Friday, September 7, 2012

Google's Nigger Nest

There is in Huck Finn amusement a common theme about American blacks in jokes of their being lazy, stupid and of course one can not see a darkie in the night, except for their white eyes when they are not blinking.

That is why after the Obama speech at the DNC, and the sort of mass niggers in the nest stereotypical postings in subtle racism, the 'artwork' Google decided to feature in the liberal coup upon B. Hussein Obama caught my attention, in the exaggerated white eyes in a dark sea of  blackness, including the stereotyped blonde black woman.

Of course this can all be explained in artwork focusing on another subject being honored, but why is it that Google chose that very day to post this "honor", when one can see those white eyes in the black darkness, and any black sensitive to this,  will notice this right away and ponder just what is really be said by the powers that be who funded this and created this.
Cartoon subjects just do not happen. It is Mockingbird funded and corporate why today in this continued Obama coup is this drama looking like the old stereotype comedy from the Carol Burnett Show in her doing a southern white drama talking about "those white eyes in the dark in all she could see of that nigger".

Google just happens to "honor" the 46th Anniversary of Star Trek.............why of course we all know of the worldwide honor for marking things on the 46th year......that alone should send off the red alert that someone decided to put big ole white eyes on freaks of nature.

Star Trek made it onto television and syndication because of it's new world order message of a united planet earth. It was Mockingbird in generation and scope, and was dumbed down in the following movies and series as children were so brain incapacitated they apparently could not figure out everything was reruns with only new foreign faces commanding Americans.

It returns in this though to Google. Why create artwork which has NOTHING to do with Star Trek characters in exaggerated white eyes and big blops of black hair.......when Kirk did not have black hair and Spoc did not have a frock which was negroid straightened, unless of course someone was saying something racist.

46th not buy it. So what is Google really trying to sell in BLACKLASH as this blog predicted would take place with this Chinoid Barry Chin.

Why does this Conservative Christian blog have to do the job of the NAACP and Eric Holders Justice Department in calling attention to this racism in the Age of Obama in this abyss ?

agtG 248

Google Racism