Monday, August 20, 2012

Addressing Rep. Todd Akin: The Real Story

As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

This blog has been the soul and sole champion of women, children and men who have been through rape in all forms. It was this blog which published in December 2011, the many forms of rape there are, addressing a subject in which America has become a rapist nation.

This  blog alone defended Sarah Palin from the heinous comments by radical lesbian Camille Paglia and Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters in stating that "Sarah Palin enjoyed political rape or she would not be in the race".
That kind of reprehensible statement drew no recourse from anyone Obama or Romney when it was published, no more than David Letterman's rape of the Palin daughters by black professional athletes in a Letterman joke.

All of this led to the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords in a Jewess example to Sarah Palin from the Wall Street Insiders to get out of the race or face a missile in her brain at five miles high.

"Rape is rape"

Barack Hussein Obama
That is a rather rich statement f rom LIPSTICK ON A PIG Obama who condoned the wholesale gang rape of Republican women running for office.

What I address here, as no one else can in speaking on this issue is Rep. Todd Akin of Missouri's statement in the following:

"It seems to me first of all from what I understand from doctors that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

First in "what if", the GOP would not have this problem with Rep. Akin if the sexists in Missouri had just chosen in the primary that Sarah Steelman woman who Sarah Palin endorsed.
Steelman was a horrid candidate in sexist Missouri though in not being polished in rhetoric or delivery. This then led to Rep. Akin easily being the primary winner.

As the exclusive here, this Lame Cherry blog can tell you what the hell is behind all of this and it all has to keeping Barack Obama from being impeached and having Republicans either having to impeach Obama or overturn Obama.

It is all about the thrown elections of 2006 when the GOP patricians threw numerous Senate elections by Tea Party candidates, so Obama policies would stay in place in a Democratic senate. This was all planned out as was outlined here, and what is taking place now is the cover Romney needs not to undo Obama if Romney steals this election as the GOP leadership loves Obama big spending socialism as it funds their carnivore capitalists in welfare products as much as Obama's cannibal capitalists are feeding off the unborn and the welfare class.

That is why Romney was bashing Akin and you can run this up to planted stories by Sen. Cornyn of Texas that Jim DeMint was complaining about in not funding Conservatives like himself in attacking Akin to get him so crippled and other candidates that cartel darling Claire McCaskill  will be another Al Franken installation to protect the elite's rapine of America.
They want this close in the Obama Romney race, so that there will be no super GOP majorities where the Republican voters will demand a complete repeal of Obama , his indictment and yes, the restoring of the Republic.

This is that Repbulicrat mechanism designed to progress America to the feudal state no matter who is in power, as Obama or Romney will only cement it further.

The Akin statement is his psychological profile in using the term "legitimate rape", in his process knows that if this ever comes down to aborticide being only available for rape and incest, that every woman will be claiming rape by some unknown generic rapist, instead of the male they willingly spread their legs for.

One can debate the ways a female body shuts down in rape due to stress, but the reality is in numerous cases the male rapist is so inept that he either can not keep an erection, can not ejaculate or ejaculates on themselves as rape is a violent crime in all forms. The pure sociopath functions in rape as Ted Bundy, but the Willy Kennedy Smith rape in which Uncle Ted got him off, was one of his limp dick dribbling  about as the doped up woman struggled.

America is a rapist nation on many levels. Barack Obama is of this ilk in going off and having bi sexual sex and then coming home and sticking his adulterated penis into his wife, Michelle, which is one of the sadistic forms of rape in the power struggle.

Rep. Todd Akin is being politically raped for the feudal control of America in taking something out of context which was only in  context due to the scheming of abortionists in this billion dollar industry preying on women, children and men.

Aborticide is a lie. A lie in it does not harm women in breast cancers, a lie in it does not scar wombs, a lie in it does not do horrendous emotional trauma to women. A lie in the child is just tissue.

Todd Akin is currently being aborted out of the womb, due to Missouri is trying to be saved as states like North Dakota will probably fall to the Republicans. This all about keeping Obama rapine of America legitimate by cementing it in the Senate for another two years of Obama scalding the American virgin, scraping her womb and dosing her with vial of poison, ending Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Odd isn't it when Obama was asked by Rick Warren about aborticides in "It was above my pay grade", but Obama could comment immediately about rape as it was right in his pay grade.

This blog is the only one which has any standing to ever discuss this due to it's long history protecting those who have been savaged by all these lords of rape and death.

Hey Jake Tapper, how about asking Barack Obama and Mitt Romney if IT EVER CAME UP ABOUT THE SENATE IN THE BALANCE IN HOW GOOD IT WOULD BE TO TAKE OUT SOME CONSERVATIVES, so Obama policy would not be overturned.

Gee another Conservative wiped out by Mitt Romney, Karl Rove, Barack Obama and David Axelrod.

One less defender of the unborn, so these NeoProgs and Romneycrats can continue raping everyone and aborting you in the terror, disease and rampage of their rationed death.

Are you children really this stupid that even  this needs to be pointed out to you in what really was taking place?

agtG 288Y

Legitimate Rape