Friday, June 22, 2012


On this auspicious  day of the evil of the Obama regime led by the murderous racist Eric Holder, this blog is actually sorrowful for the homosexuals in the sexually retarded ill mannered way they acted in the White House in various  forms disgracing themselves and America.

Philadelphia Gay News publisher Mark Segal (center), who opted for a sarcastic thumbs-up pose in front of the portrait of George W. Bush over the more vulgar one demonstrated by his Reagan-loathing peers, Matthew “Matty” Hart (left), the national director of public engagement at Solutions for Progress, and self-taught photographer turned toast-of-the-town Zoe Strauss (right).

The reality is Ronald Reagan told homosexuals exactly what they needed to be told in to grow up and stop being immoral. It was Ronald Reagan who first funded aids research which sucked billions of dollars from non chosen diseases which have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans since in diabetes to cancer.
How many Americans and their families have suffered, because that money which should have gone to diseases which people can not control have died, while aids which is only caught through irresponsible misbehavior has been the celebrity disease of the left.

I do have sorrow for these sexual retards, as that is exactly what they are, in they define themselves entirely by where they put their penis, and that is as silly as defining yourself if your navel is in or out.

The reality is these hateful Reagaphobes are still the self centered and self loathing humans they were before they posed in being disgusting. One must understand in forensic profiling in the reason a human acts out is because they are afraid. Secure people do not act out.

This group chose a sexual epitaph, because it is the epitaph of their life and their death. They are at odds with God and until they overcome in Christ their chosen sin, they are going to face Judgment while Ronald Reagan sits righteous beside Christ in the great scales balancing.

It is a pity these three could not see themselves for what they really are, but they will feel one day the immense pain they caused so many people who were hurt by their intended sharing of their pain, as it all comes home to bear till their destruction the Lake of Fire.

I wonder though where these homosexuals were when Barack Obama was having Lawrence Sinclair abused and assaulted in DC lock up, in Delaware being threatened with life imprisonment for a crime he never committed and had his disability cancelled for daring to speak the facts of his sexual encounters with B. Hussein Obama.

What about the dead Donald Young, and his family. Obama's own boy toy from Jeremiah Wright's gay religion, and Obama did nothing to investigate and find the murderer.

Ronald Reagan never once abused any homosexual and he certainly never had one murdered to cover up his relationship, yet there is Barack Obama, the gay's choice, and that is exactly what Obama does to gays, along with dumping them into the military for green suicide.

There is nothing worse than handing an addict a bottle of booze or a syringe, telling them they might as well do it as they can not stop. That though is what liberals do to gays, which in turn causes the gays to be all dead.
Gays need to be told the Reagan message, along with the real message that being homosexual is choice and one is not born that way,

Homosexuals though are just a stepping stone in the Obama agenda for the pedophile elites to degrade society through them, to get at the children, and when that is accomplished, the pedophile elite are going to wipe out the gays faster than Adolf Hitler.
Gays though can not see that, as they are sexual retards who think with their body parts, and use sex as punishment.

They move on from marriages which do nothing but end in mass divorce, enriching more attorneys, robbing gays of their assets.

Make no mistake about this, any of this, in there are not that many homosexuals in this world. What there is though is a well funded Mockingbird type project to funnel money to homosexuals, make them powerful and as poster boys for the pedophile agenda.
The homosexual is as like funded as 5th column communists, as much as Barack Obama was funded to fulfill his nefarious agenda for the elite.

So posing before the world as a fool is nothing but sadness for me as there is no joy in seeing wasted lives and pathetic souls acting out in fear of Ronald Reagan while handing Barack Obama the votes so he can murder more of them.

These are the Reagaphobes, as much as Obama acting out thumping his chest taking credit for murdering bin Laden's corpse.

Ron Reagan jr. told a story of one of these Obama voters long ago in Ronald Reagan always gave a thumbs up to people as he was positive. One day one of these Obama voters leapt on his car, and with face snarling in the windshield, flipped Reagan the bird.

President Reagan just laughed and said, "Well, I guess he got it part right".

That is what Ronald Reagan would do in laugh at this as God laughs at evil people in knowing their time is coming. President Reagan though is in Heaven and still serving America in a place though free from all of these Obama voters who will never get it, as they are not interested in the Way, the Truth or the Life.

They instead like Ann Coulter are interested in death, license and dictatorship, as that is the antithesis of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

This blog actually has more compassion for these homosexuals than they do themselves.

“Yeah, fuck Reagan,” reiterates Hart one week after the reception. “Ronald Reagan has blood on his hands. The man was in the WhiteHouse as AIDS exploded, and he was happy to see plenty of gay men and queer people die. He was a murderous fool, and I have no problem saying so. Don’t invite me back. I don’t care.”

The problem is Mr. Hart, is you do care deeply and it was gay men who spread aids and were happy to see homosexuals die, as the culprit after the initial release of aids in deliberate contaminated Hepatitis vaccines  was a Canadian airline steward who was sexing anything  that moved, as all gay males were.
Gays murdered themselves and not Ronald Reagan.

The blood is on your hands and not Ronald Reagan. The actions are yours.
