Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fidelis Europa

Personally, I conclude Adrew Breivik interesting, because he is so much more intelligent than the liberal monkeys he has on his leash in making them perform for his will.

Masterfully, Breivik while in custody achieved monumental things in having a Norwegian kangaroo court walk right into his legal trap in they just judged KILLING LIBERALS IN MASS SLAUGHTER IS SANE.
How about that Catch 22, in a liberal court which Breivik rejects as not legal, just said that the Viking of Norway, was sane for killing 77 liberals.

If one does the math, at 21 years in prison, the Viking received barely 3 months for each liberal he killed. That is coming close to literally calling what Breivik did as executions in his being rewarded by the Norwegian marsupials.

It does get better in this, that the Junta Judges, actually went out of their way to BLAME THE NORWEGIAN POLICE for the events to that day.

"The panel’s 500-page report also faulted the police in Oslo, where hours before the shootings, Mr. Breivik had parked a van packed with explosives near government buildings."

Talk about a Valkyrie send in that one, as the liberal courts have just blamed the right wing police of Norway as being at fault.
Only this blog showed the oddity of the skinhead guards surrounding the Viking in court, which was sending a message..........

A message like Google and Wikipedia which featured a fast link with Anders Breivik SMILING and those notables of sexy Pamela Geller, Jens Stoltenberg and Geert Wilders genius in being related searches.
Sort of looks like someone in spider media completely agrees from the server down in what the Viking was carrying out


Breivik is quite brilliant as he received everything he wanted and engineered, complete with calling the courts having no jurisdiction, and having the prosecutors now fighting the courts in appeals in the courts not being rational.

If the Norwegians think anything has been accomplished in this which their socialist hearts quivered over, it has not. The look in Anders Breivik's eyes is one of fiery deep pools of driven rage over this victory.
You must understand that the cowards of history who rose to prominence as in Hitler and Stalin never had the balls to slaughter people for the cause by their own hands. Hitler sat in prison penning his struggle, while Anders Breivik has his foot on the Norwegian system's neck and is dealing out the exact measures he has decided upon, all from that same prison.

The Viking is so far ahead of the most notorious of history, that his political plans appear on the horizon of someone in a King Henry V, the Vikings, the progenitors of history cast out who return with vengeance firing the wills of people.

Project this out not in 21 years, but in a few short years, in Paris burning, Scandinavia in rapine, WMD wars released in the Middle East on European borders terrifying her, all from Muslims and liberal policies.
Is Anders Breivik going to look like such a boogeyman then, or is his manifesto going to seem quite sound based on thee exact principles of the church of Rome and the Royal feudal state which Europe deemed legal and just for thousands of years?

Is the work of Anders Breivik in a time like that, gong to be judged the Norwegian Inquisition in the remedy Europe not just requires, but demands?

Will a time come when the political establishment not just pardons Anders Breivik to save northern Europe, but finds his court heretic and their only semblance of penitence was declaring that Anders Breivik was sane for slaughtering 77 traitors to the Reich.

The tides of battle turn and the fortunes of war have turned more than one secret society into a ruling empire.

The days always wax when the leftist yearns for the imprisonment of the nationalist, but wane soon as the embers of state grow dim in the fires of the invading hordes, and then the huddled masses cry out, for a warrior to be unleashed to fight their battles for them.

Lame Cherry

If you will to delude yourselves that there are not numbers of these knights in this world like this Norwegian court, then the oracles of the troubles of history and future in Serbia will echo like whistling in a graveyard soon enough.

"I wish to apologize to all militant nationalists that I wasn't able to execute more."

Anders Breivik, Viking

One contemplates when this Viking  takes power how he will dispatch his judicature or if the Norwegian mob will simply set free with Norway coursing through it's veins to maul liberal and invader alike, as natural selection survives the fittest in the evolution of nationalism exterminates the devolution of multiculturalism.

Mr. Putin breathes on the threshold of Europe. Mr. Muslim kindles his fires in the hearth.

The fact is who has breathed fire in Europe, but the Viking to quench the inferno which is kindled upon European shores.

The day will soon enough arrive when Europe will need a million Anders Behring Breiviks at liberty to lead her and fight for her.

 Lame Cherry

America will require even more from those Janet Napolitano watch list Patriots, Christians, Constitutionalists and Conservatives to begged to fight for her life in the Great Eurasian War which Barack Obama policy has raped into the womb of the world impregnating her for a war of great tribulation.

Is Anders Breivik the face of the leader of the northern European peoples in the invasion ahead?

.......and if not him, then who will they choose that they now condemn......

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