Thursday, October 18, 2012


This blog was first to expose the reality of Candy Crowley had coordinated with the Obama 2012 election campaign in the second debate over the ANALGATE issue in which she had deliberately prompted Mr. Obama several times in literally lying for Mr. Obama in cutting off Mitt Romney.

There is though a reality in this which is much deeper than this and will be first reported in matter and anti matter exclusive here.

What Candy Crowley was making up for was the Andersen Cooper outing of Obama in the anal dairies of Chris Stevens when CNN was in the US embassy and the FBI was holed up in Tripoli waiting for the Obama cleaners to get rid of all the evidence in the hostage taking episode he had staged against Ambassador Stevens and three others for a grand Obama rescue.

The drunken press at the Obama debate only foreshadowed their boisterous cheering and jeering of Obama asking Mitt Romney about his finances and taxes. The reality is thee entire press corp at the debate had been spying on Romney and feeding David Axelrod intelligence, ever since team Romney had fed false debate information to Obama spies which set up the first Obama implosion.

Barack Obama KNEW what the questions were going to be, because team Obama had so loaded the occupants of that debate with their hand puppets, that thee exact questions were known and Candy Crowley by her performance in giving Obama 9 minutes more time and cutting off Mitt Romney, sealed the bias which should have her, and thee entire press corp fired over this.
Obama was able to fight this to a draw only, only because he had been given all the answers.

The Ambassador Stevens question was a set up. Crowley KNEW of the Obama admission of knowing this was a terror event at the Rose Garden, but you will notice NO ONE IN THE PRESS reported one iota of this, but let it sit knowing Mitt Romney would make an issue of it, and sucker punch Mr. Romney with it.

Obama's Freudian slip in the "terrorist" event quote was not aimed at Benghazi but all terror events, but as in all things Obama his left brain right brain can never help blurting things out, including he is a Filipino national when speaking to the President of the Philippines.

Obama was in direct contact with these "terror donors" as this was the same group who donated to him in 2008 illegally. Obama has been handing over Muslim nations to these communists and Syria is the lastest 30,000 dead step in this process of paying back that 300 million dollar bribe, you got stuck bailing out in TARP.
Obama's Libyan terrorists were supposed to just take hostages and be surprised when Obama sent the SEALS in to murder them. Trouble was the same connected groups which murdered TEAM SIX arrived and decided to pay back Obama a bit more, and that is the chatter which intelligence picked up, and is why CIA and DOD have been absent on this.

Obama did his worst to intimidate Christians with this ANALGATE over that Muslim video, for 2 weeks. This is ANALGATE, and now in CANDYGATE, which this blog exclusively exposed first, Candy Crowley with thee entire press corp at that event has been spying on Mitt Romney and assisting Mr. Obama in this set up of Mitt Romney.

This is not just unethical, it is criminal, because 4 Americans were assaulted and murdered in Libya, and Candy Crowley and her press corp literally not only covered up information in this in not turning it over to FBI, but have assisted in subverting an American election in setting up Mitt Romney on these questions.

People go to prison over these types of stolen data from campaigns as Richard Nixon's people did in the past. This is a matter then not of just people who should be fired, but literally Candy Crowley should be looking at felonies along with this cheering jeering press mob, AND THE OBAMA PLANTS IN THAT AUDIENCE WHO NUMBERED IN THE HUNDREDS, are coup plotters and should be indicted in high crimes against these United States with sentences of 20 years to life.

This is not some small thing which was engaged in, in Debate 2. This was a violation of the RICO Act in an organized criminal conspiracy and Candy Crowley and Barack Obama led it.

It is obvious to all now that Mr. Obama was fed questions and was waiting for the traps to be sprung. It was all staged and the worst of it, is Obama could only work out a draw even while cheating and having thee entire press corp spying for him.

What literally has taken place is a mass murder orchestrated by B. Hussein Obama in the cover up of ANALGATE, and now in the press subversion with Mr. Obama of Debate 2, one has a criminal cover up in what is CANDYGATE.

This can not be condoned in America and it is beyond shameful the powerful and rich gay groups are not defending Chris Stevens and joining in this cover up of mass murder in what is a new criminal charge of CANDYGATE.

That entire cheering press corp was in on this set up of Mitt Romney. They knew Obama was going to make that line, just like the plants in the audience were not paying attention to Obama until the lines they knew were coming for them to cheer and laugh at were delivered.

This was Obama Theater and it was criminal in the regime and their puppy press. This is CANDYGATE and is another by God's Inspiration matter anti matter exclusive only found here.

If Mike Gallagher's producer can spot it 12 hours after this blog broke it first at 10:10 pm, October 16th, then you know it is reality my children.

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PS: Some might say that Mitt Romney is trying to defuse this as he does not want it known his campaign fed both Jeb Bush and B. Hussein a decoy set of talking points they both bit on. Romney desires for people to think he won the first debate on his ability alone.

another Lame Cherry Inspired exclusive in matter anti matter afterthought.

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