Wednesday, August 8, 2012

a charitable contribution

Today I was transported in time back to the 1960's and who did I see in small town America, but Rusty Limbaugh, yes olde Rush Hudson Limbaugh III and it was quite a sight, as I said to my Mum as I was sitting there waiting..........




For little Rusty to ride by on his bike with his siblings to get the hell out of the way, as little Rusty seemed like he owned the street, was gawking at me waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, for little Rush and his bike riders to get the hell out of the way.

I said to my Mum, there is Rush Limbaugh or it looks like that Jeff **********, I went to school with, and she agreed.

So as I waited, I happened to see the village grouch driving by and he waved at me, as even village grouches require etiquette as they screw people over and the people they need happen to be your family.

In watching the sullen grouch, I decided to pull in behind as Rusty had finally rode by at slower than a snails pace, with his little fat body and his glaring pastey colors which I guess is not a color, but a condition.

Soon enough the village grouch, blew his horn at the mob on bikes, if one can be a mob in a family of self absorbed children named Limbaugh, but they did happen to get the message at that point to get the hell out of the way, by getting off the street.

It was odd as apparently Mrs. Limbaugh and I do not know if it was Gram Limbaugh were parked right there in a parking lot, and the little Limbaughs rode up, with Rusty for attitude reasons hanging behind the car, where his Mother could not see him, and he made the brother retreive the cash.

I know it was cash, as the store I was going soon enough upon entry, had Rush Limbaugh behind me being waited on, figuring on what to stuff in his face, and it was the best deal the merchant could offer in pointing out Rush should read the the display behind him, as that was actually the instructions on what was being offered.

Mum was waiting for me in the vehicle and after some discussion on my return about a rather wandering brain defunct individual who apparently was from out of state, I mentioned that little Rush was behind me.

To this Mum said, "I know, because the little one was in the parking lot screaming and yelling about something".

Yes it was a pleasant time to see children of the past in the present, as how many times in this life are we afforded such a vista on a hot Missouri summer humid, jungle hot, feels like somone is spreading honey on your skin on a gloomy day, to sit there waiting for Rush Limbaugh to ride by, as traffic is trying not to kill him as he just could not get enough of a look at this popular girl, and not relazing he was the one who would be the attnetion whore in a few short years after his pop bought a radio station and got little Rusty a job, to which Mrs. Limbaugh had to later get him another job as Rusty sulked on the couch all summer.

I so enjoy having my life and time wasted. It must be so many people are wasting their lives that they have to waste my time too in riding in traffic and mother driving off in the distance so her wards can be unleashed on the world so they can get rid of the ingrates for a few moments to have others deal with their attitude and screaming.

It is always nice though to know there was a Rush Limbaugh riding about in cave man times on a rock, was a Rush Limbaugh riding around in 1960 and in the 21st century there is another shadow signature of Rush Limbaugh being that kid you hoped someone had just run over instead of blew the horn at him.

Now do not get me wrong, I certainly like the non homosexual, non Rovian, non divorce, non plagiarst part of..........wait I like the plagiarist part of  Rush Limbaugh as he owes me 11 million dollars over that according to God's laws and Barack Obama taxes, if he only would pay his debts, but I like Rush Limbaugh, except for all of the non Christian and unAmerican things he does.

He just like the village grouch, would have been better off if his parents were not the elite of the Cape, and Rush had gotten beat up a few dozen times, made to eat dog poop, got his head stuffed in a toilet while some soft Ford Galaxy ran him over to teach him some manners. Then Rush would have been the kind of man his fiction claims he is........sort of like Barack Obama, but Obama liked being called a nigger apparently and having rocks chucked at him, so maybe that is what the blonde daughter does is ties up Limbaugh and makes him watch the dog lick grape jelly off her nethters and she says, "Daddy you will never get any of this honey".

Never know about Elton John fans though in maybe they are thanking the dog.

That is about enough of this, but I hope the next time I have a shadow point in time, that I might instead just be at the Cape when the Limbaughs are out, when Star Trek is on, and I  could watch it on their color television as that is what rich people had then, and I could make an hour of it............or at least how long it took for Rush Limbaugh to ride by on his bicycle.

"I was just funnin' Doc."

"I wasn't."
