Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Who turned out the Obama lights

Instinct tells me that the Indian power gird, affecting only the north, was a two state Chinese stealth pulse weapon. I do not mean EMP, as nothing was fried, but instead a pulse which absorbs energy after surging it.

If one can drain power in key areas, then the other normal useage areas will pull additional power as brown outs take place, and the next step is an overloaded system that crashes.

This problem should have appeared before on scale, and has not. This leads one to conclude that this as a Chicom weapon test on Obama's India, as Indian is competitor and the Indians could not fight if their lives depended on it as the Nixon era proved when Dick  almost nuked the Chicoms to keep them from kicking the paddy out of the Gandhi boys.

It could have been satellite, but probably was aerial on the mountain border in stealth type transports using Tesla type generators. I will not go into that. Reverse coil and implode and it is that huge sucking sound. Alright went into it, but is not that hard to overload a grid in stealth. They did it to America as a message a few years ago.

Purpose is to send message to Obama that America and Europe will be next in blackouts and it will not be Obama as the black.

Last time China sent a message was that ICBM they launched off of California when Obama was cuddling up the India in 2009 to make them nuclear targets.

Not going into this as I do not care. They cut grids, it means everyone can cut grids, and the populations all have no power, which means food spoils, gas pumps do not run and it means miserable people, meaning dirty water and death.

Dangerous games all of this. Is the Age of Obama.

An Indian, a Locust, an Indonesian and a Chicom were fighting over a bowl of rice in who was the greatest and deserved it.
Each said they had a billion people and were the most deserving...........all except the locust added, "A billion of me they call a pestilence.......what is it they call 3 billion humans?"

I hope those Asians have good shoes or a good horse for Armageddon AKA, the Last Obama War.

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Did Barry Chin do it to start an Asian conflagration........never mind.