Sunday, July 24, 2011

Flip Flop Jeb

I'm certain you missed this monumental story sure to shake up the Republican primary as everyone has been holding their breath for this person to get into the it is not Sarah Palin...........this is really big, bigger than Barack Obama's enormously off the scale IQ!

Nopers, it was featured on that Rovian internet mag, Daily Caller by Tucker Carlson.....the simp who just said having a migraine and taking meds makes you not qualified to be Michele Bachmann or something like that..........but the real story is...........wait for it..............

Yes, Gram Babs Bush has told Lil' Jeb to get into that GOP primary.

First.........and last..........

Let me thank all of you Tea Party / Birthers for so pissing up Karl Rove's plan to re elect Barack Obama that it is so certain now that Obama will be out of office and in prison, that Jeb Bush has to rush in and try to grab all of your efforts for his own.

Yes, we will honor Lil' Jeb now with the new title, Flip Flop Jeb, as he was telling us in 2009 we all had to like Barack Obama...........that Reagan was road kill........that he was running.......that he wasn't running.........that he was running for Senate...............that he was not he is thinking about running for President in don't count me out.

I will translate this, as this blog broke this story exclusively in what the Bush dynasty was plotting for over a decade. Jeb was supposed to jump in on Mitt Romney's tails in 2012 to be defeated and emerge after Obama was handed another election in 2016 as the next installed President.

Romney would get the blame for stealing the primary from Sarah Palin, the rest of the field would be all too old..........and 4 more years of Rove doing political rape on Sarah Palin the Bush boys figured Jeb was a shoooooooooooooo in.

Strange thing happened on the way to Karl Rove's Richard III and htat was you, Tea Party / Birthers would just not go away.
Yes we were called extremists, tried to be hijacked by Limbaugh and called kooks by plant all over the internet, but you just kept on the line in being sappers in the wire and you now have so scorched earth Obama that he could not be elected President of Kenya........well he stole the 2008 election, but that is besides the point in he couldn't steal a Kenyan election either.

This is why Babs told her boy to quit that Senate thing as Sarah Palin was going to be elected in 2012........that means 2020 would be the first opportunity for Flip Flop to try for the White House, and frankly by the Jorge would be up to dynasty bat.


Yes you know him as the the one Gramps H. W. calls "that dark one" to which the MSM had a field day with.

Yes latino Jorge Bush was announcing that his daddy was not to be counted out on Daily which every person commenting was retching up Ghetto Green Vomit in stating they didn't want any more damned dynasties in America as the Bush one was more Obama than Obama.

I find this all utterly amusing in Karl Rove who was the architect of the Bush concentration camps, scorch earthing Jews like George Allen and Norm Coleman, and politically gang raping American Conservative Ladies from Sarah Palin to Christine O'Donnell.........that their house of horror closeted whores has turned into their own macabre crypt.
Here lies the Bush Dynasty killed by their own Flip Flops.

There was no more loyal soldier for the Bush family than Conservatives, but this Rove business of character assassination all the Conservatives so Jebby would be heir apparent in this CONSERVACIDE is just so damned heinous.
It is sporting to Richard Nixon to Lee Atwater go out and mix it up with Democrats as the Democrat's best in James Carville and Dick Tuck made if fun..........but when you have these Obama and Rove bastards knifing their own people like Axelrod did to Hilary Clinton and Rove did to the world...........that is not sporting and it is pure criminal.

So now you know that all you Tea Partiers / Birthers have really pissed in the Obama Rove pot, in Rove has been floating every dead corpse he can find and you rejected them..............Rick Perry who is a liberal is spoiling to spoil the Bush plants too...........and Mitt Romney is absolute toast AS THAT IS WHAT JEB FINGERING ABOUT THE BUSH is masturbating to.

You by God's Grace have screwed the worst laid plans of mousey Karl Rove and closeted men. 10 fricking years of scheming and you have broke the foundation of this nefarious scheme and flushed Flip Flop Jeb out to try and make a mad dash for the GOP 2012 primary.

As I informed the Bushites here, they needed to make nice with Gov. Palin to save them from Obama putting them into prison, but something much deeper appears in this, as Sarah Palin's protectors appear they did not like Rove helping to steal the 2008 election from John McCain.

Do not forget in this for Lindsey Williams long winded meanderings about his big oil revelations, he stated that Big Oil was going to put McCain into office over Obama................the oil barons though never comprehended there was going to be a 10 million GOP vote disappearance as the entire election was rigged by the cartel and the Bush family never said a word about it, as it fit their agenda for Jeb.
In mafia terms, the Bush family dissed the Dons of big oil in working their own deal.

You do not do things like that.

I can promise you now that there is not going to be a recovery no matter if Obama and Boehner fixed things as they should be.........because the barons are going to cut this to the edge......and they know damn will Obama is going to break things so George Soros can swoop in for that fire sale he has a trillion dollars in cash accumilated for as was exclusively reported here.

You are going to feel beat to hell by the time November 2012 rolls around as Obama is going to loot America fully and the barons are going to punish Americans so they wouldn't vote for Obama if Hitler was running against him.

I would convey it will not be Hitler nor Jeb matter if Flip Flop Jeb tosses Bab's granny undies in the arena too, as America does not want any Bush in even a lesbian way, and the barons did not like being made fools of by the Bush tribe.

Sarah Palin certainly does not want a Flip Flop on her ticket either weighing her down.

It must be tough to be a manipulative bunch of patricians playing this game so long and notorious and have all their best laid plans trapped by a bunch of people Bush41 told to shut up and go away back in 1989.

Reagan's people did go away, got burned again by Bush43 and Rove and now the Conservative Republican /American Democrat and Independent coalition is back in the Tea Party.

God gave you the first victory in 2012 children, so appreciate it, you just defeated Flip Flop Jeb.

Oh and wave bye bye to Jorge, as by 2020, Marco Rubio will be the Vice Presidential Cuban American running and being President after serving Sarah Palin.

The Bush dynasty is kaput thanks to that Cassius Karl Rove.

agtG 259

Whore Island Hustler*

I realize that a great deal of exclusive information is being posted here, but the early worm avoids the birdy..........

Compare for a moment though, when Bill and Hillary Clinton were in their Filegate and Sandy Berger mode, how Hillary's fingerprints showed up on a file which just happened to be laying in a public forum, and how Sandy Berger was apprehended stuffing files into his apparel, in just how even with being thee most connected, they look like the Watergate plumbers in being set up and caught
In comparison, Mr. Obama did not need to cleanse his file structure, and except for Osama bin Laden's secrets, he has not really had to resort to a cleaner (a cleaner is an assassin team which comes in and neutralizes and cleanses a situation, so it does not revert back to source.), but instead a sweeper was involved already, according to Cliff Kincaide's work in the FBI informed him Stanley Armour Dunham's file disappeared in 1997.

1997 was the Clinton years, in filegate and other interesting drama, but one conclusion is set, in the Clintons were not the one's associated in sweeping this file of S. A. Dunham from the rosters or they certainly would have used it in the 2008 election.
Yes the Clintons have files on Obama, but the Clintons have files on their crimes too, which kept them in check........and that is where this devolves to in the matter of just how connected one has to be to enter Government intelligence archives, sweep the system, and no one records the name and has to use the "these files were destroyed".

When intelligence uses the 'these files were destroyed', as in the Bush CIA directorate destroying the interrogation files on terrorists, that is connected, as they did it and got away with it, but it leaves a trace of who did it.

What took place in Stanley Armour Dunham's files is a matter of this was accomplished without trace. This was above the directorate level in a John Brennen, who was busy breaking into the Obama archives and Obama later put him in charge of the directorate.
That break in caused the now long forgotten murder in a Church parking lot, like the murder of Barry Seal and the murder of Donald Young.
Cleaners have been involved with Mr. Obama and it is coming from Management.

The files though are never destroyed really. Management always has the originals to blackmail with, and there are copies of this file, and something as definitive of file removal in 1997 would have the sweeper doing it, keeping their own CIA Director Richard Helms swept the MKULTRA files, so as to like CIA Director George H. W. Bush swept the Mockingbird files, so the operation could go deep, and still be operational, but cutting all ties with the original operations which were initiated.
Helms did not keep enough protective files as he went swimming in another death by natural causes while Bush........well he has the files, but Barack Obama in the calling card of Gabrielle Giffords in making Sarah Palin next and laying it at the Bush Dynasty's feet, sent a clear message that Management sort of had an operational glitch in Obama's Brown Recluse thought she could take out the Bush tribe the way the cartel took out Hillary and Bill Clinton.

The Obama contract has since been purchased by the interesting things the programmed boy has been falling into. I will not digress into a repeat of that information.

The 1997 figure though is most telling in it reveals an unknown 36 year old Barry Obama already had an operation severing the ties of what created him to the creators. Over a decade from 2008, and the Obama operation was already in full swing.
Just so this point is clear, when George W. Bush won the White House in 2000, it was already known that Barack Hussein Obama would be in the White House in 2008. It made no difference if it was Al Gore who won, but the reality is if was Gore, then it would have been John McCain loosing in 2004 to Gore for the arising Barack Obama.

........and yes Virginia, Karl Rove in his own Jeb Bush workings, knew Obama was going to win in 2008 as an agreement was reached between the cartel and the Bush family.
Obama was to get the upheaval, make it worse for two terms, and then Jeb jr. was to be installed, as this patrician mob has Teddy Kennedy writing policy on both the GOP and the DNC even from beyond the grave.

This kind of effort on Barack Obama's part. His unveiling at the DNC in 2004. His appearing on David Letterman without one thing done in Congress to be implanted before the American public in, 'When will you run for President', is of a scope that Bill Clinton once enjoyed, before he fell down and broke Hillary's crown.
Yet not even Bill Clinton, with Hillary running PROMIS out of Rose Law, was nothing in his cleaners left immense body trails, including Vince Foster, that the public kept before it.

This is the difference when the Rockefeller group engages in an operation, and when the Rothschilds engage in operations in America. The Rothschilds are ghosts while the spectre of the Rockefellers always leave messy Valerie Plame with her idiot husband.
I still feel sorry for that woman in only getting a million dollars for her services and being stuck with Joe Wilson. The reality is though this went into America in the Saddam bribes and WMD, and America never found the chords which bound all of this to the Rothschilds.

The majority of these Obama files are already archived into the cartel's repository. That is why even Hawaii was scrambling in the Birth certificate they manufactured long ago, or series of birth certificates as they knew one had to be there, and it was in a pile of growing missing documents from colleges.............and how does one say that files in locked spaces with people who must log in, suddenly vanish and no one has logged in.
That really gets the George Nouri listener frowning over things as once is an operation and a dozen times is a conspiracy.

When Barack Obama was already chosen in 1997 for this depth of operation and resources, this dope head was chosen already before he had pubic hair in 1971. What amazes me really is Obama is the Grassy Knoll disaster in every damn thing went wrong with this self destructive idiot, and yet the cartel kept dusting him off, setting him on the path and waddling him off like Teddy Kennedy on a drunk.
Do you realize with the thousands of these Obama breeder program Marxists about the planet, what disasters they all are, when you have Obama the cream rising to the top?

A friend's husband once said,"Sh*t floats and it isn't cream".

You got that baby sister.

This Whore Island Hustler this Pimp of Whore Island has been a lifetime in the making. That kind of making with such a disaster comes from bloodlines, and as Luo, Arabic and Dunham lines are hardly worth the train accident of another natural causes death by locomotive, Mr. Obama's lines reach from a known do get the joke that Dreams of my Obama is really Fantasy about my Obama which all you suckers wer supposed to believe, as the cartel found that story amusing in how the masses swallowed a reality in Barack Hussein Obama has non American lines which trace directly to Berlin, as that is why he arrived there at Hitler's infamous monument to pay his donors tribute.

Othello one has sympathy for in character, but Obama.........well he was that bucket carrier whose job it was to go about with the portable latrine which was one stick, with one sheep wool scrub, one bucket of water for the Roman soldiers to Charmin themselves.

Not much sympathy there, but Obama did have a good cleaner in 1997.

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PS: Look you can not talk about things, unless someone brings them up first.

Obama Doodle Dandy

For immediate release as an exclusive here, combining known findings of Dr. Jerome Corsi and Attorney Debbie Schlussel, is the Grand Jury indictable proof that Barack Hussein Obama was absolutely involved in the manufacture of the forgery of his Hawaiian Birth Abstract.

A Mr. Douglas Vogt has gone into great detail in correctly asserting the "plausible deniablity" which Mr. Obama went into at the White House when he spoke of his 2008 document on the day he released the current Birth Abstract which Jerome Corsi located the infamous smiley face in the signature of Mr. Onaka.
There is no denying though that two coincidences are coincidences, when instead forms as this blog has noted is a pattern of processed thought.

Ms. Schlussel in her obtaining Barack Hussein Obama's forged Selective Service application in a snide comment noted that Mr. Obama's signature has a PEACE SYMBOL in the O part of his name.

Yes there is a peace protest symbol drawn into Mr. Obama's name, and this is in Mr. Obama's own hand, as he was required to sign this registration under the penalty of law that all the information was correct.

Jerome Corsi also located the smiley face drawn once again in the "O" of the signatories name.

This is a pattern and as Mr. Onaka was not involved in Mr. Obama's Selective Service registration, the common denominator then falls to thee only person in common and that is Barack Hussein Obama.

What this means as stated is two artistic additions are undertaken, in both the "O" of a signatories name.
In Mr. Obama's name, it is his signature, so there is no doubt in whatever year this forgery was manufactured that he indeed was the culprit behind it.

Moving ahead to 2011, the artwork again appears in an "O" which already points to Mr. Obama drawing the first graffiti. This is a pattern in he revisited the seen of a crime in not being unable to not "flip his protesting finger to the world".

Whoever created both of these forgeries, appear to be the same person or persons, and they intensely appear to have a problem with either hating America as they desire these glaring frauds to be found out and cause discord in America or this person or persons did this to cause Mr. Obama's fraud to be exposed.

"They" wanted these documents examined closely, and they appear to have intimate knowledge that Barack Obama can not resist marking up documents, especially the SIGNATURE in the letter "O".

What the facts are now legally is a pattern of two documents absolutely tied to Mr. Obama, and both are proven as forgeries, and both contain artwork in the letter "O". The first is absolutely the work of Mr. Obama, and as the second crossed Mr. Obama's desk also, this is confirmed that the smiley face in Mr. Corsi's exclusive revelation was created by someone who is left handed, as a right handed individual would have drawn the nose, eyes and smile on the right side as that is what people do my instinct in not crossing the line of sight with their drawing hand.

What this blog is exclusively stating is, "The Birthers have Mr. Obama legally to multiple frauds by his audacity in absolutely having to "protest" like the juvenile Marxist revolutionary he still is".
Mr. Obama and the FBI, US Attorneys and the Courts can not deny the pattern as he drew this peace sign and he drew the same smiley face protest sign in another document.

There is now no doubt about any of this. Barack Obama was directly involved in forging these documents and had to put his graffiti of approval on the final forgery.

Obama can not resist this from thumping his chest that he killed Osama bin Laden when he had no part, as he needs validation, and as these two documents prove, Mr. Obama like a child just had to put his finishing touches on others work to claim these forgeries as his own.

That is a forty year federal prison sentence with no denying involvement as Barack Hussein Obama made these forgeries his own as this is a criminal conspiracy in Mr. Obama knows who created these documents as he at least on two different occasions accessed the same forger who is so well connected they have broken into Selective Service and the Hawaiian Birther Registry.

The Revenge of 1960's Stanley Ann Dunham brought down by a peace sign and a smiley face.

How utterly appropriate it is 10 year old sociopath Barry Obama giving the evidence.
