, the DOD gleefully murdered the Sheik, and rubbed the CIA's nose in this, when this was the CIA's project from the beginning and they had an entire scenario mapped out to use bin Laden in numerous ways.

That is why the CIA is leaking information and exposing the Obama SEALS. I have mentioned previously that key channels have known where the Sheik was for some time and for various "reasons", he was not dealt with. One he was at one time in China, and the other, he was being protected by Pak Intel, where a tit for tat deal was worked out as a long term strategy in using Sheik bin Laden.
Exclusively, this blog noted that the Iranians were moved to release bin Laden's family, and an RFID was tagged to these women and children's tails to lead them to bin Laden. This is what was behind Obama early on trying to murder the Sheik in going after his kid in the early Predator strikes.

As more information though started accumulating, it was known that the Sheik was an asset on many fronts and he could compromise a number of highly placed folks. It was at this point, that Obama purchased the murder license to shut bin Laden and has the Obama SEALS murder him in his bedroom.

It has become even more disgraceful the real stories coming out of that home in all of the bin Laden wives tried to save him, while these Obama SEALS were throwing almost 70 year old women out of the way.........with the "excuse" these SEALS thought they might have suicide bomber vests on.
Ah excuse the bright girl here, but in the Israeli Defense Forces, I have never seen the protocol of disarming bombs by throwing old women to the floor.

That is quite amazing in all those Persian communist IED's in Iraq could have been neutralized if only some Obama SEAL had thrown an old gal on the dirt...........

Do you see how all of these stories from the SEALS are bullshit? The CIA knows this, and all of this is just cover as Obama sent in SEALS to murder these people which the CIA could have won the war on terror with.
Criminey bobwheat my children, the Pak Intel is so furious at these murders that they only let the CIA in once to question the wives. All of this reveals that Pak Intel and the CIA were symbiotic in formulating what to do with Sheik bin Laden to their advantage.

Pak Intel can not believe that the CIA was not privy to this operation of murder and the CIA apparently can not convince these nuclear armed Muslims of this.
Look this is the twin structure which did nothing in the assassination of Gen. Zia. Murdered Prime Minister Bhutto when she told the world that the Sheik was murdered by Pak Intel years ago, according to her sources and this is the structure of the Mumbai murder spree.

A massive breach has occurred in this, and the American CIA is stinging from this and retaliating on the DOD and apparently can not mend the fences with Pak Intel over this.

THIS is huge, because Pakistan was going to utilize Sheik bin Laden for control over Afghanistan when Obama pulls out of there. The Sheik would be leverage with the Taliban who Obama is trying to hand the country over to.

That is what is behind all of this. Director Panetta in his leaks in outing Obama's murder spree, appears to not have been in the loop on this either and was hoping to capture bin Laden. Instead, Panetta with his leaks went on to assure himself to head the DOD as his form of blackmail.
So much though for the CIA agents who he had to threaten with Eric Holder prosecution if they did not shut up in outing what this regime did.

The Porter Goss agents though would do well to find a Sarah Palin and perhaps whisper some things to her via a modern William Casey, as nothing helps elect Ronald Reagan better than having an old spook running operations against Jimmy Carter...........you know the same tact Obama implemented in his FARC dope smuggling lines into Africa and Europe in 2008 and promising the Palestinians all of Israel for 300 million in counterfeit credit card deposits into his campaign.

The CIA is rightly infuriated over all of this. The DOD has been exposed as murderous tools of the Obama regime, and America has lost immensely in the murder of Sheik bin Laden on moral, domestic and security grounds.

Mark Levin needs to stop cheering and get this through his front bench, as America lost completely and there is no undoing Obama spiking the ball on this one..........as he scored a touchdown for the world Marxists and America will pay dearly for the murder of Sheik bin Laden.

The CIA gets it in who are behind outing this.

agtG 252

The Return of the Pale Rider

I remember a Star Trek episode in which Mr. Spoc was perplexed at the admiration the entire crew had for Khan, a military superman dictator, but Kirk explained that while humans could find someone like this abhorent, there was also an appreciation of such a person for what they are.

It is no secret this blog considers Osama bin Laden's murder thee greatest mistake in United States foreign policy in a list of Obama nuclear disarmament, handing eastern Europe to the Soviets and his Club Meddling in Muslim militantism of the Marxists.
Sheik bin Laden was special like Saladin for his notorious accomplishments. There is one other leader along with Khadaffi which this blog has an appreciation for in their leviathan ability and this is Vladamir Putin.
Mr. Putin is a murderous Bolshevik thug. He also is one of thee most gifted political leaders in the world, and, thee most astute Russia has produced in generations.

The reason for the focus on Mr. Putin
is he is going to take back the Russian leadership and oust Medvedev, who is the leftist of the west's favorite now.
I have personal mixed feelings in this, as I know of the Nostradamus mirror imagery and the Catholic oracles in all hinting of Mr. Putin, the once friend of the west, who will rise again and turn the world into a cauldron, now that Mr. Obama has scattered enough explosives about to make the tinder easy.
I'm aware of the oracles speaking of Putin who will invade the west in league with China and Muslims. How the spears of the Russian army will reach Germany and France........how the Pope will flee.....an anti pope arise.......how the hybrid American WMD's like nothing you have ever contemplated, but have only been eluded to here will be spread in a line to exterminate the Russian military..........how in this a Russian revolution will come to be again and Putin will be dead.

All of this according to the oracles is only a few years off now, once Mr. Putin takes power again, and flexes his muscles against the west. It stands to reason as Mr. Obama is on the decline that his replacement in the real anti Christ will soon arise in Europe with his false peace and bring about Holy Land invasions, including Libya and Egypt, and Armageddon.

It feels though a great deal like the Prophet staring at the Assyrian who he knew would lead his military against the American's ancestors in Israel and rip open pregnant women with the sword. To contemplate if the oracles are right in this and I know the Biblical part is exact, that this should all mean our best years are behind us and our better future is just over the horizon.

Mr. Putin is magnificent in his charisma, like bin Laden and like Khadaffi. Such waste though in life as with Hitler is such a dichotomy, but America you are going to pay with your life for this Herodian Obama of Saulite choice...........you should have impeached and imprisoned this usurper, for this legacy will make you bleed if this unfolds in the real man of Vladamir Putin returning.

I will not post the oracles again, as they can be found..........and one should focus on God and Biblical Prophecy in the first and last place. It is though a series of fluid events which speaks of Alaska invaded by China and other nuclear events as this cauldron from the Obama abyss begins boiling from the demonic depths.

My focus of course is Christ and survival. It is a time that all the Prophets and Apostles looked for, and now it appears this generation is going to not pass away until it is complete.
So America, you had better get a real God led American President, in a Sarah Palin into that Oval Office, and hope to God His Mercy abates some of this, as Jesus foretold no flesh would be left alive unless these days were shortened.

I wonder at a time that Witnesses will be murdered in Jerusalem and celebrated like those nits cheered bin Laden's murder in celebration.........I wonder at a time when people will hear New York City type cities will be vaporized..........a million dead on the battlefields and not even blink as it will be all so common in massive death.

You are going to need a Christian Leader America, one in league with the Living God, as your sun has set and Obama is pulling the horizon down after it.

The Pale Rider is returning and death will follow according to Prophecy. Things are not going to be easy and will be challenged as the years progress at every step.
If your old ones are still with you, ask them of World War II in what took place, for it is coming again.

There is no turning back from this.


Without Law

Has anyone asked with the proof of the Obama abstract now proving beyond doubt that Barack Hussein Obama jr. is a British child, and under the 1948 British Nationality Act, what are the consequences of charges concerning the murder of Osama bin Laden and others in Pakistan by Seal Team 6, when they carried out these multiple homicides with no legal authority.

Team 6 might as well of gotten orders from a Nigerian spammer claiming to have inherited 6 billion dollars and the US Presidency for all the legality of what Mr. Obama ordered these men to carry out.

I'm not speaking of the obvious in the United Nations conducting inquisitional hearings over this murder, nor the World Court hearing the bin Laden family's case, but what I speak of is the reality of what happens to these cheering American so special forces when Barack Hussein Obama jr. cuts a deal to save hisself and testify against these military folks?

Ah now we have not thought about this now have we, now have we?

Do you think for a second that Barack Obama is going to be some Serbian dragged out of his hiding to be grilled and humiliated by Europeans, or will this same European cartel which installed Obama, cut Obama a veddy veddy British deal as a subject and put forth this Jarrett saving scenario...........

a weeping Obama speaks with teleprompter..........

Your lord and ladyships, I was out playing golf when that evil Robert Gates demanded I return to the White House. I tried as you all know to dither away in 2009 from murdering Muslims........did I not give a Cairo speech, hold my hand out to Iran in giving them a nuclear arsenal, and did I not set Egypt, Libya and Tunisia free......and did I not put American Soldiers into that death trap of Afghanistan so Muslims could even the score in murdering them..........did I not protect Nidal Hasan from being called a Muslim terrorist for that Fort Hood evening of the score...............yes I was playing golf when Robert Gates dragged me back to the White House and pressured me with David Patraeus, two Americans who murdered more Muslims than the Crusaders under that evil George W. Bush...........when they forced me to send in the SEALS...............I wanted to arrest Mr. Osama.........I wanted to give him a fair trial, American rights, American accommodations as my guest at the White House, but I was horrified when I found out that someone who was of these Americans called for the murder of all these Muslims.

There I sat in that staged picture so the world would know my horror, in sitting there slumped and dejected as I learned my Muslim brothers were murdered by these Americans.

Yes I even protested that staged photo, but saw my opportunity in showing my grief, and allowed it when Leon Panetta and Jay Carney demanded I pose for it.

I was then forced to give that speech...........forced to call that reprehensible George W. Bush to which he said, "Good call", but all I could think of was my dead Islamic brothers in pools of blood and if any of their wive needed some comfort as my harem is a bit thick in the butt and I would be most willing to marry them for the dowry of the bin Laden fortune..........and yes your lordship I will get back to my testimony...........

All of this was not my fault as a British subject and adopted Indonesian Muslim son. I vacationed in Pakistan and would never have ordered murder on Pakistani soil.

It was all of these Americans, starting with Team 6. I have given you the photos I took of them celebrating and confessing of their crimes when I went and gathered evidence in Kentucky while visiting them..............

Who has more evidence on Americans, than Mr. Obama to save hisself in cutting a deal and serving up Team 6 on a platter, along with the rest of the military.

Without law there is nothing. No loyalty. No order. Nothing which provides the boundaries of safety for societies.

So what happens when Obama turns on Americans for his globalist cronies to save hisself in the utter humiliation of America?

What happens without law and a world lawlessness convicting all Americans.
