Friday, August 17, 2012

Romton 2012

This blog listens intently to the Tiger Lily, and she is absolutely correct in Mitt Romney should choose Hillary Clinton as his running mate.

Why  bother with Condi Rice in Obama light, in Condi voted for Obama, and thee one exclusive point in this found only in this blog is.........

Thee only person in power or running for high office in America in 2012, who did not vote for Barack Obama and voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin was Hillary Rodham Clinton.

You know Romney voted for Obama as he wanted to run in 2012 and could not do that if McCain won. You know the Biden and Obama voted for themselves, and you know for a fact that Hillary wanted Obama down in flames so she could run in 2012 against McCain.

So the one real Barry Goldwater Republican in 2012 is Hillary Clinton really, as she voted GOP in 2008, along with her husband Bill.

Look, this blog stated Romney should pick Dave Patraeus as he has all the credentials, excpet a  state to bring home. That is Condi's problem in she has no state she can help Romney with, and really no accomplishments as the entire Conservative cabinet of the Bush White House calls her a naive little girl in over her heard.

So Romney floats in Affirmative Action, Condi Rice as he lusts for some white old man meat who might help Mano close the deal in Pawlenty being the choice but Jowls Jeb Bush is the one who is being moved to run this show by the Rovians as VP.

The right choice though is Hillary Clinton as she is a proven Muslim killer. The only Muslim she has not murdered for Obama is Obama hisself, and believe me she has tried it seems in the Marine One plans leaked to Iran and the Marine One Helo diverted in the autumn of 2011.

Hillary Clinton is thee only success spot in the Obama regime and if one recalls it was her who met with Richard Holbrooke, before he was assassinated...........

Then there is Tony Wiener's wife, and Hillay is the father to Huma's child.....she is dual role for bringing home the queer vote.

She failed at Obamacare.

She will bring home the state of New York and the woman vote. Those women like Mo Dowd who hated her will not want to make up for voting Obama, as they understand that Hillary bieng the wife Bill always went back to, after cum dumping in Mo, was really a victim in this too, in both their pussies hurt for them same VD infection.

So let us review, New York which will cripple Obama in the Electoral College. The Woman Vote. The Jew vote for murdering Muslims. Failed at Obamacare and she was the first white woman married to the first black President in Bill.

She is what Condi Rice hoped to grow up to be, in a real liberal man wearing a skirt and cutting off the foreskin and frying it up in a pan. Hillary Clinton is the real deal for Mano Romney. She votes Republican, hates Obama and knows how to get rid of jilted sex partners like Vince Foster by dumping them in the park.

If she learns how to keep her fingerprints off FBI files, she really will not be on any Grassy Knoll in the transition of power.

Hillary Clinton is a Romneycrat to the bone. She is exactly what Mitt Romney wants to balance his left wing views. So why should Romney get these faux Rhinerds like Condi or Daniels, and just go whole hog Arkansas for that gal who was a Barry Goldwater Republican before selling out for Clinton dick.
You know very well if Bill Clinton had an idol like Richard Nixon who was screwing the dog like JFK was, and Arkansas was a GOP state like Kansas, that Bill Clinton would have been a Republican and Hillary would have too, as they are pragmatic about these things.

Mormon Romney's best choice for 2012 is Romton, Romney Clinton. It has a nice powerful ring to it,  can be beat to Indian drums and everyone will get fired up about it, as Rush Limbaugh still has blonde lust for Hillary as she is one hot paternal babe yet......who will bring in the gay vote too which is only like 30 people, but it is important to bring that vote home as Ann Coulter really gets wet over things like that.

Yes Hillary Clinton is Romney's correct choice in being thee only anti Obama and pro GOP person in this race.

Should not one person at least be required to have voted for John McCain in 2008 to be on the GOP ticket?

You know Condi voted black and will vote Barack again.

Hillary Clinton 2012 for the GOP Vice President. Just go for the win Mitt and do it where your heart is, in the left.

PS: You didn't know when I was floating all this Romney stuff that it was in Inspiration revealing what his strategy was now did you.
