Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The evil left wing Cicada

Recently, I was attacked by a cicada. It was completely uncalled for and quite malevolent.

This is not the first time I have been buzzed by one, as nearly two decades ago, an cicado launched from a Sweet 16 apple or was it some Roman type, I forget now as the bunnies at so many of them off over the years, but this cidada launched as I was walking past in a quite sick and hurt condition, to which I had to duck and become more hurt to get away from this monster insect.

That is why when this last cicada surprised me, it simply covered the 6 feet as I was helping my Mom up a step, and being carnivore, and in evading the sudden trajectory, turned my head, and was greated by this massive wallop in my ear which almost stunned me.
It did stun the bug though, as it lit under my pick up........and I do not know if I would have stomped on the thing or not, but I do know it hurt, and I do know I like cicadas.

I had just in the past two weeks been on safari in America, and invested a great deal of time in pursuing them in nether places of cicada haunts, as they are such appealing bugs which draws the adventurous child in me.
There were hundreds of these insects sounding like a Star Trek troglodyte episode when Spoc commanded, and it was so interesting to behold them in their beauty and rather dinsosaur age cumbersome appearances.

I do know that a rather large wasp hunts them and caches them for it's young larva, but it is hardly a reality that I would be mistaken for a wasp or WASP Woman, some superhero know the racist stereotype of White Anglo Saxon Protestant, that liberals love to hate along with all minorities.

So this made me ponder as my ear was throbbing for sometime in the canal, and later as I do like cicadas, but they seem to be creatures who at times are quite malevolent to humans. I do not know of a history of humans consuming cicadas, as they do locusts in Indian lore after roasting them, as these cicadas seem quite large and hard, and one could not make a surround and eat them...........and I suspect they probably are horrid tasting or birds would chew on them in mass in pecking at them for protein.

This makes me wonder who cicadas then hate humans, as there really is no need for it, a surely the ticks, mites, flies and mosquitos could attest in billions of satisfied customers with spiders what a delightful time they have in eating humans and their blood.
Therefore some cicadas must be some sort of insect sociopath, meaning they just enjoy attacking humans for no other reason than cicadas are malevolent bugs.

I had some mud dobber wasps who got aggressive and I had quite a hunt for them in putting out mud for them to gather, and then lurking with a can of raid, as they would spot me, prepare to launch to sting me, but I would hit them with Raid, the stuff with either in it, to zonk them into the forever sleep.
Other than that, one spider I rolled on in sleep, which bit me 12 times and left a golf ball size welt on my back, and my glands swelled due to venom........the apparent blood clotting type, I rather get along with bugs.

Yes in playing with ants when young they bit me, but I stopped playing with ants after being savaged.........but I really do have spiders in my home I keep which do not bite me, as they are in webs, have babies and I at times feed these monster spiders which can be 3 inches across.

It all works out well with me and the critter bugs. That is why I conclude some cicadas are just  vicious and prey upon humanity in being a sort of suicide bomber of sorts in flying like a missile at human heads.

This kind of thing can not be tolerated as these maniac cicadas might decide to buy firearms and go on a shooting spree and blame gun owners.  Then what if they develop nuclear weapons, yes then we will all be in trouble as one 3 AM call and the cicada nukes will be flying.

Some bugs can not be trusted with freedom. They abuse liberty and have no idea of the weight of being in charge of things, and pretty soon are off in Libya, Egypt, Syria doing all sorts of things, and soon the other bugs in Israel are getting blamed for things, and bugs in America are set free with West Nile by Syrian and Iranian bugs, and the next thing you know some American bug is out biting some other bugs with those nuclear weapons.......and there is nothing worse than bugs with nuclear weapons.

Well there is, as those crickets at midnight under a 300 pound dresser really are worse than nuclear weapons, but no one seems to make  treaties disarming crickets of their fiddle sticks.

I believe the United Nations should pass laws for the control of Mormon crickets and Indonesian gnats as they seem to have caused a great deal of problems for humanity. Perhaps they could get some kind of cicada tribunal to prosecute the rogue cicadas as in observing them, they did seem quite amicable and law abiding in their own habitat.

It certainly would assist in this, as being attacked every decade by a mean bug is not something any human should ever have to endure.

I did say out loud though in studying them that it would be fun to have a 410 shotgun, get them up to fly like a grouse, and then see if one could bag them with 12 shot. Great sport, but I suppose PETA would be unpleased, although pleased to make more money in protecting cicadas........but the police might not like me shooting insects in their cities, although I would be more than happy to have them join in.

Now that I think about it, that last cicada hit me in the left ear and then flew off to my left, and the first one which attacked me flew off to my left too. Yes these must be community organized cicadas gone hoodie, although I did not witness any hoods, but there could have been.......

Yes these must be evil left wing cicadas........yes a vast evil left wing cicada conspiracy.
