There is great consternation from the skirt left concerning American women being more concerned about economic issues than matters of spreading their legs.
When the globalists decided upon Rosie the Riveter in World War II to replace males, which indeed included non working black males or importing Mexican beaner labor, as the prior were not serving in mass and the other was eating peppers in the shade in ole Mexico, there became the reality of the 21st century which has eclipsed the sexual devolution of the 20th century, in women from 1960 are not women from 2012.
Women are not worried about June Cleaver stereotypes, because they are working their asses off.
It is not being a woman earning the bacon and frying it up in a pan, but being a woman who is killing that hog herself, working out who is best to contract to butcher it so her time is more well invested, so she can earn more, and then dining upon those meats of her labor in her choice.
It is pathetic to hear liberals whining about, "Oh buy me poison pills or you won't get sex".
Just tell the world you have a headache skirt as no one really cares about your pussy on poison. Yes birth poisoning is the new "I have a headache" dusted off from the 1950's.
Southern women were castigated for voting for Rick Santorum when he was speaking of social issues which have terrified liberal both male and female in a tizzy, because they keep lifting their skirts.
The new polls showing Obama at 41% which means he is probably at 21%, are being decried in the voters are STUPID, for not liking a sports watching, ball diddling, vacationing, warring, inflation raising, American destroying kenyan.
Women of course were to blame for putting Obama into office. They were the jungle fever group of whores who voted for jungle fever and found out like all women, when you drag home a black man, the allure wears off as you are still stuck with the same idiot who now makes you cringe.
This is the fact in black, white, red, yellow and whatever shade of women who marry these Obama voter males......they all have buyer's remorse and divorce the boy in the 7 to 10 year cycle.
What the polls are showing are what this blog predicted with designer negro Obama in buyer's remorse. The voters got drunk and ended up in bed with gender changed hag in bed after a Vegas wedding, and now voters are looking around for responsible virtues to protect them from their first date Obama which has stolen their money, lost their home and they do not want to face their shame.
American women in majority got the message in sex is a choice, but a wage is a necessity. It is absolutely no fun in welfare as you get stuck in government housing with trash. Your children end up going to trash schools. You end up having a**hole rednecks, n*ggers and beaners looking you up and down, and half the time when your cat goes missing and the neighbor brings it back, they are going to try and rape you.
Energy prices, cost of living prices, retirement funds, education and jobs are all issues women are focused upon, as they have concluded that Obama has stolen their wages, made them dependent on the government for handouts, and then the government sticks you with loans you can never repay, so you are a whore your entire life and your children are being pimped out.
Sure if you are the patrician, they like all of this as turning voting women into welfare babies helps them in their Wall Street stocks as all of those stocks feed off of government programs and it keeps all the competition in the colleges not ivy league.
Put it this way, do you want to compete against a Barack and Michelle Obama at Harvard or do you want to compete against a Michelle Malkin or a Mark Levin? Hands down a liberal knows if you keep the Obama's around it is less competition for the real power jobs, as the Obama's just take what is handed to them like a sponge on the Oprah couch.
The reality is America women are Bearfoot and Pregnant, meaning they are Mama Grizzly in protecting what is their's and they are Pregnant with a reality that this is their life to live.
The whore and pimp class is the Obama voter. They are prostitutes to the cartel brothel. They are the ones whose focus is racism for they are racists and they focus on sex issues, because they think between their legs on every issue.
They are the cuntilists while American women in growing majority are capitalists.
One is terrified in being barefoot and pregnant and their entire outlook is about destroying babies and the main group is driven in being bearfoot and pregnant in keeping what is their possessions by God and birthing a future on the ideals they have learned the hard way in the simplest of terms.......
Work empowers and moralizes a people. Work when kept by the worker brings a future worth working for.
There are far too many Rosie the Rapists and Rapists raping Rosie. Fortunately Rosie is packing not just a rivet tool, but a gun and a ballot box, because that is where Rosie empowers herself in the ballot box and not the snatch box of the left.