Monday, October 10, 2011

Wanted one Pakistani boy toy

Please America, this blog implores you, save your Barack Hussein Obama, as even the New York Post has turned on beloved leader and is treating him like F. King Obama.

Of course this blog has the solution to Obama's happier times, being the wife of a Pakistani poofer, buying him nice clothes, riding in a new car and living in a big house in Mr. C. Mr. Obama has always been most happy, most at home, filing in the back door, being the eye candy to a Muslim boy toy.
Obama could pose, look cool, and wait while others debated Marxism, make thoughtful comments in his designer negro vocabulary, and in the end abandon Marxism for an "Obamacare he really did care about".

There must be some nice boy in Pakistan who could volunteer to come rescue the lone wolf Obama. Reggie Love has lost his velvet touch and nursing at the breasts of adoptive parents Ma Axelrod and Pa Jarrett.............yeah I mean the gender switch in have you looked under their skirts? So the only alternative is to engage Mr. Obama in a new Pakistani love, to rekindle his past, to send him on partridge safaris, to call him to Muslim prayers, to let him cook paddy with the womenfolk, as Barry loved to do so long ago.

The boy from Pakistan could chauffeur Obama around, he could sit by him on the couch, he could brag on Mr. Obama's kindergarten accomplishments in graduating diaper school.
In the name of allah, and all lucky things Obama wishes on, do not you heathens care that Mr. Obama needs a nice teenager to show off Mr. Obama. Needs a teenager to tell him how accomplished Obama is..........needs a teenager to establish in Mr. Obama the manhood Chicago gave him.

This is what this blog warned of in Michelle Obama has so castrated her husband that he has lost all courage and manliness. Sagging skinny balding grey hair Barry looks at Reggie Love and sees his best years are behind and covered up by Muchelle's big behind. Obama needs the nectar of youth to stimulate his drive and to "don't ask don't tell" what Obama is doing like all the Bill Maher executives to children in their employ.
It made no difference to you America in Frank Marshall Davis was raping little 13 year old white girls. It made no difference America that Barack sr. was trading cows for women. It made no difference America that Donald Young was murdered. So what difference now should it make that Obama needs a Muslim boy, after he has been dating his daughters for two years?

This could all be handled promptly. Obama could dispatch his Team Six SEALS to Pakistani to kidnap "terrorists" who just happened to be the teenage sons of wealthy Muslims. Spirited away to 1600 Penn Ave. Obama could then see how they played ball, looked in swim trunks, licked his snow cone and .............I don't know, but Barry has been doing this for his entire life, and now he cold have a dozen boys brought to him, who might indeed be legal in Hawaii in being teenagers, and Barry Soebarkah could have his pick.........and the rest could be shipped off to Occidental College and take over Barry's foreign student place.

Think of how magical this could be. No more Muchelle. Instead a moustache wearing teenager, swarthy, all lithe and those piercing eyes, sinking hoops with Obama on the campaign trail...........sitting on his knee as Obama moved the boy toy's lips in the stage act America would love.
Obama would be rejuvenated in this elixir of Pakistani youth as before. He would be able to posture and preen........while his boy bragged, "Sahib Obama make all his peas disappear and brush his teeth with real toothbrush and not finger".

The crowds would go wild with this, here would be epic fainting and Obama calling out, "PLEASE FOLKS WE NEED A TRUCKLOAD OF WATER HERE........OH THESE PEOPLE JUST LOVE MESSIAH ME AND MINI MAHDI".

Yes Obama and his little mahdi, this would be the cure for Mr. Obama, and having this dog about him would do what Bo could never this would be Obama's best friend.

Everyone needs someone to love them, to make them believe, to give them hope and time to change.........yes Pakistan you are the birth of Barack Obama's ghetto cool and he is green with envy in needing it all back.

Give Barack Obama his boy! Bring on the Pakistani! Out with the Love and in with the Obama!

We can not have historical 44 Obama become history like this. This blog has now made the call to save beloved leader, so the lone wolf is not licking hisself in public.

Send out the SEALS Mr. Obama in a mission to save you. Write a prescription up and fill it with Obamacare.............1 cig, 1 COLB and 1 boy toy of Pakistan, makes Obama just like his olde self.


The Obama Malady

How all our hope has changed

It was the Bush of times and it was the worst of Obama........

How fitting it is now that the skewering of President George W. Bush for years by B. Hussein Obama, that America has arrived at the line in the sand, the telling point, the legacy, that every thinking mind knows in their heart, the conclusion Barack Hussein Obama has come to, is that Barack Obama is no George W. Bush.

Imagine what it must be like, in bowing to the world, apologizing for America, castigating George W. Bush and Richard Cheney as thee worst leaders in history, and now to have that world in les miserables, conclude, "God, if only Obama was a fraction of the man George W. Bush was........"

Where once the world had a vision of liberated Musilms voting their own peaceful destinies and Americans building the shining city on the hill for all, now there is just the Obama abyss, like looking at Dante's Inferno, hearing Milton quote, "Tis better to rule in hell than serve in heaven", and to look about and hear the words echo on this abyss, "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve"................and there stands Obama in his Allen Harper checked shirt, looking like his Uncle Remus calling is to decide how to get soup stains out of his shoes after Reggie loving, because the wife will no longer do that laundry in a collective tale of African folklore.

The words of Les Miserables are now not the Obama legacy, but the Obama crime. People are now The Victims, The Poor Ones, The Wretched Ones, The Miserable Ones, the Carrion in Obama's wars in public and private, national and international, and one community organized under Obama, the feudal state, with tyranny and enslavement for all.

Despot, dictator, diatribite, new words must be created for Obama, not to honor him, but to excoriate him for the splendor of his grass down to the rock bone of reality that he is no genius, he is not married to a beautiful woman, he is no great speaker, he is none of the above in the Obama lie...........he is no god, no messiah, no halo headed savior....he just is an Obama, and like Gerrymander is a political word for crooked dirty dealings of the incompetent puppet performing well for the feudal lords while the peasants become the livestock of the paddock field.

Barack Obama has three looks for his face. Utter stupidity, impish moron and blow fly eye glare. He is a triumvirate of the faces of America's eve in split personality, praised by his creased pants press mob, but beheld now in horror like stepping upon the fallen log in the Nile and it suddenly becoming the man eating crocodile of the native publius.

Perhaps it is a fitting cruel fortune cookie joke for community organizer Barack, in we of this world no longer speak of 1984 and George Orwell, in Big Brother, for this tan brother of British birth origin and no documentation is instead Victor Hugo in all the splendor in robbing pennies from orphans and making criminals of their guardians for stealing a crust of bread to feed that family for the day.

Barack Obama is pestilence, plague and poverty. His wake flows like a tidal wave of despair washing from one corner of the world to the other. This is the beast with iron teeth and steel claw, raking and ripping, tearing and trashing this victim planet in greed, corruption and piracy.
Peoples of Europe enslaved behind Iron Curtains, peoples of the Middle East behind concrete walls, peoples of Asia's walled in graves, and America without walls as the Obama hordes for his stolen elections raft the Rio in democracy mob rule epidemic like rats leaping from a burning ship Obama has ignited all through the latin lands.

The obi of the African cultus has become the vodoun of the new world macumba.

Oh how grievous in Digne released from the prison of this world to be freed to the abyss of the Obama penitentiary.

It is all the vignette of pax Obama, in war, war, war, war.

It was the best of times, and now it is the worst of times. A time of dreams of one's fathers, now becoming the nightmares of mothers.

My how the defining sentence is, how all our hope has changed.


An oil change

I was sitting in Government Motors today with my Mom getting the oil changed in my typical Sherlock mode assessing all those around the premises and was listening to an old gal have a strange conversation I was on the end of, in "jumper cables were in the back"...which I thought odd, until the story unfolded she was trading vehicles.

I said to my Mom in passing as we have to sit in the reception area, and not walk around looking at new vehicles every time, 'Husband died and the wife is trading cars".
Mom doesn't get everything I'm mind reading on, so in a bit the gal comes out with the swindler car salesman and he is telling her that it will be about a half hour for the paperwork and then she can be on her new car way.
(It was an hour as I timed him.)..........I do wonder as he drove off with her car, just how not topped that gas tank was with the cheapest fuel he could find after promising a full gas tank........

At any rate the old gal started prattling to some geezer and out popped, "My husband died"...........chalk one up for the Holy Ghost.

I said to Mom, "That woman didn't think much of her husband.......probably worked some herself, but he died and left her a wad of cash."

The reason for that assessment was the pick up she had parked there trading in, was a very nice Chevy Silverado extended cab, topper and the old boy had really liked flash as he mounted chrome pipes by his door to really make the Chevy snap...........problem was the vehicle was covered with red dust.
I could see she had turned on the wipers and cleared it off the windscreen, but there were these blops on the bonnet or hood and roof, which just looked like this was a woman who didn't give a damn.

She didn't appreciate money, because her husband had earned that money for the most part....I know this as the pick up was dirty, and if she gave a damn about things, she would have washed it before trading it in.

Soon she was prattling again to the geezer in probably having now noticed how filthy that thing was, and said, "It was in the machine shed and "they" park things in there".
Somewhere in this I knew this was "children" and machine sheds are on farms, so we had children who had a great deal of money from the old man, and were fondly remembering him by squirting hydraulic fluid on his pick up, as they didn't give a damn about him either.

Prattling again she said, "The children thought I should get something as the car had 90,000 miles on it."

Oh yes, the lovely children, with such kind thoughtfulness for mum, decided for her to get a new Buick car....which can not get through snows she will find in winters, but she will have this new car they can all feel wonderful about as they rip out all memories of the old man.

This really got worse as I amused myself with this drama, as I soon heard the swindler chattering on about "making one trip".............and then I knew, this wife was so desperate to get the old man gone, that she traded two vehicles...........and I would estimate the average five grande for the new car as dealers always find ways to screw idiots over, and that dealership will end up making around fifteen thousand off this trade in that dead husband getting screwed over again in the grave.

She had a perfectly good vehicle which would take her anywhere at her around 70 years of age, but just had to get a new car to flip her husband off for not letting her repaint the damned house every few years as she was bored.........and this wonderful "family" apparently can not vent enough pent up hatred fast enough on the dead guy.

I have on my shelf a 22 short. It is one of my prized possessions from my Uncle when he passed away. He honored me by giving me a share of his traps, and I view all things of his as HIS yet and always will, as they are not mine to sell, but only his to keep in trust.
Uncle was someone who hated me as a child, but I just stuck around being a good kid, and he learned to appreciate me.

I would watch his house, do his chores, and get his mail for the weeks he would be gone, and not take anything for it. His reply always was, "You damn sh*t I will even it up".
I would usually get a hundred dollars for Christmas in a card with a thanks........I figured with 5 dollars for each trip in gas, that I netted about 2 dollars a day working for him.
He would take me fishing and that is my fondest memory for payments for watching things for him. It is one thing I still would like to do, as I have not been fishing for over 10 years since he died as he was just too much a part of it all.
I keep everything he left me as it was the day I received them. His medals are on my wall to honor him and there is not a week that does not go by that I do not miss him or think about him. I don't mean to leave the impression he was perfect as he could piss me off, but he was one of the best guys I ever knew and I miss having him around.

In contrast, his brother was left his very ample boat to take his daughters fishing..........the boat got sold very did most of the things my Uncle had. That bothers me and is why I notice widows in the car dealers, not giving a damn about a guys pick up he obviously thought a great deal of........and the kids could not care less either, in none of them wanted "dad's pick up" as a keepsake or at least to run the wheels off of until the memory was gone.

I know people can be bastards, but it is like Solomon said in The Fool too, in people live their whole lives and don't have a person to leave their things to who amount to a damn.

Pride should have this wife and her kids wash that pickup, but she left it dirty and stained, just to work through something in she thought that man had dirtied up her life and stained it with his presence...............

Some stain in a thirty thousand dollar new car, and the luxury of dumping all the husband was on a swindler just to be rid of him.

I would call that cold.

At least I don't think they pissed on his grave and had a Mexican pound her on the least yet.

The tears of a woman shed freely like the spring rain
For trifle, for trinket, of imagined refrain.
There to wipe dry in torrents they fall
But the tears of the wife dry fastest of all.


So Einstein was wrong......

So the Europeans in their atom fragmenter found some matter moving faster than light. If you noticed the world did not stop in this that flat universe Albert Einstein was wrong in stating that nothing could move faster than light in this dimension............

Ah tell that to God and Angels there Steven fool Hawking.

That is why though they call things THEORIES in scientists are in most cases flat ass wrong as their flat world and flat universe ideas or theories which do not become laws.

I have stated for a very long occasion that the "combined theory" was bogus in nothing can combine all situations in this dimension, as this dimension is controlled by God out of this dimension. Certainly there are laws here to keep things orderly and to always create order from random nature, but this universe is one which is not existent on it's own. It is one created by consumption and the order of rebirth, but is overlorded by the one simple mathematical law of LIGHT equals LIGHT. This is the combine theory as what is, is.

Granted God reveals that all things will pass away and a new heaven and new earth will come into being, one which hundreds of cubed miles of a the city, New Jerusalem, will float down to become the home of the Saints in Christ.
New laws of physics in a new dimension which will not obey to Einstein's failed thoughts.

It has always bothered me the physics of discovery as in Sir Isaac Newton and the apple. How does one man simply noting things fall and gaining insight, suddenly be able to lay claim and fame for something which has been taking place since God created this dimension?
Take for example my cousin, Charles.


Oh yes there are many Chucks about, but no I'm not speaking of Prince Chuck, but of Chuck Darwin. You know the slightly disturbed man who had a child die and became afraid, so off on the Beagle he went coming up with "evolutionary theory" which is fine on basics, but is flat ass wrong on species changing in monkey to man. DNA does not pop like that ever, and that is why the MISSING LINK is missing, in it never Obama's birth certificate.
Chuck renounced that stuff and became Christian they say, but this cartel garbage is still polluting little Hawking brains stuck on flat world.

Ecclesiastics prove the human mind is a fool without the Wisdom of God and that is what science is now in so many fools.

In order to comprehend science one has to observe it from the dimension which sets it up to operate.
I was told once and will modernize it with this, that God is like you in a room with a long stack of flash drives in order before Him. He can pull one out from the year 3000 BC and deal with it as easily as 2000 AD, as just like you are not stuck on the drive in it's dimension, but are operating in your own will.

Odd though isn't it in these hypocrites in they hate Sarah Palin for being right on things and expect to extract pounds of flesh, but let the Nobel geniuses get Obama wrong in his war, war, war, and no one demands the Nobel ilk step down and no one with Einstein proven wrong is demanding him being removed from the epitome of science.

Say, this is interesting in Shelly.............that fat actress, Shelly big boobs who starred with Jimmy Stewart in Winchester 73..........Shelly Winters..........wanted to say Duvall, but she hasn't look good since she was dolled up as a hooker eons ago, and I always got Shelly mixed up with Totie Fields..........have no idea how some people got to be stars.
But anyway Shelly was best girlfriends with Marilyn Monroe. I never seen what people saw in Norma Jean......always thought Olivia DeHaviland was much more attractive.......but people liked that psychotic Scarlet and even Sir Lawrence dumped her gone with the wind.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, Shelly Winters was saying one night that her and Marilyn were talking about the guys they would bang, and Marilyn came up with Einstein.
Winters thought, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Marilyn said she thought she should have someone brainy to offset all the brawn.

Came down to it, Shelly said she saw a picture Einstein had autographed to Marilyn, so she apparently got what brain Einstein was thinking with that fifteen sexonds of fame.

No need to worry children, as I have never wanted to have sex with Steven Hawking as my brain is much bigger..........

Where was I?

Oh yes, all dimensional mathematics can be placed on the number 1. It is the combined Law from God, and it spreads out in sequence on all dimensional levels before returning to Source.

That is enough of that as I just heard on PBS someone saying that hummingbirds "chirp" with their tails...............
Might not be that I have heard them chirp sitting, and that just like a human yelling, their stomach maybe a hummers tail flexes as the male makes a loud sound?

The hummer flexes it's tail at the end of the dive as like FLAPS on an aircraft to slow speed so it can then regain control and altitude.

It never ends with scientists.

Where the hell are my Nobel prizes and millions.......have to get a Mercedes to haul out all my prizes.....might as well give me a pile for the future as Inspiration is sure to be filled with the coming brainiac of Lame Cherry.

agtG 214, 234

PS: Changed my mind, that hummer scientist had a pretty good looking gal with save her, she needs to breed with someone not a damn fool. I volunteer to enlarge her brain size.