Saturday, September 1, 2012

The 3:10AM Call

America is dead when the Communists at The Nation make more sense than Romney Mormon-Aid drinkers.

Ann Romney sucks, apparently more than Michelle Obama, as no jokes are made about her going down by Mano Mitt since she already is slumming with a border buster. She should try loving Putin. She should try loving Ahmedinajad. She should try loving Zawahiri as she consoles soccer moms who will be receiving terrorist missiles up their twats as Manor Mitt seems to have no defense policy.

Never fear though as Fred Barnes missile in his pants likes cherub cheeked Mormon bobble blonde geezers who preach love in blood colored dresses LDS style with an open Breivik salute in a "hey man, we know you're out there and we feel your pain." Gives a whole new meaning to Golen Arches fetal leftovers research slogan "I'm Lovin It".

Love is a many splendid thing in the rape of a nation with Obama sacrificing the Virgin and Romney sending his 18 grandchildren to hell denying Christ for the Obama doctrine.

Mormon prosperity is 12 million jobs at 250,000 jobs a month is a repeat of 4 more years of Obama Super Depression. The Romney Mormon-Aid calls for opening lands to oil exploration in his energy policies, but when his Wall Street Insiders invest in that oil at 4 dollars a gallon gas they will have you paying 4 dollars a gallon gas no matter how much oil they pump.

Paul Ryan is reincarnated Reagan road kill according to Jeb Bush. Problem is Ryan doesn't stink like Reagan. He just stinks like HW roadkill which killed the Reagan expansion.

There is no rebuttal for Obama's second term no matter if is Obama or Romney at 1600 Penn. It is the consuming of a nation long dead in red dresses, hands on hearts, and hurricane rains weeping over its corpse as she is on the barbecue spit. You children may delude yourselves but Romney has no plan to defend America nor restore America. Obama has a plan to destroy America and enslave you. Lesser evils and greater evils are still evil no matter which 50 shades of grey they wear in this pedophile nation. Deluding yourself is what got America into this position as you cheer Tim Tebow and pose with Chik Fil A pretending Sarah Palin matters as your new religion.

The chickens will come home to roost as the only rules in this feudal game is the ruling rich making up their own rules and you get the empty bag to sniff. Ann Romney is whiter than Michelle but not more Asian than Obama, but she is sleeping with a Mexican so taco fever has that cheese head appeal.

I'm on the convention floor. It is dark here. The tiles are slick though with latex wrapped jism. Pretty wrapped packages still need the floors mopped for a good rain of tears to wash a funeral clean.

It is dark here in the American grave and the shroud over the land is no different than the swaddling in a Bethlehem manger. Rome will come, in 3 years or 30 years, for America is as old and grey as Romney, and as colorless as 50 shades of Obama. The GOP purged, the Democratic party held hostage.

I warned you there would only be bits and pieces for Sarah Palin to save. There is no Sarah Palin and you are the bits and pieces, and there is no one to save you.

Enjoy your November selections. For whom the bell tolls, it now tolls for thee.
