Friday, August 17, 2012

The Sound of Mirth

God is not going to punish the whoring daughters of his people, because the reality is the men are the whoremongers equal to the rebellion which is this condition.
Punishment though is not to be taken as a license as God will repay each of you for your sins in double, and God will bind you up in the resistless storm of his wrath.

If you could only see the raped women an children. The smashed in infant skulls and the bodies, so many of them with flies buzzing and the animals feeding on them in serene stench, with pregnant women sliced open in pools of natal blood, bodies driven over by trucks like roadkill, you would know what I witness in the future.........the cries, the laughter of it all in muffled tones, followed by the belch of well satisfied rapine, you would not change, but you would know the Justice awaiting you for these national sins.

The sings are there and the witness follows. No more arrogance as the pride of your strength is shattered. 100 go out and 1 returns .Women as men for no men are found.

I would mourn for you sinners, but you have chosen this as your Obama outcome. I mourn in my heart for those who are God's who will see this, but at that time my focus will be upon my Beloved as is the remedy now. I move to a place prepared and prepare for this as my life has been preparation in the greatness of my coming.
There will be no satisfaction in the dying heathen knowing in the words here that the words they mocked were right.

You will die in your sins, as etched in the stone of your hearts is the epitaph of condemnation in Obama voter. You will be repaid for mocking the Christ the Messiah, an entire nation inflamed to scorched earth for when the Judgment of this sin as high as your slaughtered children is answered from God's Throne.

God gave you Eden and the Promised Land twice, and each time it was despoiled. I will not be bound to you, nor will the innocent be bound for you are bound to your sins. Do not deceive yourselves, for God is not mocked. He will repay to the Righteous with  Goodness and He will repay the sinners with their own evil.

Do not say you are forgiven or God does not see, for you have not changed and your sins are welded to you like a bead of nickel steel harder than the adamant of your sins.

You males should have abstained from the devil's triangle and you females should have kept your legs closed.

I will not mourn prostitutes for you will have a prostitute's reward, in I and the few chosen other have the outcome which was worked for daily.
You ruined my west and scattered a people I have had to chase. I will not in the danger you put me in have any compassion upon you.

agtG 244Y