Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A very lovely song

Get off your ass and stand on your hind legs, and stop sulking.

Here am I Lord.

Tell the American, the Lord their God has appointed a time in which their lands will be a graveyard.
Speak to them harshly for they do not care. Speak to them in warning and witness unless their sins be required of you for not warning them.

Righteous children will not be saved when they sin, and sinners will not be damned when they turn from sin.

You will warn them, and do as you are told. Though you sought death, it will not be found, for you will obey and carry out what I say.

They will die for their national sins. They will be recompensed for their vile blasphemy of their messiah. Evil only permeates a people when  good people stood by and did nothing.

Awake to the message for it is certain as my servant George Washington was shown. Death and destruction come. The day will be darkness and the bones of the dead will shine like the stars of heaven.
Your pets will eat your flesh and your stock will crack your bones.

You will die the death of the uncircumcised. You will not be buried and none will mourn for you. You dug an abyss by your messiah and now you will find torment in a national grave.

I alone am Lord. As was done before will be done again. I behold and there is none to deliver these sinners and I will arise after Judgment to secure the bloody field and a remnant will build cottages on the green graves as the grass remembers the dead no more.

They speak of you, that you know. They mock you. They say the Prophet is insane. They speak of your words with pleasure in the pleasure they enjoy, but they will not listen to them for they think they are prefect in their sins and by their sins their minds are stoned.

They say My Way is not the way, because it is not of benefit to them. I say it is their way which is not of benefit to them and for this they will be condemned.

Tell that prince what comes to him, for it will come in the mystery which I create and unfold. As for my children, those who watch will see and those who listen will take up their own lives alone.

I tarry for My purpose to see if their batteries are in store for the time when they require them, or if they will play with them and have no light for when the darkness comes.
Speak to them, for this is not for honor for they hate you. Speak to them and do not be a rebel as they are. I gave you life by a prayer and by prayer I will not give you death. You will work for Me in harshness for I Am an exacting God.

I know your pain, but what is pain when it is years in burden and forgotten in eternity of My Peace. I know you from the womb. Before the womb I even knew you. You are Mine by My Spirit. What is it to you if I have hated you with a Love only I could bear.

You stand there and you take it. You take it all. You are mine and you will tell them what will become of them from the Pacific to the mountains of Europe. I Am your God and you will watch to exhaustion and call till you can not speak and call all the more.

Your peoples they will die, and you will be comforted as the terror of Me and of you, will be justified in the sentence carried out.

You knew this before you came and you chose this lot. This is your vocation and walk worthy of it in your being called.

The mourners will mourn for the living and not the dead for better are they in death than those who do not see what Judgment will come. I will cleanse My heritage with a crimson flood for all of their murderous sins. Skin for skin, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, fetus for fetus, corpse for corpse.

If they will change and restore what they have stolen, pay what they promise, wipe from them all which they have replaced Me with, then will I lessen the blow and not repay them twice. If they would hear, they would hear, but you will listen and obey. You will serve me upon your hind legs while they make you bow down so they may step on you to pass over.

I planted you in a brier so the thorns would rip at your heart to prepare you for this time. My Spirit will guide you and will make you work for every Word to be spoken to these rebels. They do not know their disease, how age has crippled them, how they are food for the grave, for they say they are well and yet in their youth, and they yet will devour the world.

The time will come they will be silent in death after the terrors of dying as their iniquity is their epitaph.

I Am your God. Who are you to question me. Stand there and take it all, as you are required and you are born for this message to these apostates. They hate Me and they hate you. Suffer much for me and I will Love you with Life.

agtG 309y