Thursday, October 18, 2012

Enough of Foster Freiss Frauds

This blog detests these conservative dandies who either have never fired a gun in their life killing anything or buy their hunting done for them.

In saying that, this is about Mike Gallagher being invited to South Dakota, the other Um Dakota according to Rush Limbaugh and for Mark Levin, that would be the other South Dakota that Minnesotan's can hear broadcasts out MG was invited for a freebie hunt by Foster Freiss the billionaire.......

You know about Festus, he is the rich Wyoming squatter who would not even bother replying to his blog, as he is too liberal Aspen Institute in buying Romney and Ryan......likes that Dickhead D'Souza too with his 2016 plagiarizing movie for bloggers and who was saying America was responsible for 9 11.

Anyway, back at the ranch and I'm pissed about  this, as  Gomer Gallagher gets invited and this bird does not even hunt. He whines about poor pheasants and has this head up his ass not knowing anything about life.
So Mike gets told to go out to South Dakota, which he explains is the last place on earth, which really will endear him to those people out there.

Next  they tell him to get waterproof boots and pants.....and Gallagher thinks then that pheasants are water birds and not upland birds. For a clue to Mike Gallagher, the reason one wears waterproof boots and pants IS IT RAINS and not that Chinese ringneck pheasants are ducks.

I do have concerns about this going Dick Cheney, as Dick actually did hunt this location as it is where the big shots all hunt.......unlike good friend Bo Jackson of the NFL who hunts down at the lodge at Winner, another remote place, but really nice stone fireplace.

Anyway I digress........

So this dolt Gallagher starts calling the South Dakota down, GettEEEZZburg which is like Pennsylvania, but in South Dakota the native cowpies say it different in it is Get TESSburg. It is a short E S and not the long E Z which Gallagher would not know as he is like all these conservatives in not knowing a thing about America.

I will educate Mike Gallagher on one other thing and that is the capital is PEER pronunciation of the French not be the Professor on Gilligans Island or the locals will be sure to be thinking you are a dumb ass there Mike.

Now for the reality so Mike does not blow Foster Freiss' head off, even if Freiss does deserve to get shot in the ass for not replying to me, that big A HOLE of Aspen liberal Institute buying Romney and Ryan.

Mike Gallagher does need an NRA hunter safety course for a license, but if the hunt is canned as this is pheasants raised in pens for the Nimrod's to blast, that might be a non issue. Point is hunters like myself sneer at this kind of shooting of birds the dudes like billionaire Freiss pay for.

A real hunter would be armed with a pump shotgun, with a plug in the magazine for 3 shots like for waterfowl. I shoot either handloads of an ounce and eighth 2 shot loaded fast. There is not recoil nor blast with this and it kills pheasants quite lovely at range, as I only shoot wild birds honed by coyotes, coon and fox...........that is raccoon for the racists.

Damned horned owls too and Cooper's hawks..........honed by them.

Any way, Gallagher though should just get a single shot, loaded with Super X and 5 shot with a modified choke as that is about all he will be good for. That way he can only blow his own head off or shoot Foster Freiss in the ass, and nothing much will happen to the bystanders.

I would get a nice pair of Rocky Mountain Boots as they are light. A pair of blue jeans, over chaps for wet, and baseball type cap and a canvas coat, and he will need some orange so Ralph Reed doesn't abort him with a 20 gauge.

Oh Mike, you probably should shoot a 12 as it is a hunter's gauge, but knowing you, you will probably wuss out for the 20.........I like 2 3/4 loads in my pheasant hunting.....preference Winchester, Remington and then Federal.......Feds run hotter usually.

As far as dogs......leave them alone Mike in their business. You will probably wince in them slobbering and things, so do not grab the birds from them and ruin the dog in the fetching. You will probably get spurred by a cock pheasant too, and that would hurt your hand, so just let the professionals touch the dogs and handle the birds. It would be better if you just stayed in the lodge, along with Foster, and the rest of the girls, and let real hunters do the job, but then you lillies will of course all pretend you are hunters.

You will run into preachers lice, niggers lice, cockleburrs and burdocks......all plants that stick you and the burn weeds have things to get into your eyes. You will probably have some shooting glasses on like a puss, so that should not be a problem.

Shooting skeet is not like shooting with a coat you will catch the butt of the shotgun on things.....and you will probably have your finger on the trigger with the safety off too as you are an idiot..........Foster should have donated to my blog before you kill him with an ass shot of lead 5's.

South Dakota has hell for wind. Your weekend should be relatively calm though for that state.

Am thinking.......oh Mike, do not take passing shots of right to will miss of course. Just wait for the pheasants which explode under your feet and fly straight away and then shoot them in the ass.
Most pheasants fly at a 30 degree angle, so just pull out about a foot in front of their head and pull the trigger. Should kill most of what you are dealing with.

Be careful eating the birds others eat, as lead shot busts teeth. This ain't chickens we are dealing with from Tyson.

I really would like to be there in showing you children how to kill pheasants. Is not much sport in it, and is why I do not hunt them often any more, as I do not get terrified of them exploding up under my feet any more. Is just a matter of killing them and the treat is watching the dogs work as hunting dogs are the happiest creatures of the canine world in  being fulfilled.

I do detest Mike Gallagher though in his poor pheasants and his whining about things. It is hard enough to keep gun rights without that A HOLE saying things like that in public. It is an ordeal if he knew cock pheasants root hen pheasants out of roosts in cold snowy weather so they die  and the cocks live.
It is a fact that it requires only one cock to fertilize 50 hen pheasants, and cropping them helps the flocks.

........and for goodness sakes Gallagher do not shoot the hens even if it is a canned hunt.

I hope Foster Freiss and Gallagher get arrested and throne into Indian prison. Be good for them to teach them the finer things of South Dakota.

To waste birds and hunting on Mike Gallagher.........Foster Freiss is what is wrong with America.

The Foster Freiss Frauds of Conservatism.
