Monday, August 13, 2012

Fagalicious Obama

 I really do not comprehend why Barack Obama just does not admit he is a fag, not up the job, not man enough to be a man and stop hiding behind being black for the utter ruin he has brought  to America.

You may quote me on that.

If there is one thing upon this earth that mankind love and admire better than another, it is a brave man, -- it is the man who dares to look the devil in the face and tell him he is a devil.
- -- James A. Garfield

Mr. Obama AKA Mr. Chin, you are not the devil. You are not the anti Christ. You are not even a messiah. You are though of your father the devil in being a liar.
 - -- Lame K. Cherry

Barack Obama is not a black man, an Afroid nor a Negroid. He does not have enough genetics in him to be called black, this niggardly American of the Niggazi Hoodie Terrorist jihad class which unctions from Ashkenaz, to Osseiran Arab to this Chinoid thing of comfort woman whores dabbling in sperm donations from Japanese shoguns to Horn of Africa dock workers.
The fact is like all Filipino Chinese Japanese trader class, Barack Obama most likely has Spanish blood coursing through his veins as Spain controlled that island chain and all the dignitary classes were Spanish.

Could Barry Chin's mum have been American? I suppose this woman who looked like she was born during the Japanese occupation could have been all the Americans were in concentration camps with a few saboteurs roaming about the forest.........
I suppose her mum could have taken a sperm donation trip too as that was common in those times as Japanese occupied peoples often vacationed in America before returning home to be imprisoned again. It was a humanitarian Japanese policy you take a shot of plague, survive with your limb falling off, fly to America to see Disneyland, take in a Reagan movie and sleep in clean sheets before going back to the Philippines.

(Just helping Obama write his new book FANTASIES OF MY FATHER as Bill Ayers will probably not be willing to write book 2)

Where was I?

Oh yes, Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton could rape women and lie about it, but Bill had an economy which was actually greedily making people millionaires and billionaires, while employing the masses as he dabbled in killing camels and baby formula factories.
So he let the Russians sell a few nukes to Iraq and Iran. In return, he gave America allies the nuclear bombs in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

Bill Clinton for being a misogynist really had his balls on straight in he actually employed people while shipping jobs overseas, while Obama just wipes out jobs and dreams while shipping American's overseas to kill them there in his wars.

How anyone could say that Obama has any recovery with numbers like 0.4% something or that a few hundred thousand jobs were "created" is just propaganda. That is no recovery that is OBAMANOMICS based on Keynesian economics.

See America has like 23% unemployment yet, and 10% inflation. The reality is that Obama has been illegally capping grain prices to impoverish farmers and to make certain that food prices are not like 10 bucks a loaf of bread by election day.

America is in the worst drought in a generation, and grain prices should be spiking at 20 dollars a bushel, but instead I have observed grain cars rolling into the midwest to confiscate that grain cheaply in Buffett and Soros running that money train, in another Geithner illegal market manipulation.

Barack Obama is a liar. His puppy press are all liars. The unemployment is not over 8 percent. It has been for years over 20%.

Obama has been stealing people's retirement in zero percent interest as he drives money into the Stock Market for the elite, but the problem is the dividends are created by the Treasury under Geithner dumping money into those markets creating trillions more in debt by electronic monetary creation.

Get that point, for ever dollar Obama 'creates' on Wall Street money dumps it costs the American taxpayer 1000 dollars in interest, lack of economic growth and lack of jobs.
That is an exclusive revelation never reported previously.

Barack Obama is no man of Nobel peace. He creates no jobs. He does not love America. He has no affinity with blacks and certainly none with Mexicans he has shot up on the border.
He murders Muslims.

His only affections appear for money dumps to Rothschilds and Rockefellers in New York and Europe worth trillions. He rewards Islamocommunist terrorists who do business with his Osseiran brotherhood.

The new unemployment numbers show that private employers added 163,000 jobs in July, the best pace of hiring in five months. The jobless rate rose, however, to 8.3 percent from 8.2 percent in June. Romney jumped on the report, calling the figures a "hammer blow" to middle-class families.
"We've now gone 42 consecutive months with the unemployment rate above 8 percent," Romney said in a statement. "Middle-class Americans deserve better, and I believe America can do better."

Mormon Mitt Many Romney

The reality is the reality. Barack Hussein Obama is a liar. He lied about his parents in Dreams. He lied about his draft registration. He lied about his schooling. He lied about his British birther thing expiring. He lied about hope. He lied about change. He lied about building electrical power plants. He lied about peace. He lied about being black.

That is the reality in this in Barack Obama, the Chinoid who runs like a duck, and enjoyed being called a nigger in Indonesia to hide his real faults and blame blacks, is not a black man in the least, but promotes the worst racial stereotypes to get away with his nefarious plans. He plays the fool to fool the mob.

He is no different than entertainer Mockingbird style Rush Limbaugh. Obama is a B grade actor doing dead pan black face paint. He should win an Oscar for that and not an award for reading his fiction Dreams.

That is the reality of the Designer Negro Obama. He is the eunich with his testicles sucked up inside his groin knocking up the Sheik's harem with little bastards, as he pretends he is ballless.

There once was a dying America in 2008 who George W. Bush put on life support and she was recovering in January 2009. At that date, Barack Obama like Caligula walked into the Tiberius bedchamber and put a pillow over America's head and strangled her.

America was murdered by the homicidal efforts of Barack Hussein Obama. There are piles of Muslims and Jews dead because of his prize winning efforts. Billions more are in jeopardy of mass murder. There was an America when Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran usurped the White House. His policy was not hope and change. It was a policy of misery and murder.
There is now no longer an America. There is a second world state like Britain and Russia, plunging into a Mexican Chicom anarchist state.

It makes one wonder if the world's problems could have all just been cured in peace with a silver jacket, a Camel cig and a Hamm's beer. Would have made better Hollywood fiction than Berlin fantasy in the Designer Negro liar, Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran, AKA, Barry Chin.

23% unemployment, a class now which will not accept work as food stamps and welfare checks are more lucrative than a taxed job. 10% inflation adjusted in Obama welfare payments.

Tis the Age of Obama, and I warned you in 2009 that Sarah Palin would only have pieces of America left to try and put back together in the Utter Ruin of B. Hussein Obama.

Mitt Romney if he steals this back has the same impossible job.

I doubt the Mexican miracle can undo the Chinoid Obama miracle, foreign bastards denying Christ do not bring miracles, but judgment.

America has had no president in this liar Obama. It has had a fagident pretending to be black to fool the masses into making excuses for his deliberate destruction of America, hidden as horrid job performance.

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