Monday, July 11, 2011

Thee Obama Enablers

This evening Mark Levin bitch slapped a caller who dared repeat that someone compared Barack Hussein Obama to Adolf Hitler, as Levin's source on Hitler and Obama is his old pop who was on Iwo Jima..........and apparently being Russian Ashkenaz Jews, they are also experts on what makes Hitler a Hitler and Obama an Levin states, "Only the left does that".

Well my children, welcome to the leftishemisphere, as this Conservative blog has not been comparing Barack Hussein Obama to Adolf Hitler, but has been thee exclusive source in exposing thee direct relations of Barack Hussein Obama to Adolf Hitler.

Who was it that divided Europe up in which Russia took all of eastern Europe, but Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin.............repeated by Barack Hussein Obama and Vladamir Putin.

Who oversaw the slaughter of the Polish leadership...........why Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein Obama.

Who is a National Socialist..............Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein Obama.

Who gave speeches at the Berlin Monument to Victory............why Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein Obama.

Who was promoted to their lofty usurpation of the German Government and American Government at the direct backing of secular Ashkenaz Rothschilds and Rockefellers...........Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein Obama.

Who loves gun control...........Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein Obama.

Who is the favored political leader of the Muslim Brotherhood's time...........Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein Obama.

Who invaded North Africa deposing sitting governments...............Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein Obama.

Who treats Jews as vermin class citizens................Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein Obama.

Who replaced their national seals with seals of their own................Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein Obama.

Who had brown shirt thugs intimidating the public..........Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein Obama.

It is a good thing always expert daddy Levin can define all this Hitler and Obama stuff as Mark Levin has now moved the goal posts in this again as an Ashkenaz Obama apologist in his castigating this caller who actually trusted Mark Levin to treat him with respect.............that Mark Levin states that Obama has not killed millions of people.............. a Conservative let's look at the numbers of Obama slaughtered innocents.

No baby sis, I'm not talking about the thousands of US Soldiers slaughtered by Barack Obama in his quid pro quo to Muslims like at Fort Hood or Afnamistan. That is small spuds deary just like those piles of dead Muslims around the world just are not impressive to Mark Levin.
Lesbian Levin wants the big numbers..........millions, as only millions can found Jewish nations..well it has been proven to be around a million worked and starved to death, but as this blog exclusively explained long ago...............when all of Europe had millions of dead in their ethnic groups and American had over half a million dead in that Franklin Roosevelt war...........well you just had to inflate your dead Jew numbers to get some attention.

Let us examine aborticide, as that is what black Christian clergy were castigating Obama on immediately as he went wholesale on African babies, terming it genocide on black people.

In examining "family planning" data from the 1990's..............see now data is all in abortion rates of 35 per 1000 women, as they really are hiding the numbers now, but in this pro abortion data, it was revealed that 5 million African babies were slaughtered per year on average.

I do believe even from downtown Iwo Jima just outside of Berlin that 5 million dead babies does constitute millions of dead which has now become USA worldwide policy under Barack Obama.

North America is not divided, as the industry does not want USA numbers being examined closely, but that is 1.5 million children per year.

It might be news to Lesbian Levin, but under Obamacare mandates now the American people are now directly funding aborticides in America, and this is all under the direction of Adolf Obama.

I realize that babies being slaughtered does not matter to Mark Levin or else his pop would have mentioned it in his expert advice in who is Hitler and who is Obama.

11% of all women in Africa are aborting their babies. 58% of all women in Asia are now slaughtering their babies. The average in lifespan average in the combined female reproductive group is over 1 abortion per woman.

Obama though according to apologist Mark Levin is not Adolf you know humans only count in Levin analogies if they are of a certain religious group and make an industry out of their dead.
You just do not see Aborticaust Museums around America, or perhaps Mark Levin and pops would realize that black babies are people too.

So according to the great one apologist Mark Levin, attendee of Rush Limbaugh Jesus bashing entertainment, and promoter of hating the American rural poor in ethanol production.........we have to wait people until the communists of Iran, backed by Moscow and Peking, refine enough uranium from Asia so it leaves no traces to anyone, and drops a double slap warhead on New York City which will finally murder millions of people.............a greater portion of who will be Jewish..........that I think, perhaps, maybe, could be, probably, might be the area where Mark Levin might say that secular Islamist Barack Hussein Obama in allowing Iran to build the non traceable nuke with millions dead, Jews included...............that then, perhaps then, Mark Levin will say that Barack Hussein Obama is just like Adolf Hitler.

You New York Jews are just going to have to offer up your charred bodies again as that is thee only definition which is acceptable to that Bull Dyke, Mark lesbian Levin that National Socialist Obama is just like National Socialist Adolf Hitler.

That is why this blog currently only compares Mr. Obama to Mr. Hitler, and not Mr. Stalin yet, as Mr. Obama's policy will have the big numbers of tens of millions like Stalin's policies initiated...............

I wonder if pop Levin can see Russia from Iwo Jima like he could see into Hitler's bedroom?

This is what you are fawning over right wing America, a mouth which apologizes for Obama as the horror he has already unleashed like Hitler's early years is just not enough.

For the record Mr. Levin, it took Mr. Hitler almost 10 years to accomplish what Mr. Obama has put into place in just three.

zu viele informationen

nuff said


The Missing Link

It is sort of amusing to watch the liberals and the surviving Dunham in law make excuses that Bearick sr. Obama really was not discussing with wife number 2 in dumping the little black bloke into the adoption hamper of the Salvation Army.

How could anyone not want this special child full of needs, as he was going to be the savior who would messiah liberals into their religion that they were not really racists..........because they voted for that tan man..............mainly white guy designed in negro fashion.

Obama sr. should have wanted this anchor baby, but he could not get far enough away from this bastard...........and there in lies the lie in all of this.

It was not just Barack sr. who was the tart in Hawaii nailing all the girls. Stan Ann was the honey pot down at the red light bars all the communists congregated at.

In Dreams of my Obama, even Obama can not help confessing all of this in what his discussed outcome was without doubt...........

“Even in sophisticated urban centers… the hostile stares, the whispers, might have driven a woman in my mother’s predicament into a back-alley abortion - or at the very least to a distant convent that could arrange for adoption.’’

Note in this that Barry was informed Stan Ann was in the process of dumping this kid, either in a convent or an aborticide...........the Dunham's had checked all the options out, and knew that there were no doctors on the side in clinics to perform a.....apeasiodomy as they were listed on the papers then.

This was no starry eyed love insterest as the propaganda tried to spin this but a PREDICAMENT.

In case you missed this, this is thee smoking gun of Jerome Corsi in Barack Obama's own confession Stan Ann COULD NOT, WOULD NOT, have a dark kid in Hawaii due to what it would do to the position her mother and father held, and ruin their prospects.

But wait.............this is a family who were going to turn tissue in to maggot munchies in an abortion........and suddenly a love affair began with Bearick jr..........which was broken twice in Obama's life by Stan Ann in she dumped this kid off at age 10 in Hawaii and again when Stan Ann was going to start over again with another black baby she was going to adopt again out of Korea.

The smoking gun from Obama's own book sets the stage the Dunhams were not about to have this kid born in Hawaii. This points to either a Canadian or Kenyan birth.
Being a moral person, I had concluded no normal person would have taken a flight to Kenya and been innoculated with poisons............unless of course it might have been a Pan Am abortion she was trying for in death of Bearick by 707.

Stay with this now as Obama has said abortion or adoption were the sought for solutions which Bearick sr. had signed off on as well as the Dunhams.

Something though changed readily and the trail leads to a sort of Great Expectations Pip character in someone put a value on B. Hussein Obama coming into this world, and in exchange for that birth, the Dunhams began fighting fraud and forgery for this kid.

Barack Obama was a quid pro quo...........a baby bartered for to be birthed. Obama might never had the black slave experience, but Barry O certainly was part of an exchange of more than body fluids.

The reason for the discussion of the odd birth dates for Obama and the reason for Stan Ann going nuts in Kenya on a hot day, jumping in the ocean, as all women know one does not do this when pregnant as it can induce child there was a schedule in this to keep Bearick sr's sperm donation in a 9 month timetable so he would not realize he had been trapped.
Stanley Ann Dunham was not laying in the hot sun for Bearick sr like a cow to be picked up. She was laying in the sun waiting to get this natural born African to donate sperm, so she could pin the tale on him.........yes I mean TALE as in story.

If you note in Obama's entire existence, every time he turns around it is like there is a magic Gennie making the world revolve around him from re entry into America by the State Department, Birth Records in Hawaii created, Universities opening doors, Saudi's opening funding doors, Saddam Hussein's own banker in Mr. Auchi bankrolling Obama to Bill Ayers in Chicago.
It was not just the American 5th column promoting this David Letterman stage act, this was worldwide...............the United States Department of State literally let this foreigner in. That kind of pull in 1971 was limited to people of the Howard Hughes class of power.....this though was no pro American Howard Hughes backing this.

There was definite interest in this Obama boy and that interest has Obama giving his Rothschild Berliner boy speech in 2008.
From the beginning of this, this blog noted something was very wrong with this Obama in how the doors flew open for a not too intelligent dope head racist. There are hundreds of rappers who are more astute than Obama, so why this kid out of all the other kids?

Stanley Ann Dunham in her jungle lust was transformed after a Hawaiian bar to a breeder for world communism. This Barry Soetoro was her dues in what bartering him could offer and old Madelyn was the one securing this deal as she registered this kid in Hawaii as an American.
Yes she did this to leverage Stan Ann back, but they kept this kid with all the problems associated with him...........and they started doing a great deal better than other American communists like Lee Harvey Oswald.........and Uncle Frank Marshall Davis was slugging booze back in canning jars.............the money and direction of Pip Obama was being orchestrated from outside interests.

Someone wanted this Muslim Marxist kid to be raised that way and immersed in that environment with the calling card of Barack Hussein Obama jr. as the daddy for cover.

I have mentioned the celebrated black opera singer, the pride of the Kremlin, which even named a black tomatoe after this communist in Paul Robeson.
I will now remind readers that Robeson instigated in 1948 the beginning of the overthrow of Hawaii in dealing with the Longshoreman's union. He would instigate Frank Davis and his white wife move to Hawaii as they would be more accepted there.

was the original black liberationist in creating union upheaval and finally being such a pariah he fled and became a child of European socialist exile. He would be on tour in late 1960 in the south Pacific in Oz and Kiwi for a nine week tour, which would have him traveling back to Europe in early December, the time of Barack Obama's conception. (It was a wild party in Moscow in 1961 which almost killed him, so this old man was still up to the task until his break down.)
He would return to London by early 1961. The reason for noting this is, while there was problems with the US Government, one in Australasia still has to venture back to Europe. Did Paul Robeson travel back via Hawaii to see his old friend, communist Frank Davis in the more civilized route than through the less hospitable Asian African route?

Was in deed a little comrade barfly, already exposed to perversion by Davis in Stanly Ann Dunham, become a booty call for a Hawaiian layover?

In any sperm deposit benefactor, was Robinson the benefactor in his international communist ties who had child Obama in rumor well known to Russian communists who were predicting he would be in the White House one day?
Was it Robisons money and connections which adopted Obama early in opening the doors or was this a matter of child support, as the reality is Robeson was an enemy of America in his own files by the CIA and FBI, and a child of his would be a pariah.
Would in 1961 the more astute choice be to rope a Marxist African to be the dupe of father figure to deflect all of the attention this bastard would receive from a Davis or a Robeson. In that, the logic dictates was this an adoption or child support?

Many have considered Malcolm Little and Frank Davis, but in this intrigue the reality is Robeson had the connections and funds.

father and son?

Yes this is an exclusive in is Paul Robeson the missing link to the doors opening for the question is, just how conceptual is this link tied to Robeson?

agtG 242

“I’m not one to go in for Lolitas. Usually I’d rather not bed a babe under 20. But there are exceptions. I didn’t want to disappoint the trusting child. At her still-impressionistic age, a rejection might be traumatic, could even cripple her sexually for life.”

“Anne came up many times the next several weeks … She obtained a course in practical sex from experienced and considerate practitioners rather than from ignorant insensitive neophytes….I think we did her a favour, although the pleasure was mutual.”

Naughty naughty DC Caller

Shame the Daily Caller keeps putting on hold comments exposing the real story, like why Obama keeps ripping into the private jet it is all Rush Limbaugh's fault.

Fortunately, although this blog once again had a dozen archive stories on one story..........the facts of things still appear here.


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For once this is not Barack Obama’s fault. So listen dear children in what this is really about.

Rush Limbaugh several years ago started lying about ethanol which funds farmers and rural states and not terrorists. I outed his lies on Newsbusters as his data as about combining the cost of like mining coal to generate the electricity for the heat to make this fuel.
It is like you saying it cost a billion dollars to bake a cookie if you take into account oil wells, farms, electric generators, mining etc…

You decide why Limbaugh has been attacking poor rural people who are getting money instead of OPEC oil terrorists.

My blog made Limbaugh shut up about this as Roger Hedgecock was in on this smear campaign too.
Do not think I’m anti oil, because I would love America to Sarah Palin drill baby drill, but there is an financier element which wants that ethanol money is New York banks and Rockefeller oil accounts and not in rural areas, and that group funnels money to Rush Limbaugh and others through Operation Mockingbird as the directorate has for a generation.

Limbaugh apparently was stewing on this for years as he started in on farmers and ranchers in subsidies months ago, and I frankly will not allow the poor to be smeared and turned into slaves, as that is what America did to farmers in cheap food policy and it ruined all these noble farmers and ranchers.

So my blog started exposing Limbaugh’s subsidies and the one which was focused upon was his private jet, as it is all taxpayer funded and Limbaugh in his around 12 million in taxes he should be paying deducts that jet, flights to Joplin hawking his tea which has bastardized the Tea Party while whoring the American Soldiers who died as Heroes and as a business Limbaugh is the most subsidized person around, and he is smearing farmers who have worked their entire lives as wage slaves.

My blog is monitored as this site is by the Obama regime. They saw that jet subsidy and quite brilliantly never mentioned Limbaugh, but knew it would skewer the GOP and it’s big guns.
So Rush Limbaugh is to blame in he started this bitching about American poor farmers feeding all of America in cheap food as slaves, as those combined trillions of the super banks, oil barons and all they glean from Obama spending is just not enough, they need the few dollars rural Americans earn too.

That is the story in this in Obama actually used a Conservative blog in pointing out Limbaugh’s hypocrisy and turned it back on Boehner’s GOP, and this is all Rush Limbaugh’s fault.

Rush Limbaugh is no different that Barack Obama in being a gatekeeper of the elite to manage crowd control. Limbaugh is clothed in Reagan to camouflage his paying Elton John, a sodomite Jesus basher 1 million dollars to entertain him. You can go down the list of the fraud of Limbaugh in he is no Ronald Reagan, no more than Roger Ahles at FOX is Reaganite in being Obama all the time for Rupert Murdoch.

Everything the GOP engineered was stymied by Rush Limbaugh’s vendetta he started against poor American Farmers and Ranchers. The Obama regime simply took the information and crafted it into the one bright idea they have had. When corporate America and the air industry figure out that Limbaugh is to blame for this, instead of this smokescreen directed at Obama………well that would be the start of a most appropriate reckoning in the power elite as Limbaugh’s chickens come home to roost.

Rush Limbaugh started this and now the financial end in Mockingbird is being exposed in who funds all of this really.
He had to change his ways a few years ago, and he just couldn’t leave the poor alone and had to go and bully kick sand at them again for the cartels.

Enjoy the saga as this has only started.

The Deafened Destroyer

In this case, I do not mean to pick on Mark Levin, but he has so overused the world "destroy" which this blog laid out as the attributes to Barack Obama, that people are shutting off to the word.

If Levin staged this conditioning, congrats Lesbian Levin, but if he is just wandering about the abyss, then this blog will assist him as it does Obama in finding his ass with both hands......along with the rest of you children playing with your vintage Tonka toys made out of sheet metal and not plastic.

I will be as brief as possible in this, in this is based on Mark Levin's "destroy" in Obama means to destroy the gas engine.

Why is not what Levin explained, so by God's Grace here it is.

Name the things which made America in God's Grace the prosperous leader of the world, and you start with the people.
The people's work ethic has been deliberately corrupted in lacking God and morals, being replaced by sex and big daddy communal government.

Fur, was another target as was forestry in that is how the poor generated renewable cash to free themselves and better themselves. Take fur away and forests, and the people at the bottom suffer and become government wards, and industry loses a major buying majority as poor people always spend their money.

Meat, yes meat was a target as concentrated protein is what lifted Americans from the shackles of feudalism to fight off tyranny.
You can not amount to any sort of people if you eat rice, vegetables and lack the concentrated protein of meat.

Land, outpricing land takes ownership from the people and makes them wards of the state.

We come to the combustion engine, and this includes coal. Cheap energy provides an American with the ability to have more free time to observe the treahery of the elite and to live longer in those engines doing the work for them, so they can in mass produce more cheaply and in effect become competitors to the elite.

This is why Mr. Obama is destroying key elements of society, as those elements have been targets for a generation in the sole purpose of making serfs of the American People.

This has nothing to do with Marxism or saving the earth or living healthy. These are the protocols of mind control......deprive populations of meat diets and they become mind fuzzed in being easier to is a complete list of protocols in depriving a people of morals, self worth, reasons for working to advance themselves and to accomplish it easily.

Mr. Obama is creating the world Roman Empire with satellite satrappies of Islam, Bolshevism and Maosism of the kingly elite and the cropped livestock of the pastures in human serfs.

Someone needs to explain this simply, as that is taking place. People like Mark Levin have ruined the debate by overuse of key words, many generated here, which have numbed the people, as they keep swallowing their tails in not being able without the Holy Ghost to advance the Thought beyond today.

It deafens the masses and that deafness then destroys the masses as they quit listening.

It is a bright class and they demand new energy each day, no matter if my dog dies on December 8th or not.
