Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chic, Chick, Chik Fil A

The Chick Fil A drama sponsored by the Obama 2012 election campaign is another blunder in the part of their exchanging sodomites for pedophiles.

See, if there were even 1% homosexuals in the population, that would be 30 million gays in America, which is 600,000 sodomites per state. States like Nebraska would be entirely queernation in those numbers, and one just does not in 60 counties find 10,000 homosexuals per county in any state.

So when the Effeminte Butch Two Genital Crowd calls for a KISS IN at Chic Fil A, and no lips show up for hep transfer, it sort of exposes how the gay pride parades always are a bit thin in there being no million mansexual march, as most like Obama and Rove are puffy lips in the closet.

Sodomy is a farce. It is funded by the Keynesian perverts who were initiated into America for the express purpose of making child molestation legal. These elites fund the gays into power and make them seem Elton John common by Blondeberry Limbaugh and Gusher Hannity at weddings and every dupe just accepts the world if filled with people who are defining themselves by sex.

The numbers just like Obama donors just do not add up.

Obama has once again exposed the Mockingbird agenda and exposed gays to the reality of their straw men are apparitions in no matter how many Ellen's they parade around and get silly dupes to sit in audiences, there just is not even a minority following in this.

With normal people, they  had to wait an hour or Chik Fil A service. With abnormal people, they could not be found nationwide to protest.

That is why there is not 15 million gay couples getting married.......they just do not exist. It is an illusion of Mockingbird like Obama voters in 2012.

So the Obama camp has betrayed gays in unmasking them for the Ron Paul type group of 250 voters spread really thin and making a huge noise.

That is the reality of Chik Fil A............and Chik Fil A could for this positive story could give me a lifetime food card the sure nakedity of this, as they hardly were brave in their stand concerning a non existant group and made a fortune off of this Obama campaign ad in free business.

I should probably not mention that Obama can send the IRS to tax Chic Fil A in free publicity in retaliation now should I..........

You should have given me the food card or a franchise thing calling me a franchisee who is called an operator.

A full mouth keeps a blogger from talking and greasy fingers slip off the keyboard.............

Wonder what the gays would have bribed me with in all this naked reality?

Maybe my own television program like Rachel Madow's unwatched lesbian show.

So many exclusives here educating all of you children to the reality of it all.

One would think the sodomites would be really ticked at Obama helping out a black owner in Chicken fillets prosper by ......whatever, as Obama takes gay money and puts them into foxholes to be shot in his wars.

That is all sort of sad and not gay.

Perhaps we should just call the gays all now SADS in this is the Age of the Obama abyss.

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