Friday, August 17, 2012

Ass Fat

For those who make an Ulsterman living using the mantra that this blog is cryptic and the things here "do not come true", I place before you the reality that THIS BLOG ALONE was explaining about the inside machinations going on in the cartel and the Clinton camp in the articles of HILLARY BRAUN and......

Lame Cherry: His gay ass Niggerness
May 11, 2012 – ... LBJ Biden and Hillary Braun are involved in a soft coup on Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran and Biden's gay dick and Clinton's idiot Negroid ...

If you brats are too stupid to comprehend history in LBJ Biden means Lyndon Johnson and Hillary Braun means Eva Braun as connected to the Berliner boys who installed Obama, then it is not this blog which is cryptic but it is your heads up your asses.

From Niggerization Romney to Niggerness and Niggazi and Nigger Hoodie, this blog was months ahead of everyone in these terms now spewing forth, and the idiot was bitching about 'racial things stated here' when it was exposing the coming trends through Inspiration with all credit going to Gd.

There is a reality in this that this blog exclusively has been tracking in Baby and the plasma minds, in the elite of this world have been discussing Hillary Clinton's place, which is rightfully hers after the Obama coup cast her to the side, as this blog exclusively outed was due to Bill Clinton "stealing" that Stan uranium from the cartel and selling it to China.

Hillary Clinton wants no part of what she sees as an LBJ outcome whether the cartel removes Obama in a surprise event which was posted about on this blog months ago from the matrix chatter being initiated, and Hillary Clinton wants no part of Obama Marxism as she knows she will be ruined like LBJ was in all of this fallout of guilt over Obama and rage over a destroyed economy.

I have told you for years that Hillary sees her destiny in an RFK roll as coup plotter against Biden, without the cartel this time doing a Sirhan event on her, as Hillary is of the Berlin family.

Do you think it is just BS when I post about Romton, Romney Clinton? There are reasons in Inspiration this comes about, and I drafted that several weeks ago and kept moving it for today by God's doing, in that story now overlooked is exposing even more of this in the Romney Rove Clinton connection, and how Romney should have just chosen Hillary Clinton or still should as that is Romney policy and Clinton is more right wing than Romney.

There are forces at work in this, and while Bill Clinton would love nothing better than to tadpole Obama up the ass.......meaning yes Bill Clinton has discussed with the GOP about impeaching Obama....READ THAT OVER AGAIN to get it, if Hillary was the nominee in what would be worked out to make a Hillarycare plan which the Clintons would have as their legacy in being rid of Obama.
Yes that is exclusive of this blog only and beyond what insiders claim they have access to. Hillary though is still fuming over Obama snubbing her on the World Bank, and she will get her pounds of flesh in all this Obama political rape, but in weighing all of this, she has decided it is best at this point to "wait" as this blog in Eva Braun was hinting at.....meaning Hillary can be VP if the Obama Biden ticket steals this from Romney, because the cartel is weighing on how to cut ties with their Obama as investigations will be started in 2013 if Obama stays in office.
The cartels know exactly what they need to do, and Barack Obama has agreed to it for his legacy sake.

John Kennedy would never have gotten his communization of America off the ground. It required LBJ to be around for the guilt legislation. JFK did not agree to it, but he got his legacy of dead Kennedy's all for the cause.

I told you this is about Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Jebby is auditioning at the GOP convention for president in 2016 and Hillary is auditioning for the presidency in 2016.
Do not discount in any of this that Paul Ryan will not be dumped on scandals or Biden on brain nuttery if Romney or Obama wins. It is fluid yet, as this is shifting back from the December scenarios Baby was trending for almost a year in a planned removal of Obama by the cartel.

Lame Cherry
9 hours ago – This Lame Cherry blog initiates the following knowing that it will shatter the Romney campaign and give Barack Hussein Obama a 25 point win ...

Mar 4, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012 ..... March 03, 2012 .... Mar 29 (2), Mar 28 ...

May 20, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012. Duck Foot Obama. You can quote me on ...

Silly children, there is no answer

Silly children, there is no answer. Yes the saga of Wade Page will ...

May 26, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012. Light Overcomes Darkness. Sipping ...

May 19, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012. Baby Trending Lamech Fouad. Baby ...

May 28, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012. Dumbass French Kabuki Syndrome. At ...


The anchor date is still in the matrix on the dead pope. The machinations though are trending in the Southern Poverty Law Center initiating events as the terror wing of the regime, and still that European Muslim trend is peaking again, with Obama the Filipino heritage, Light overcoming darkness, and now Obama's New Asian Order is eclipsing the German poets.

The French are involved in this just as meanderings were hinted at in November 1963 in the aftermath. The debate in the cartel or options are an American skinhead being blamed or this French Islam for the event, which is being deliberated in second phase out of the Asian order now as Obama is one of their own.

The work accomplished here might cement an Obama victory over apostate Romney, but that victory is still overshadowed by events written about here in April 2012 already.

I told you I live in the future.

Hillary has worked a deal out after her humiliation by the cartel. This is her time and Jeb and her should go to a fat farm and make 100 pounds of soap off their own lard.

 April to August this blog was ahead of this story in what was really taking place.

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The sequence is front end loaded. Inspiration states the election upheaval will be allowed to play out for additional mayhem to hide the doings of the cartel and to shock the public into a stupor when events are initiated.
Beware the skinheads and beware the turbanheads....... they appear the chosen conduits

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