Sunday, September 2, 2012

Jacob's Ladder

I Am What I Am and I Will Be What I Will Be


What if the tetragrammation of God's spoken Name, the Name when spoken, as Solomon speaks of in this is not just a Name, but a Presence which activates when speaking It, that as the Psalms are a frequency of invoking sounds as much as the spoken word, that the Name of God is so very much more in substance, in this Name to not be activated in vain, is as the Tree of Life, Letters in Motion which assemble and reassemble, exactly the way the Bible speaks of different focal points depending on the readers situation or maturity in life, because the Bible is a Living Word as Christ is the Living Thought of God, which is in constant motion to new focal points.

What if these letters are Sacred Geometry in exact meaning with Photonic Physics melded in, meaning as in the core base of all matter and elements, the electrons, neutrons and protons are in constant motion assembling and disassembling to form greater unions.
In layman's terms, this is gravy, pudding or grease in scope in one can take oil and water which will not mix, but by adding the yolk of an egg, which is open ended in having a velcro attraction on one end to water and the other end attracting oil, creates a new metaphysical component called mayonnaise. Either or and neither nor, and yet it is, as the human body and human soul, two diametric opposites yet inhabiting like space becoming one.

In Salvation there is Law and Grace. Law is a substance proven by deeds, and the rewards are those proven by what one does. Yet in Grace there is a substance of Faith which is proven only by Belief in what can not be  witnessed or seen.
Good deeds alone do not Save, but the actions prove in the physical that which is unseen in the Spiritual. Both are rewarded, and both are not exclusive, but are inclusive in the same realm or reality. They both can exist independently, but only the Spiritual Grace can Save alone, but it is Salvation proven by Confession, Profession and Expression. The manifestation of the Spiritual in the physical.

YHWH is a geometric Word. It is by Will put into motion as the Babylonian Jew's mystery kaballah, a thought process which drives the human mind insane for it has no boundaries without God's Spirit guiding. This Word is based in the Male, the Living, the Breath, the Being. This is the image of the Creation of Adam and the female progression of Eve.

Those letters are in motion, and assembling in the Way of Life. They are the Spiritual DNA declaration of God. By YAWEH, there is no mystery in pronunciation in this I AM, for the resonant thought and will activates Thee Thought and Will Who are God in the Trinity of the Elohim as that is what the Name means God has chosen in the God Family of His Person is so Alive that His Thought and Presence are Living.

In either Israelite Anglo Saxon or Sons of Isaac English or Hebrew in reflection Israelite, the letters are as Babel or Bethel, in the Gate to being God or the Angelic Ladder connecting Heaven and earth in Jacob's Ladder or the zuggarat, in the Golden Spiral.
These letters are in motion spinning, forming, searching and melding. These letters when laid out in single dimension, secondary dimension, third dimension or progressing, form the spirals of DNA which transform the square to all geometric designs as the Tree of Life performs, in the square, triangle, pentagon and all others, become in motion the circle, Circle of Life.

God by His Name reveals He has open chain molecules of Light which transform all to Life. This is not long chains as in gravy, pudding or grease, but the basic building block of Life as these Letters all interact with open points to build a stronger bond to those who will be drawn to this Union.

Every point in this becomes a building block. There is a reason in this that the YHWH has two "H" principles in  being signature 4 in points, along with the Y in three and one points, and the W exhibiting the commonality of one and 5 points.
In these letters, we have the basic of the geometry of the square and the triangle, which in angular pattern of W and Y produce the pentagram and all other forms. The infinite joining becomes the finite of patterns, as repetition begins in laying out the harmonic grid.

1 point, three point, four point and five point, are thee exact base numbers and in combination produce all other numbers, including perfect seven.

This is a cunning work, without beginning or without end, it simply IS.

Even for example if one takes the dark matter or the spaces between the letters assembled in W and Y joining, what appears in assembly will be a reflective W showing original source code.

Yes this is all Lame Cherry Inspired exclusive and is of the mysteries the human mind can not fathom. It is all in these signature patterns of number, vanishing and focal points and geometric shapes all forming a frequency which records, speaks and is will in motion.

The straight W becomes the angular curve. The Beauty of the assembly of both in one personification of Being.

This Name is in perpetual motion while being at Rest.

agtG 318Y