Saturday, July 23, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik: I was just following Janet Napolitano's Orders

"He has had a dialogue with the police the whole time, but he's a very demanding suspect,"Police Chief Sveinung Sponheim said.

I actually have waited to assess the.............I really do not know what to call it in what took place in Norway, as it reminds me a great deal of the Nobel Committee handing out a million dollars to an entertaining gay guy who bashes I'm not speaking of Rush Limbaugh and Elton John, but the Norwegians and B. Hussein Obama........another non Muslim loping about murdering people.

Apparently all of the Vikings settled in a America and never went back in 1000 AD as archaeological records prove, as........I just do not understand this Charles Darwin natural selection which is Norwegians these days.

The rush to pin this on a "right wing" Anders Behring Breivk who was a BIO FARMER.........ah that is more leftist than Mark Levin's hated "Big Ethanol" farmers, is fascinating in a way like Jared Loughner was a right winger until he turned out to be a left winger.

I prefer to deal with the facts in Mr. Brevik being the only Viking left in Norway was and is only doing Viking things.
I find it hilarious the head cop in Norway is being bossed around by Mr. Brevik while the Viking is in custody. The head of Norwegian security is intimidated by a Norwegian demanding what they want.
This is no slur on Vikings as a Viking used to bash people they met over the head with an axe just to see if they were human or some spirit. Easy way of sorting things out without much thought needed.

Viking Brevik though was really...............only capable of doing this as Norwegians are absolute lemmings.
His bombing was not very efficient, for the reason I conclude, he did not put up a sign on his car ordering, "ALL YOU SHEEP GATHER AROUND HERE AND WAIT NO MATTER WHAT", as that is what he did on this island in ordering around these people who obeyed and were shot.

This island must have been a very little thing or Norwegians are not that Nobel bright as the Viking was shooting people in the water WHO FIRST TOOK OFF THEIR CLOTHING BEFORE TRYING TO SWIM AWAY IN FRONT OF A PERSON WITH A FIREARM.
I apologize for being a bit more intelligent than a Norwegian, as if someone is blowing things up, I would run away from them to the opposite side of the island and then swim around out of gun range.......and I would do this without worrying about whether my clothing was going to be ruined in getting wet.

This becomes a bit more odd in these confirmed leftists dumped their children off on this island WITHOUT ANY BOATS stranding the children and adults there.

It took SWAT 90 minutes to reach the island...........well 40 minutes they said, but in that apparently these leftists were being shot for 50 hour, before anyone decided to ring tone for help.

I just am having difficulty comprehending people who are like cornish game hens standing around picking at grit as the butcher lops off the heads of their comrades.

No one tried to stab this guy, grab a flammable liquid and McGiver torch him..........they just played dead, and not very well, as the Viking came back and then shot them in the head with a shotgun.

No wonder these Norwegians like Obama. They have no fight in them and want some Hitler National Socialist to abort them all in some Obamacare concentration camp.
The fact is children, no wonder Viking Breivik went off the deep end and thought he was on a turkey farm as not even SWAT shoots terrorists over there.........

..........or is that the point in SWAT was either terrified of the Viking in not wanting to meet his irresistible force or were they so stunned at finding one man in Norway they didn't want to kill the endangered specie.
Was Norwegian SWAT even armed?

Putin might as well just roll in one tank and take over Norway as Scandinavia is his for the taking. These Norwegians who run that place in being leftists will not resist.

It is a good thing thought that prophet Napolitano released her video warning against white it came true in Obama's Norway..........and it was the Muslims who were condemning the attack just like secular Muslim Obama did.

I conclude that Viking Brievik got tired and bored, as he was only averaging 1 kill per minute.......that is really bad shooting for a terrorist or a Viking............worse yet apparently according to police, people who were shot were jumping into the water and then drown themselves.
The defense is going to have a great time with that one as they will argue these were not people who were intelligent enough to be thought of as people and will assume they were committing suicide in being so despondent that Obama's world peace blew up in their faces.

There are in serious side of this something very wrong with all of this from the one day creation of Twitter and Facebook accounts to a bio farmer which points to something else than what the public is being told as this blame the right wing mantra gets full publicity.

I would though use the Janet Naps Napolitano defense, in she predicted this..........and this viking just could not take it any more being in a petting zoo of liberal sheep and his Thorness just went berserk.

As Viking Breivik is already ordering around the head cop, he will order about the room the judge and the jury of course will be in awe and fall in behind their new leader...........sure worked in Germany 1930 and it certainly worked for a teleprompter reader in America for the sheep in 2008.

You are probably looking at the next Masonic leader of Norway as they will have no idea what to do with this Viking.

There seems to be one redeeming feature in 500 people were not dead............I explain like in Fort Hood the "heroes" there were celebrated by Barack and Michelle Obama in they shot the Soldiers there and could not get the terrorist dead...........
If Norwegian SWAT were like American SWAT spraying lead about the place, 400 more people would be dead.......and we do not know if Norwegian SWAT yet ran over any people in the water in their leisurely boat outing to the island of 40 minutes.

So in liberal logic, I don't see this Viking really being anything but Born Free or Free Willy, as he is protected by the Endangered Species Act in being the only Viking in Norway, and is like that bear in Yellowstone killing people..........he was just doing what Vikings do.......and let us not forget the Napolitano defense in she predicted all of this, just got the wrong continent, but as there is that Obama link, I'm sure she is taking credit in a close psychic hit, in the Viking has the perfect Napolitiano defense in................


nuff said.


PS: The Norwegians apparently did get this terrorist arrested as he announced he had a knife........apparently they were afraid of being buttered to death by the Julia Childs of Norway.

I didn't see any Norwegian chefs in the Napolitano video.............but Muchelle did have that Rick Bayless at the White House.......and aren't the Obama's looking for a new chef?????
Maybe this was a resume enhancer to cook kobe beef at the White House in Obama Norway.

Praying to a Porcelain God*

Obviously as Mockingbird historian Michael Beschloss stated that Barack Obama is so brilliant his intelligence is off the IQ scale, the problem for Mr. Obama is his brilliance gets in the way of his ability to think.

Lame Cherry

In always seeking to assist beloved leader, the president of Whore Island, the fault in all of this unemployment, debt, lack of not enough vacation time, evil Republicans and all those bad omens, lays completely upon the Obama faithful..........or faithless.

A Messiah once said that all things are possible with God, but it is a matter of faith. That sums up the entire failure of Barack Hussein Obama in Chris Matthews instead of leg tingling should have been down on his knees in front of BHO worshipping him.

This blog calls upon all those Obama blasphemers who took his name in vain.......who called him a messiah, put a halo around his head and defined him a god........that it is your lack of faith which has brought the ruin of B. Hussein Obama.
None of this is Obama's fault, as all of you have hindered him in your lack of faith.

Where have your mass worship services been for Obama? Have any virgins been sacrificed or has any of you even asked Obama if he wants virgins thrown into his volcano? All of you folks are just so faithless that you have impeded the great works of Obama.

Has he walked on the water? No, because your lack of faith stopped him.

Has he risen anyone from the dead? No, instead he had to go off and murder Sheik bin Laden to hide his own sins in being a usurper at the White House.

Yes Obama, the sinless, the immaculately conceived child of a semi virginal birth of many fathers, has become liberal sin itself as Obama was going to free you all from your racism and hatred of America in destroying her, and instead he has become the manifestation of all liberals in the failures they are.

Think of what you did to Peggy Noonan..........suffering from a latex allergy in rubbing so much on her Obama blow up doll.
Think of what you did to Ann Coulter...........writing satanic books about the devil in her and wanting a gang bang.........all that coming from such a nice girl.
Think of what you did to Rush Limbaugh............he is now Elton Blonde, married to his daughter and not enough sugar for her nor his iced tea.
Think of what you did to Mark Levin........he is now a bull dyke lesbian.

All of these Obama leaners wasting all their faith, because all of you liberal faithful have been faithless in hope and change.

Where are your pitchfork mobs? All Obama can get out is one shooter for Gabrielle Giffords and some black kids savaging each other.
Obama asks for millions and all he gets is his children of 2008 lusting after another god. Such whores you are!

There is a remedy in this of course and it is in Obama's African roots, his now becoming the Queen of the Nile, yes replacing Mubarak, BHO is now Cleobama, the priestess of the Egyptian rites, the temple prostitute who is ready for your confession of sins.

Yes, this is the Obama religion, the Obama remedy, according to his allah moon goddess maxims and mantras. Obama your priestess simply must have all your phallics exuberant for him again in one mass confession in which he receives your sins through your ejaculatory applause upon his person.

Doing the math in this of 10cc's is the human secretions due to sexual Obamacourse, taken times 50 million faithless is like Michael Beschloss said, "That is a whole lot of off the charts eruptions".

In noting that, this blog suggests that the President of Whore Island, get hisself a yacht, so he will not drown in the deluge of cream and honey. Perhaps the cascade of sin he receives will float his boat right down the Potomac...............providing of course the EPA does not find some regulation that a mass protein dump into a river is not some environmental threat.
Surely though there can be an exception as Obama does his allah thing in judging his sinful followers all reprobate for not believing in him with all their heart, mind, body and soul.

If only the Obama voters had just believed and not been so concerned about mammon, then this mahdi of their erection would have been a reich of this that and the other thing.

Let us then all call for an Obama Day.......something like the Day of Atonement which Jews just might abandon as they in mass created this god in their own image and then didn't stand around to make sure this deity of Obama could wipe his ass and think at the same time.

Not all gods are equal people. There is the God of gods, thee only living God, and then there are these charms in your pockets, your lights on your cakes, your wished upon stars.........and your Obama which need propaganda to make them Muchelle beautiful and Hillary Clinton smart.

We can not examine Obama too closely or his dreams will become our nightmare. It is just more important to believe as America has rejected God........that this tannish savior is all you got and you better rub this gen as that is all there will be in the abyss.

So put on your contrite condoms, both male and female, bring your Obama dead virginal babies aborted which you did not offer to Obama before in blasphemy, gather round your White House temple and on bended knees confess your faithlessness and in genital tears deluge your sins upon your priestess so she will take your sins away.

Obama your porcelain god will then flush your iniquity from you, and it is certain he will then deliver all of this is your fault you faithless generation.

You left God and now you left your Obama.

Repent to your Obama and be saved!


The Crotch Shot

This blog apologizes to Lindsay Lohan in using her crotch shot to highlight the decline of Rush Limbaugh, because now that Ms. Lohan has awoke to wanting to save America, we are quite fond of her and will view her antics of before as............well just a good lesson for people to comprehend that when you are out of ideas, out of touch with America and out of talent, all you have left is the Rush Limbaugh crotch shot.

Liberals have no idea what happened to Limbaugh and others in their meteoric plunges in losing one third of their audiences and Beck being booted off of FOX, but this blog gives full credit to God in His workings, as it is no secret that this blog has been educating Limbaugh and other patricians about ethanol in the lies they told and was not going to put up with anyone assaulting the poor American rural states Citizens.
I knew Rush Limbaugh was plagiarizing me for some time in previous emails.......but then Daniel Pipes and others have done the same thing, and as long as they did not ban me from their sites or start raping my innocent children, I put up with their lack of Inspiration, as God gives to me freely and I work the keyboard for free.

That changes though when betrayal and blasphemy enter the picture. I will not put up with Limbaugh paying 1 million dollars to a Jesus blasphemer in Elton John...........a hundred thousand poor people created that million dollar payment which Limbaugh handed out.....those were Christian people and they were betrayed.
For that reason in payment for payment, stealing for stealing, sevenfold repayment for what is stolen, plus taxes as I refuse to pay income tax, this blog tallied that Limbaugh owed it, 11 million dollars. (1 million Elton John payment, times 7 plus 4 million in income taxes)

It posted a warning here months ago that, that 11 million was going to be cheap, before this was over.........and the warning was Just as God blesses the work here, the people who read this blog are thee most active Minute Men and Women in the world. When these Conservative good people started having the facts put before them about Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck and Levin, these Americans started comprehending the ruse put on them.

The complete news blackout of Jerome Corsi's expose' was further proof how fraud Limbaugh is..........yet Ann Coulter in her mob sex book was featured.........but amazingly Laura Ingraham in her new book has been ignored.
The Obama voters make it onto Limbaugh's network as he calls Birthers and Tea Party Americans kooks.

I was moved before I sat down to write this blog and check the listener data, that Rush Limbaugh is desperate as he tanks and has gone to the crotch shot......from appearing on leftist propaganda cartoons, making boring golf videos to this horrendous bastardization of the Tea Party in that tea he is dumping.
For the record, Rush Limbaugh went into Joplin, Missouri, and as this blog exclusively pointed out broke the law in paying off other vendors...........the real point is Limbaugh went into Joplin AND THE PRESS COULD HAVE CARED LESS.

If you noticed in the way the Lord used Obama to focus upon private jets which drove the benchers nuts...........well when Limbaugh wants to take poor people's jobs from them in ethanol, then Mr. Limbaugh's jet is a beginning will notice that Barack Obama in doing this, NEVER MENTIONED LIMBAUGH, as Obama was led in this to conclude if you don't talk about Limbaugh, then he is not an issue and just disappears.............
Disappears except in the minds of corporate sponsors, donors and GOP leaders who have private jets and now realize it was Limbaugh's big mouth with the oil syndicate targeting poor rural states to take over ethanol for the 3rd time, who started this most serious problem for essence Rush Limbaugh is the problem.

I'm very thankful to God in this and give God full credit, but realize this is not over as it is going to as was stated here, be very expensive for Mr. Limbaugh before this plays out.

Recall Ted Turner robbing those poor black farmers of their God took billions from Turner in a few months. This is just the start with Limbaugh and that huge sucking sound is Limbaugh taking down all those benchers with him.

I have told Limbaugh to repent and pay his bills. He will not and that is his choice. Even his blondeberry apparently is incapable of taking it out in trade to pay the old man's debts, but that again is another matter.

What is the matter is the Mockingbird funding for these benchers, in when you are no longer a pied piper leading lemmings over the cliff in the lemmings smell a rat.............the money flow starts just like the New York Times to dry up.
It would sincerely be of benefit to the benefactors to haul in Rush Limbaugh and renegotiate that 40 million dollar contract they are wasting on him and his buddies of Hannity and Levin, via their sources, and call it a breach in no listeners, and put these benchers on minimum wage.

Brushing the comments of this blog off as if what is typed here is without consequence is quite arrogant by these Limbaugh Leaners. It has nothing to do with me as I'm not God, but there is a God Who weighs things and here am I thankful for what is being weighed.
They should all be listening and there is that matter of that growing bill. It is still going to be there no matter if they are scooping dog poop up existing in government housing. They should have listened and not discounted this blog, nor thought they were bigger than my Connection.

That equally goes for those on the other side of the same coin who I have been taking fire from.

No one knows except you children what is behind all of this........the liberals are all getting it wrong and the Bi Cons will not believe it.

Me? Here am I grateful to God in knowing no one can prosecute God. Makes no difference to me whether Limbaugh believes or not.......or what that entire crew thinks.
I'm in a good mood as I struck silver in a krainekoppe hen hatch out seven little ones today.........and most premature penedscenca has been readily coming alive with the vitamins and God's care.

God has me and it is posted here as a matter of faith for all in the things God does for Himself, as this is not about doing things for me........always remember when Joshua met the Angel of the Lord (Jesus) in Jesus replied He was on His side and not anyone elses.

Humbly nuff said.

agtG 251

The African American

It really is disheartening in having to invest so much time and energy in unfun things on this blog, notably the wasted space on Barack Hussein Obama.
Granted it is done for the love of God's sown America, but just the same it is difficult putting in this much energy and labor in something so unenjoyable.

So I must indulge here in having some fun with you in exposing you to this blog's favorite African American.

He actually is an Oklahoman, and no he is not J.C. Watts, but is instead all the beauty and energy of the American in raw form.

In 1910, after President Roosevelt's safari to Kenya Colony Africa, an Oklahoma pioneer was moved by the excitement, that he set out for Mombasa, Kenya Colony, rode the Lunatic Express into Nairobi, hired two black Africans and set off on foot on his own safari.

His name was Charles Cottar then, and soon enough after a sojourn in Oklahoma exhibiting his trophies and films, he took all he had and moved to British East Africa, as Cottar explained, "I could understand these English there, as they were the ones who settled America.....granted most of them were ending up dead under elephant's feet, but I understood these people".

Cottar had a great deal to move to Africa in Annette May, his wife, Marie, Myrtle, Biddy, Dutchie, Muggy, Baby in his six girls, and three sons, Bud, Mike and Ted.

The English understood this African American giant too and they liked his rugged stuff.

He would soon become Bwana Cottar to all and become all that was the American rugged individual free spirit.

Cottar never had a professional hunter or for that matter any assistance in his films which were very popular in the early 1900's.
He would post his camera, crawl under the hood, invite a charge, and then at the last moment, rise and shoot the dangerous game.

Cottar was the best of all that is African American in he earned his early living there like Karamojo bell in going into the Belgian Congo to poach ivory which had the Belgians executing these enterpeneurs.

On one expedition, he suffered from tick fever, where his porters carried him 400 miles from Uganda while he was in a coma to the shores of Lake Victoria.
Cottar survived and recovered.

Bwana Cottar would join Lord Delemer's scouts on the Anglo German border during World War I, a sort of Kit Carson group of the best big game hunters in the world.
Pity that most of my favorite Africans really are Germans though in Gen. Paul Emil von Letto-Vorbeck was the equal to Sherman or Patton. Never did make sense that Berlin in both those wars never assisted Rommel or Letto-Vorbeck in securing Africa in not enough arms or manpower.

Africa brought out the best in the Americans and European men and women.

Cottar in his life would hammered by an elephant......and survive. Hammered by a cape buffalo.......and survive............but had a bit more problem with leopards in playing with them.

His first encounter was with a kity who had it's head buried in a guinea hen. Cottar shot, and the leopard came right of his which Cottar threw the cat off him.....and the cat died after mauling him.

Number two was a bit more of a problem as Cottar was out making movie, and set about roping a leopard from a horse.
I realize this sounds bizarre, but American cowboys often roped grizzly bears to for fun.....something I do not understand, but Buffalo Bill used to sport with Indians to impress easterners in his care.

So Bwana Cottar ropes this leopard, gets off his horse........yes you think this is when he got mauled, but no, Cottar tied the thing up by it's back legs, and then went off to his wife and son, to get them set up to film the event to come.
The event to come was Cottar on foot walking up to the leopard, at which point hobbled it came for him in great which Cottar fell into a damn pig hole and the cat was all over him.

To explain this leopards when they attack, give you a "hug". By this I explain, they drive their claws into your back by the shoulders, sink their fangs into your neck and then use their hind feet to gut you as they rake with those claws.

Cottar's son Mike, who was 12 ran up to shoot the bit cat, but Cottar commanded him not to, as Mama was rolling film. Cottar at this point threw this cat off of him too and he shot it dead.

Mama being a bit excited for some reason spoiled the film by exposing it...........and Cottar was told at hospital that he would have to have his leg amputated to save his life as he had blood poisoning.

Bwana Cottar stated there were not going to be any amputations and he would survive.

Cottar survived.

He was crippled and this attack would bring on a stroke, but one celebrates the pluck of the Yanks as here was a man with 9 children, a faithful husband, pulled up from Oklahoma for adventure and in time would be conducting hunts to even far off Nepal and using the Marahraja's palace as his hunting headquarters.

Cottar would gain a real following for writing articles in Outdoor Life and Outing being an expert in ballistics, firearms and African game.

This is this blogs favorite African American. I ponder at moments like this if Stanley Ann Dunham was not such a communist whore, that in a moral marriage, she might have met the Oklahoma Kenya Cottar family's standards for a wife, and America might now have a real American in the White House, born to two American parents, and named something Christian normal like Bernard Christian and not Islamic Barack Hussein.

Would that not have been a dream about a father, and a grandfather, in a riveting tale of Oklahoma pioneers going to pioneer Africa, making contacts all through Africa and Asia in friends worldwide, and a real story instead of the Obama fabrication and forgeries.

Bwana Charles Cottar, a John Wayne in real form, a real American, a real African American.

This has been such a nice enjoyable blog about a real Gentleman.
