Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cemetery America.

  •  President John Adams "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." 

 It can not be emphasized enough that America is dead. The Republic is in the grave. The reason for this manifestation repeated is to awaken the drunken and doped mind of these creatures termed Americans to realize the endangered species they are in the peril they are in.

The American is a completely childlike race who obeys when not roused and is easily scooted off to bed when scolded.

There is no America and the epitaph to America is in a graveyard dig as deep as the Grand Canyon and long as the Mississippi River. Your tombstone is the Rockies and your shroud is the veil of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

1776 Americans would have defined Barack Hussein Obama as a British subject. A royal patsy, a redcoat, a macaroni, a political appointee of the body politic to manage the louse of the American seaboard from venturing across the Appalachian range where it could not be controlled.

Disarming America, giving aid and comfort  to the enemy, involved in the looting of the Treasury, protecting the international piracy of terrorism and the narcotics trade, while impoverishing a people free to slavery, would be satan's gift to Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Tojo and King George. All of these would have celebrated thee exact things Barack Obama has done, as these are the accomplishments of a traitor to the American people and a stooge of feudal empire.

Americans, you need passports to cross your own borders now of North America. It is not to keep terrorists out, but to keep you in. Your ocean fortress has been transformed into the high walls of a Warsaw ghetto.

Your Life is one of aborticide, rationed death, poison foods, as your Liberty is one of slave wages, feudal debt, generational poverty, your Pursuit of Happiness is one which begins in welfare wards stealing your future and ends with how much Mr. Obama can spend today.

Americans, you have no control over your lives as you have no life left to control as the entire regime ruling you controls every aspect of your existence.

You have a semblance of juvenile morality, which you tuck yourselves in with in night as you are a land of whores and Godlessness. Nothing you do is Godly, but it mimics an old Scriptural painting covered with dust of long past memories, that there was something Godly about Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and the 4th of July.

Your religion is not even secularism as you do not worship the Constitution and would rather die as wards than be responsible adults in being free.
You are the Spartans who were born out of a militaristic culture and now exist on a reputation others have bled for, and when the final coup de grace comes, you will bow to it and become the sheep for the slaughter.

The Judas Goats of your leaders have you for their owners and you are in a pen too Tea Party to say BAA to.

America, you are disgusting filth. It is not name which Commandment you have broken today, but it is a reality of shattering all of the 10 each hour.

Lame Cherry

 You are criminals, highwaymen, thieves, robbers, rapists, cheaters and swindlers. From top to bottom to bottom to top, your police whore for pensions while arresting travelers to fund your states. You are a pariah of a cancer which feeds upon the rotten puke of carrion, and still you can not indulge in the vomit course again and again.

When the world beholds you from heavens skies, they see a smouldering crater, an inferno, a cesspool of fire and brimstone, a hell which burns itself deeper into the world's soul, and yet you call yourself good in all the evil you are.

You Americans are inadequate.

  • Patrick Henry "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists but by Christians; not on religions but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!"

What is God, but a Watchman over the grave, mourning the bone pickers robbing one more skeleton from Cemetery America.

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