Thursday, July 26, 2012

prince of tyre

prince of Tyre, you who sit in your concrete island, thinking your spoil of the land is your own. You who say to yourself  "I am a god". Here the Word of the Lord condemning you.

You have risen up and stolen His heritage, from a people trusting and sinful.

You are not a god. You are a man and by your excrement are you proven a man.

Will you say you are a god, when your end has come ? Will you say to your executioners that you being dead is a fiction and that your rotting corpse is but a dream.

Surely, the day comes I have appointed when you will die the death of the uncircumcised. There will be no grave for you nor burial. They may weep and they may mourn for the loss of the commerce of your shores, but for you  they will have no tears to shed upon an empty grave, for into the wind will feed you to the fishes and fowls.

son of Tyrus, there will be no lament for you in your arrogance. The righteous will cheer for they will say their blood is recompensed and the dead will say they have been vindicated for now you are imprisoned in hell and they look upon you with mock and scorn.

You flew through the heavens and ambrosia was your food, but you have a part in the grave unmarked and you are no god. You will not rise after 3 days. You will not rise after 4. Grave will have the victory over you for I have spoken it and the Real Anointed One will Shine in His coming as you decompose in your going.

It is appointed in that time and the Words of Judgment have been recorded, for I do nothing without speaking first.

Tell your armies to save you now, for are they not warned. Tell your bankers to pile high trillions of walls to protect you, for have they not been warned. Tell your masters that which is coming, and have them offer to satan as they have before to save you, for have they not been warned.

I tell you, that by your own will you meet your end and they will be lament you in their scribes, but laugh in pleasure at their deed in the sacrifice of you their satyr.

I am against you prince of tyre and all your forces will not save you from the Judgment I have set. Behold as was, it will be. Your shore has been removed and your stones scraped to the pavement. In a twilight time will your end come, and the waves will scrape the scales of your shrouded abode.

agtG 305Y