Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Rest



Rest is so important in being God's that it is the defining feature of being God's, beyond circumcision and sacrifice.

It was the 7th day, Sabbath of Saturday which God instituted as His Rest from His Creative Work, which God mandated that all people who were Chosen, would follow in resting from their 6 days of work to commune with Him.

Adam and Eve were to dress and keep their home in the Garden of Eden, but by definition they were to come out of the world and enter into a Spiritual relationship with God to commune with Him on the 7th day.

Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy, set apart, is the Commandment which Moses was given by God to hand to the people of America then named like other Western Europeans in the 13 tribes of Israel.

When God brought the Israelites out of Egyptian world bondage, it was REST He was calling them to, to enter a land of milk and honey, to become a Priestly People, to introduce Him to the rest of humanity.

Yes children, Americans received all this wealth and security to become God's Priestly people like all Western European peoples of the Israelite Peoples to bring redemption to all peoples throughout the world, and not be damned whores prostituting their eternal Life away.

This Rest in the Promised Land though was not rest from work, but a Rest which God promises, and a Rest which was only in preparation for something beyond this world.

Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.

Psalm 95:11

God was so furious at the Exodus Israelites in their rejection of Him and choosing the world system again, that He killed off an entire generation of world following slaves, just to teach a new generation of this Rest.

St. Paul in Hebrews 4: 1 -13, focuses upon this Rest again, as much as the non observation of the Sabbath was the focus of God in the Old Testament, for removing the Israelites when God divorced the two kingdoms.
For in believing the Gospel in Faith, the Gospel being the Good News, of the Salvation only brought by Jesus the Christ's Resurrection of Himself in all Authority, this is the Faith of Abraham to each of us, in we  then are heirs to enter into this Rest.

In verse 11, St. Paul melds the reasoning of God from physical rest to Spiritual Rest, which is  brought on by obedience to God in training in following His Law, which then makes alive by Christ in verse 12 the quickening of the immortal soul to the eternal Spirit.

One must comprehend that just as the Garden of Eden was a rest from the world as the age began, the Millenium in Christ's Rule throughout all the world with satan bound for 1000 years, is the close of the age Rest in which both the Spiritual and physical world will have rest from the destruction here we face now.

Comprehend this, as there were 2 humans and the Trinity in association at the beginning, there will be an entire world of Spiritually Resurrected Children of God, and survivors of the Great Tribulation residing in the 1000 year rest, to show the correct way the world was intended to be lived in, instead of this savagery which is now consuming all people.

In all of these phases, the Rest comes to be, as God intended after the 1000 years when a new Heaven and a new Earth appear, with a hundreds of miles cube of the new Jerusalem for the Saints to reside in.

Each phase of this is transforming in this evolving by discipline back to the Law and Gospel of God, to the 1000 years having Jesus as the Light of the world literally and the flowing Water of Life from Jerusalem turning the Dead Sea into living waters with trees of healing and fishes of food, for the world.

The Rest is so important, as this Sabbath is an eternal one, and it is only known by the Sabbath to be observed now in the communing of people with God, to the indwelling of Christ both in Spirit now, and in Spiritual Physicality  in the 1000 year Rule when He returns to Harvest His Children as that is what Boothes, Tabernacles, Indwelling means in Thanksgiving. The Immanuel of Christ with us, to the Pentecost of Christ in us, to the Rest in the 1000 years of we in Christ always.

The Rest of Christ is what God started upon the 7th day and Hallowing it, He mandated this to all people to commune with Him in their beginning Exodus from out of this world. This is what Eden was. What the Promised Land was. What the sowing of the tribes of Israel in the West after Exile was and what the 1000 years will be, in all preparation for the eternal Rest each Spiritual child inherits due to Faith.

People overlook this vital concept which  God lectures upon resolutely and far too many ignore or are deceived of by satan to thinking it does not matter.

The Sabbath from the world is vital for this Rest is a transforming  time for a place where time will not be, as the mortal person with an immortal soul which can be destroyed by God, becomes the Spiritual Child in God Who wed to God becomes like God in an eternal Rest, one can only receive with God.

It is not that difficult daily to open a Bible at the beginning and end of the day to read a verse and to pray to God. It is not that difficult to commune with God on the Sabbath in a personal way, and not being sloven in thinking a preacher in a church or a mob sitting their can commune for you.

The Sabbath Rest is important and is taught in the Bible. God has this as a waymark of His Children Who are drawn to that day, for their yearning if for God's eternal Union with them.
You never hear of this, as this is a secret mystery of definition beyond even circumcision. The teaching though is all through the Bible.

It is the Rest of Your Life.

 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

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