I don't know George Zimmerman, nor do I care to as his life is his own business as is mine. I do know that Barack Obama and his race ilk now have their herd trial for the Niggazi in Mr. Zimmerman's sham arrest, an arrest which never would have happened in America.
Given the known facts in he was in his gated community, was a neighborhood deputy, legally armed, reporting to Police on a 911 call, that Trayvon Martin was holding large amounts of jewelry, was suspended from school and it was Martin who was trying to murder Zimmerman, this is a case of Biblical Law, English Law and American Law of the right to defend.
This is though Obama terror Amerika.
In real America, George Zimmerman would have been given a medal and sent to Congress as in the Jimmy Stewart movie, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.
There is though a fiction in America, that Americans should not be Americans, but Michael Bloomberg cowards and victims in allowing themselves to be murdered and assaulted as the terrorists roam free to vote for Obama.

John Wayne portrayed a fictional character who was America in Rooster J. Cogburn. His epic line in Judge Parker's Court to a Philadelphia lawyer was, "I was proud I told my Deputies widdow I shot them".
America used to be a residence of the land of the free and the home of the brave.

It was a land of Christopher Houston Carson, or Kit Carson, who upon seeing an Indian terrorizing someone he loved, he promptly shot the bastard.......all without Obama trial.

It was a land of William Frederick Cody, or Buffalo Bill, who after the mass murder of George Custer, rode out ahead of the Army he was scouting for, and in a one on one duel shot an Indian, and took the first scalp for George Armstrong Custer.

It was a land of James Butler Hickok or Wild Bill, in not having a problem in the least in branding his pistols as a Citizen and plugging wad of lead into some criminals brain to keep the Constitution for law abiding Americans.

It was a land of Wyatt Earp, who upon being terrorized after a fair gun fight at the OK Corral by the local mob, put on a US Marshall's badge after they blew the arm off his brother and murdered his other brother, and hunted them down for the terrorists they were in legal executions.
If you notice the above men are all white. Ever ask yourself why it is in all the history of America, that there never were groups of blacks, Indians, Hispanics or anyone else who rose to the ranks of Justice, Bravery and the American Way?
Why is it that only white people wrote the Constitution? Why is it they starred in all the frontier taming? Why is it they led in every war?
Certainly was not because there were no laws against it now was there. Yet you can not find anything but Indians at war with America, blacks as property of America or wards or Mexicans who were bandits raping America.
Those lessons are the reality and everyone knows it, but have been so conditioned as to not speak the obvious, and it is why a George Zimmerman was terrorized in his own community by a hoodie terrorist and why George Zimmerman is now being terrorized by the Obama Brohood.
Not one damn trial for Nidal Hasan, but Obama and Holder can not jump hard enough on George Zimmerman to hound him and leave him to the lynch mob of the Obama hordes.
George Zimmerman according to John Wayne, Kit Carson, Buffalo Bill, Wild Bill and Wyatt Earp standards did nothing wrong. According to Barack Obama hopey changely jihad Islamocommunism though he is in the wrong......same Obama who blows away AN UNARMED bin LADEN AND 5 MUSLIMS IN A HOME INVASION, but there is chest thumper taking credit and Michael Bloomberg has no problem with that, but has a problem with Stand Your Ground.
In white America, the founders America, the America for 250 years, they used to give medals and celebrate the American who shot the vermin from their communities. In Hollywood, they used to make movies about men who shot terrorists and entire states sent them to Congress and spoke of them being President.
In this Niggazi Amerika, this National Socialist, community organized communism, ACORN vote fraud in Obama flipping 10 million votes to steal an election, a Gulf Oil Sabotage, a Midwest Flooding of GOP rural states, a looting of the US Treasury, it is where the Jake Tapper media cheers the terrorist, as Lara Logan gets Islamic fingers shoved up her puss as Mark Levin remains silent about Obama being a foreign agent of world Marxism.......yes in this Amerika the media spits on Jesus and cheers the messiah Obama.
My small library is stacked with memoirs of American Heroes named above. I will never have that goddamned Dreams of my Obama on my shelf as I only worship American Heroes who stood up for America, Americans and gave their all for the American Republic as the Founders .
I have informed all of You America is dead. If America was alive, George Zimmerman would be cheered along with all the other Citizens who rightly defend themselves and their communities from terrorists.
In the rotting corpse of America though, it is B. Hussein Obama who gets the million dollar book deals and million dollar Nobel Prizes while criminals terrorize neighborhoods in thinking they can beat Citizens to death armed with only Skittles.
America as a Republic needs more Hispanics, Asians, Indians and more than one black in Clarence Thomas interested in Justice.
Where it the outcry of 40 million Hispanics defending one of their own or is it Hispanics think they should be beat to death on their own streets?
America you are as big as bastard as your occupant at 1600 Penn Avenue. In Obama's Amerika, he destroys Ronald Reagan's Peace, Security and liberated peoples and you know damn sick that if Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Wyatt Earp, Kit Carson, John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart were alive today his Blank Panthers would have bounties out on them in murder and Eric Holder would be trying to hang them as the puppy press destroyed them in the Obama propaganda.

This is Americrook from sea to shrouded sea.
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