I actually have waited to assess the.............I really do not know what to call it in what took place in Norway, as it reminds me a great deal of the Nobel Committee handing out a million dollars to an entertaining gay guy who bashes Jesus...........no I'm not speaking of Rush Limbaugh and Elton John, but the Norwegians and B. Hussein Obama........another non Muslim loping about murdering people.
Apparently all of the Vikings settled in a America and never went back in 1000 AD as archaeological records prove, as........I just do not understand this Charles Darwin natural selection which is Norwegians these days.
The rush to pin this on a "right wing" Anders Behring Breivk who was a BIO FARMER.........ah that is more leftist than Mark Levin's hated "Big Ethanol" farmers, is fascinating in a way like Jared Loughner was a right winger until he turned out to be a left winger.
I prefer to deal with the facts in Mr. Brevik being the only Viking left in Norway was and is only doing Viking things.
I find it hilarious the head cop in Norway is being bossed around by Mr. Brevik while the Viking is in custody. The head of Norwegian security is intimidated by a Norwegian demanding what they want.
This is no slur on Vikings as a Viking used to bash people they met over the head with an axe just to see if they were human or some spirit. Easy way of sorting things out without much thought needed.
Viking Brevik though was really...............only capable of doing this as Norwegians are absolute lemmings.
His bombing was not very efficient, for the reason I conclude, he did not put up a sign on his car ordering, "ALL YOU SHEEP GATHER AROUND HERE AND WAIT NO MATTER WHAT", as that is what he did on this island in ordering around these people who obeyed and were shot.
This island must have been a very little thing or Norwegians are not that Nobel bright as the Viking was shooting people in the water WHO FIRST TOOK OFF THEIR CLOTHING BEFORE TRYING TO SWIM AWAY IN FRONT OF A PERSON WITH A FIREARM.
I apologize for being a bit more intelligent than a Norwegian, as if someone is blowing things up, I would run away from them to the opposite side of the island and then swim around out of gun range.......and I would do this without worrying about whether my clothing was going to be ruined in getting wet.
This becomes a bit more odd in these confirmed leftists dumped their children off on this island WITHOUT ANY BOATS stranding the children and adults there.
It took SWAT 90 minutes to reach the island...........well 40 minutes they said, but in that apparently these leftists were being shot for 50 minutes..........an hour, before anyone decided to ring tone for help.
I just am having difficulty comprehending people who are like cornish game hens standing around picking at grit as the butcher lops off the heads of their comrades.
No one tried to stab this guy, grab a flammable liquid and McGiver torch him..........they just played dead, and not very well, as the Viking came back and then shot them in the head with a shotgun.
No wonder these Norwegians like Obama. They have no fight in them and want some Hitler National Socialist to abort them all in some Obamacare concentration camp.
The fact is children, no wonder Viking Breivik went off the deep end and thought he was on a turkey farm as not even SWAT shoots terrorists over there.........
..........or is that the point in SWAT was either terrified of the Viking in not wanting to meet his irresistible force or were they so stunned at finding one man in Norway they didn't want to kill the endangered specie.
Was Norwegian SWAT even armed?
Putin might as well just roll in one tank and take over Norway as Scandinavia is his for the taking. These Norwegians who run that place in being leftists will not resist.
It is a good thing thought that prophet Napolitano released her video warning against white terrorists............as it came true in Obama's Norway..........and it was the Muslims who were condemning the attack just like secular Muslim Obama did.
I conclude that Viking Brievik got tired and bored, as he was only averaging 1 kill per minute.......that is really bad shooting for a terrorist or a Viking............worse yet apparently according to police, people who were shot were jumping into the water and then drown themselves.
The defense is going to have a great time with that one as they will argue these were not people who were intelligent enough to be thought of as people and will assume they were committing suicide in being so despondent that Obama's world peace blew up in their faces.
There are in serious side of this something very wrong with all of this from the one day creation of Twitter and Facebook accounts to a bio farmer which points to something else than what the public is being told as this blame the right wing mantra gets full publicity.
I would though use the Janet Naps Napolitano defense, in she predicted this..........and this viking just could not take it any more being in a petting zoo of liberal sheep and his Thorness just went berserk.
As Viking Breivik is already ordering around the head cop, he will order about the room the judge and the jury of course will be in awe and fall in behind their new leader...........sure worked in Germany 1930 and it certainly worked for a teleprompter reader in America for the sheep in 2008.
You are probably looking at the next Masonic leader of Norway as they will have no idea what to do with this Viking.
There seems to be one redeeming feature in 500 people were not dead............I explain like in Fort Hood the "heroes" there were celebrated by Barack and Michelle Obama in they shot the Soldiers there and could not get the terrorist dead...........
If Norwegian SWAT were like American SWAT spraying lead about the place, 400 more people would be dead.......and we do not know if Norwegian SWAT yet ran over any people in the water in their leisurely boat outing to the island of 40 minutes.
So in liberal logic, I don't see this Viking really being anything but Born Free or Free Willy, as he is protected by the Endangered Species Act in being the only Viking in Norway, and is like that bear in Yellowstone killing people..........he was just doing what Vikings do.......and let us not forget the Napolitano defense in she predicted all of this, just got the wrong continent, but as there is that Obama link, I'm sure she is taking credit in a close psychic hit, in the Viking has the perfect Napolitiano defense in................
nuff said.

PS: The Norwegians apparently did get this terrorist arrested as he announced he had a knife........apparently they were afraid of being buttered to death by the Julia Childs of Norway.
I didn't see any Norwegian chefs in the Napolitano video.............but Muchelle did have that Rick Bayless at the White House.......and aren't the Obama's looking for a new chef?????
Maybe this was a resume enhancer to cook kobe beef at the White House in Obama Norway.